
7 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info

Full Name:


Other Names:

Caesar, QX or QX-87


Male (he/him)


Ace, demi/grayromantic




Synthetic human clone


One in a Million

Creation Date:

January 11th 2016


Clones exist to be useful. Raised with 99 other copies of himself, 87 sees no reason not be content with his lot in life until a vigilante takes out the entirety of Freight-QX-100 – except for him. Utterly alone and reliving his deaths over and over in his head, QX-87 is picked up days later on the side of the road when a military officer comes to retrieve the lost weaponry. It takes weeks and many pep-talks, but eventually QX comes into his own as an individual.

QX leaves Fort Austen with the intent to avenge his unit. Somewhere between a betrayal, a police chase, and a prison break, QX loses track of this goal and ends up picking up the odd bounty hunting job with his third partner in crime, Adrian.

He is quiet and, at least at first, overly trusting thanks to his upbringing, and lacks a bit of common sense that he was never taught. Heaven forbid he talk back, or express an opinion on a matter. After his first traveling partner betrays him and turns him in, QX is incredibly secretive about his origins as a clone. He refuses to remove his jacket around anyone, regardless of injuries or weather, and does his best to avoid exposing his background - even if it means blatantly saying so.

Social Connections

Adrian - bounty hunting partner
Commander Aldricht - adoptive dad
Lieutenant Barnacles - adoptive dad
Gabe - "brother", other surviving clone

World Context

Lore coming eventually?

> 6' 0" exactly

> Clones are raised in a manner that maximizes useful skills and attempts to mature them as fast as possible so they can be useful sooner. It is expensive to make a set of clones, so the sooner they can get to work, the better. For example, QX-87 can’t read, but he has impeccable balance, physical control and spacial reasoning, and is quite strong for his size.

> none of note yet

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