


6 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name:

Commander Aldricht


Male (he/him)








One in a Million

Creation Date:

January 13th 2016


One of the higher-ups residing in Fort Austen, Commander Aldricht. He may be a military man but he has a bit of a bleeding heart and believes very strongly in the value of life and independence: serving the faction is his method of protecting people's right to that. He takes careful care of his assigned officers and has admittedly taken quite a shine to Lieutenant "Barnacles," a tech specialist, though his position makes him hesitate on inquiring further.

Aldricht is the one who finds QX-87 alone and frozen on the side of the road, driving out to finally inspect the wreckage left behind from the Death's Head gang trashing their weaponry shipment. The two days it takes for his superior to return from business is enough for him to get attached to the traumatized clone and he doesn't take so well to the order to "put it down" - instead, he (maybe inadvisably) tries to pep-talk it into independence and shouldn't be as shocked as he is when it goes missing with one of his guns.

Aldricht and Barnacles bond more than either of them expected over their renegade clone, and while he's gone they have an incredibly cheesy gay love story. By the time QX is shipped back, they're ready to be ride-or-die for their weird surrogate son, and leave the base branded traitors for defying direct orders. Bittersweet, maybe, but they have each other now.

He's down-to-earth, but has a whimsical side and a suppressed desire for a family. Aldricht left his behind when he enlisted, and the sister he sustained contact with has died, and ever since he's felt rather alone. At the end of it all, though Aldricht may never admit it, he's more loyal to his men than to The Man and interpersonal loyalties are his guiding code.

Social Connections

Barnacles - boyfriend
QX-87 - its free son

World Context

Lore coming eventually?

> 5' 8" tall

> Aldricht is an avid firearm enthusiast and has a lot of pretty ridiculous guns in his collection
> He's got a bigass motorcycle, though he doesn't have much reason to use it at the base
> Unlike most officers on-base, Aldricht has a modest little apartment in the walls and lives there instead of the barracks

> none of note yet

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