

No Universe name Yet

Do you know where Master is at~?.

Name Zellay Trigella

Birthday/Age November 13th (Age: 32)

Gender Female

Species Great White Shark Humanoid

Sexuality Straight

Height 7"0"

Occupation Maid

Reletives Uziel Taugner (Master)

Zane (Cousin)

Weapon Axe (Named Fin)"

Attribute Can breath in air for half of the day

LOVES meat

Smell blood miles away

Zellay Trigella used to be a maid in some far away land who serves her Master there. Time has passed since her Master has gone missing and now she has slowly drove to insanity.



Zellay Trigella, is 7ft tall and has a fin on top of her at the very center. She has pure black Sclera around her pure dark red eyeballs with a constant sharp smile to her. She has a huge tore up looking tail due to the past fights she has gotten into with some blood stains on her skin there and there. Also, a beauty mark under her right eye.

She usually wears a torn up maid outfit, the same one when she used to serve her Master. A maid cap that her fin goes through on her head, two different bows depending the time she was with her Master. A shark looking one when she was with her Master and a Simple bow with black ends and a red in the middle after her Master went missing.

Weapons she does hold are the main one being her Axe named Fin. The only friend she knows and talks to sometimes if no one is around her. The Axe is not alive but only the voices in her head is talking to her. The other two being a simple dagger and unknown green liquid in a test tube.


Insanity. If she sees you, you WILL get hunted down by her. But rarely if you do somehow can talk to her without being killed. She is somewhat kind but a bit unsettling to be with. Always goes straight to the point.

In the past before her Master went missing, she was very kind. Always love helping around the mansion and super flerty to her Master. Maybe a little too much but other than that, loved to help others.


Back Story

Zellay Trigella is a maid for her Master and her duty was to always take care of him and to protect him at all cost. She was very much royal to him and was secretly in love with him. She always tried to be with him every possible time while doing her job as a maid and her master never really noticed her taking a crush on him. While she was inside of her pool to absorb some water, she heard her master scream and immediately came rushing to the sound of where he screamed at and when he came to the source of the sound with the other maids. What was only left was bits of blood on the floor with no trace of where he could of have gone to. All the maids were in shock and scared of what could of had happen to him while for Zellay she went back into her room to cry about her master being gone missing. After a day of staying in her home, she decided to leave her home and go searching for him while keeping a photo of him and herself together to always be reminded of him. She grabbed her axe and knife and went off searching while waving goodbye to the other maids in hopes that Zellay will find him.

Zellay soon realize that she won't go anywhere too fast without needing water after every few hours on land and decided to go to a certain forest witch that she had heard about that could might help her in this problem that she has. After a few hours of walking and taking breaks in pool of water to breath. She finally found the witch's house and payed her a visit to ask about her breathing air problem. The witch mistaken her for someone's familiar at first and questioned of why she needed water but Zellay ignored her confused question about her and told her that she needed some spell to be able to breath in air longer without taking breaks every time. The witch goes to her books to find a sort of spell that will help Zellay with her problem and than cast a spell that allows her to breath air MUCH longer without water for a whole week each time she rests in a body of water for at least a day. Zellay thanks the witch very happily and went off back to her journey.

After many... MANY years of searching. She started to go insane, forever looking for her master while killing people along the way thinking that they could of done something to her master. Even gave an axe a face and called it Fin. She also been thinking that Fin needed food as well to survive and goes on killing someone that she first sees just to feed her axe. She always have in mind of her Master and is never going to stop on her journey until she finds him. She even goes as far as talking to her axe and licking some of the blood off of it when she is feeling a bit hungry. She hopes to find other maids like her that will at least keep her some more company to find her master with them together. Maids gotta stick together while finding their love of their master.

Personal Life

Stats Free time and Job








General stats as how she is like.

Zellay Trigella was a maid of her Master at the time. Used to clean around the mansion and was a leader of the rest of the maids due to her very close connection to their master. After some time, she lost all of that due to forever look for her Master out there in the world.

During her times now, she endlessly walks in an forest to look for her Master while also hunting for food to be kept alive. Everyone now knows her as some sort of myth to tell their kids to not stay up too late or the big bad shark will eat you.


Meat loving shark.


  • Master.
  • Fin (Axe).
  • Other maids.
  • Sharks.
  • Bows (hair bow).
  • Meat.
  • Swimming.
  • Hunting down prey.
  • Blood.


  • Unkillable beings.
  • Whales.
  • Bad potions.
  • Octopuses.
  • Non-maids.
  • Spears.
  • Being dry.


  • She always love living dangerous, even by marrying a fire Wizard that can easily kill her.
  • Zellay loves to see other maids thinking that they are also searching for master as well. Only way to get to her good side.
  • Zellay best friend is her Axe (Fin). Would never leave without him.
  • She loves seeing other sharks, especially her own kind!
  • Any meat is good for her, don't care what it is as long as it's meat she will eat it.
  • The only other way to get to her good side is beating her in a fight. She will go all out at any fight if you aren't a maid or a shark like her.
  • She mainly takes care of her socks and shoes to not be bloody. Her maid outfit she don't mind about.
  • Her bow is designed to somewhat look like an Orca due to her killing one at least in her life due to being lucky at the perfect time.
  • Any kind of water is fine for her resting in. Salt or not.


Loves this man to death. Would do anything for his love and attention. So desperate for him that he bascially ruined his whole life just to see his beautiful face once more.

Zane, ??.

Her cousin that she would never fight. She might of almost attacked him there and there due to his short size of a shark but never actually harmed him. She knows that he cares for him and he cares for him. Always has a sharks back.

Kosra, 36.

Dosen't know who she is for sure but does know that she is an Orca and is clearly stronger than her. Have fought a few times but those were just lucky that she is still alive.