
3 years, 5 months ago



No Universe name Yet


Name Dunt Boukon

Birthday/Age June 6 (Age: 66)

Gender Male

Species Demon/Human

Sexuality Straight

Height 6"0"

Occupation Servant to Solar

Reletives Ikel (Daughter)

Rosie (Ex Girlfriend)

Attribute Invincible

Weak to holy energy


Dunt Boukon is a demon who been kicked out from the Demon World and now is currently living with Solar.



Dunt Boukon, is 6ft tall with horns that start off black at the bottom but slowly goes up to being a nice brown. Has pure grey eyes with a messy style of hair of lacking care for it.

He wears a nice suit and red pure blood tie with a chest pocket holding a small knife for self defense. Has a few pockets around his shirt and pants. Pants also going all the way down to his shoes. He also wears pure black boots with red straps and gold chains.


A very lazy personality that just loves to be an asshole to everyone. Just by doing nothing or ignoring them. Is a bit rude while also just messing with people to see what makes them tick.


Back Story

Dunt Boukon's original home was in another world full of demons of many different shape and sizes of how they look and what they do. Dunt's place there was just to mess with other demons there. Dunt is one of a few very rare Demon's there who aren't able to die so easily by stabbing, exploding, getting shot, etc. The only way he can die is by getting attack constantly by holy type items which there are luckily none in this sort of world. Anyways, Dunt's original job was to deliver human items to the god/king of this world when he does find them out on the streets in the area but in one day, Dunt decided that he wanted to pull a prank on this leader of the demon's. Dunt placed a fake mock up of a cross inside of a box to give it to the lord of the demon's to see his reaction to it. Once he gotten into the palace of the demon's of where the lord of the demons are at. Dunt gave him the gift and quickly hide behind a pillar. The demon lord open up the gift and quickly froze in shock to see the fake cross in it thinking he was about to die but in further expecting it. He soon realize that it was a fake and quickly grab Dunt behind the pillar and drop him in front of his seat.

The lord instantly started to yell at Dunt for pulling off a terrible prank like that and decided to put him into the human world as punishment for pulling a crime like that with no way of getting back to his home world. The demon lord put Dunt's butt in the air and gave him a good kick through the portal and closing it behind Dunt in no way of getting back. Dunt gotten back up and saw that he is inside of a forest somewhere. Without even taking a step, a lady went up to him pointing a gun at him immediately asking if he is a demon. Dunt confused told her that he is infact of a demon and without hesitation, she quickly shoot Dunt in the stomach to test that fact out. Dunt looked at her confused and then she started to act all nice to him by calling him a cutie, and handsome. Her name is Solar and is asking Dunt if he wants to live with her. Knowing that Dunt basically don't have anywhere to live right now so he accepted her offer. Solar gave him a smiling while shooting him a second time and by grabbing him by the arm to quickly ran back to her place. While running back, she told him that she been wanting a demon for some time hearing about them being able to easily take care of a ghost. Dunt being confused about this fact just accepted that he can take down a ghost without a sweat while he tries to cover up the holes that Solar gave to him.

Solar burst through her own door then quickly locking it and threw Dunt onto the couch and explained everything about Luna to him and about her wanting that ghost's harp. After explaining all of that to Dunt without giving him a chance to speak, she than told him that he is now living with her for now on and then grabbed him by the hand to the upstairs room next to hers and threw him onto the bed telling him to be comfty there on his new home. Dunt looked around his new room and he sort of likes it here and decided that he will stay with that crazy girl for now on. A few days has passed in his new home while Solar somewhat abuses him with bullets, he decided to find a job somewhere that will suit him well for getting used to this new human world. While looking around, he found a mailing service that he might find fun.

When Dunt enter the room for his review, the owner decided to quickly hire him for the job right off the bat knowing that he is a demon and can easily take on the super risky mailing jobs that he will be doing. Dunt shock but happy, shake hands with him and quickly went off to deliver mail knowing that he can easily mess with people by telling them what inside of the package by leaving a smerky comment about it. Solar does not like him having a job but she can't really do much knowing that Dunt can easily take her on if she does get on his bad side too much.

Personal Life

Stats Free time and Job








General stats as how she is like.

Dunt Boukon "job" is to follow Solar's orders. He only accept this to just live in a nice house that she owns. He dosen't do what she asks him to and it just leads to a bullet in him.

During his free time or just doing his own thing without listening to Solar, he just does whatever and maybe even annoy someone. He does rarely check up on his Daughter to see if she is doing alright or maybe even hang out with his best bud, Fiblood.


A chill time.


  • Other Demon's (except for Rosie).
  • People being pissed off at him.
  • Fire.
  • Other's suffering.
  • Other's being confused.
  • Sneaky.



  • A father of a daughter that received her without even being married.
  • Has a tiny crush on Solar.
  • Can't die but can easily get beaten up badly and will cause him to tire out more and more after every punch.
  • Can only truly die from holy type items or energy.
  • Sometimes becomes a punching bag or a weapon. Mostly receiving the treatment from Solar.
  • Fire is what mainly calms him down if he does get mad.


The women that abuse him to heck and back but man, he still has a bit of a crush on her. He loves hanging out with her and being mad from him. He thinks it's cute.

His daughter that barely anyone knows about due to their not so similar looks to one another from an outside point of view. Sometimes checks up on her if she is doing well when no one is around to keep him being a father a secret.

His Ex girlfriend that took things a little too far and quick during their relastionship. Figured out that she wanted his powers and he instantly dipped out after learning about her secret. Still trying to get away from her to this day.

Fiblood, 27.

His best friend and the gal who knows him very well. Chill gal to hang out with after a rough day of work due to them being able to relate to eachother very well. That Dunt also loves her flames to relax from.