Avran Yannig



3 years, 2 months ago


Betray, belittle, boytoy.
Avran Yannig


secret identity
Phantom Killer

26 y.o


what? (he/they)



1m75 (5'9)



Angry hitman with a heart of gold (?) and a lot of trust issues. A generally decent and even nice person but can get extremely mean if you push the wrong buttons; he will never EVER listen to any orders. Extremely serious about loving his friends. Invested in unions and workers cohesion. Bites. Has the emotional maturity of a teenager. Overall, a brat...

Even if they're twins, Avran has a very different magic potential compared to his brother. He could be extremely powerful, but this energy is antithetical to life itself and consumes him more than it helps him. It's to the point he has trouble seeing himself as his own person rather than an unstable shard of manaa.


Avran grew up with his brother, in the mountains of his homeplanet, raised by the very few people on border control. Their biological parents seemingly abandoned them in the wild and their survival was only thanks pure luck. With a childhood like this it only seems fair that he's so... uncivilized.

Him and his brother Gewen joined their peers in the walking cities when they were young and ended up doing their military service to "fit in" better. His deep contempt for the military and his peers' way of life stems from his time serving their king.

Unfit to live in Vacivarma society, traumatized by the ongoing conflict of their homeplanet... Their god in its almighty kidness (?) decided to send them to Earth since they were having such a hard time. Like some kind of reverse isekai. It was notably regarded as a "bad move" but Avran found that he was much more comfortable on Earth in the end. So much so that he ended up giving up on his king. Stick it to the man!

Even withs all the contempt he holds for the military and his peers, Avran still has a very hard time distancing himself from it.


  • His family
  • Firearms
  • Food (meat especially)
  • Feeling powerful
  • Drawing and playing bass

  • Orders
  • Being treated like a child
  • The military
  • Being watched or stalked

  • He's pretty shy in general. Especially about his art.
  • His phantom killer mask is a traditional mask of his homeplanet.
  • He's a "shatter" of his god, meaning he's part of him as much as he's part of himself. He has identity issues, unsurpsingly
  • He suffers from memory issues and paranoia.

  • He put an illusion spell on his mask, allowing him to appear to have human legs in "phantom killer mode"
  • His scars are honestly constantly changing. He heals fast anyway.
  • He's a buff prettyboy.

Sanctuary III - Michael McCann

What's up danger - Blackway & Black caviar

Saint Bernard - Lincoln

Wonder Girls

Bite the hand - Julien Baker

American Venom - Woody Jackson

Van Horn - saint motel


Gewen brother

Avran's brother. He's very dear to his heart and they often think they couldn't live without one another. Avran has sworn to protect him.

Hasmodel boyfriend

Avran loves his boyfriend very much. He has the patience of a saint wich is... definitely required when dealing with Avran.

The King ex-boss

Avran deserted the army of his god and king, now they despise each other. Deep down, since one is a part of the other, it's hard for them to completely hate one another. They won't admit it though.

Auréline Solanacée friend/colleague

Avran helped her out during a rough time in her life and she repays them by treating them like the annoying little sibling of the groupchat.

Fusilli friend/colleague

The mom friend of their crew. Actually knows what she's doing for once. ALSO treats Avran like a little brother but he respects it coming from her.

Edwood du Chèvre insufferable boyfriend

Avran thought being THIS annoying was impossible... but that was before he met Edwood. They care about each other but for the love of all that is holy, he wants to punch him in the face.

Logan celtchar reluctant allies

Sure, they tried to slit each other's throats for months but changing it up could be nice. Couldn't it...?


If there is one person in the world Avran would do anything to kill, it's Karl. He hurts him just to get to his boyfriend, Hasmodel. Doesn't he have more interesting things to do?

Marlin Neimmaerin ex boyfriend

They are petty exes. Marlin cares too much about his career and his own self. Avran is way too reckless and labor-intensive. They're both pretty shitty in general.

Ergot ally

Apparently this extremely powerful fae has taken a liking to Avran. Avran doesn't know why, how or when but he's pretty pleased about it.

Kasai Friend

They are rat friends. Proably currently chasing squirrels together.

Balthazar Loupe "i don't wanna talk about it"

HOW did this shitty, slutty, incompetent, attractive, unprofessional detective manage to find out his secret identity??? HOW????? This is absolutely unnaceptable. Unfortunately, he cannot kill them, or Avran will be put at risk of being found out by everyone. Fuck.