poisson-chat (๐Ÿž)



3 years, 4 months ago


poisson chat

the basics

nickname poipoi
pronouns she/they
job pastry chef
theme song


Sheโ€™s a cozy and friendly pastry chef who is well-known throughout the district. Being cheery like that has its perks! They spend most of their time baking stuff or admiring the fish in the store across the street. Sheโ€™s not great at making money, since she so often treats her many friends to her pastries. For that reason sheโ€™s always borrowing money, and hardly makes enough to pay it back. Fortunately some of her friends also cook! So she doesnโ€™t go hungry! But theyโ€™re always on the verge of trouble, and it doesnโ€™t seem like theyโ€™ll get out of that any time soon.


skills & abilities

skill name
Instantly the wounded goddess pushed her son away; but the scratch had pierced her deeper than she thought and even Venus was at first deceived.

skill name
Delighted with the beauty of the youth, she does not think of her Cytherian shores and does not care for Paphos, which is girt by the deep sea, nor Cnidos, haunts of fish, nor Amathus far-famed for precious ores.

skill name
Venus, neglecting heaven, prefers Adonis to heaven, and so she holds close to his ways as his companion, and forgets to rest at noon-day in the shade, neglecting care of her sweet beauty.