Hazel Faulkner (Pokemon AU)



3 years, 19 days ago


Hazel Faulkner

Owned, designed by Sky Infinity.

Hazel Faulkner

黒崎 あつこAtsuko Kurosaki

"Be careful what you wish for. It just might come true."
Age 7 (as Fairytale Girl Hazel)
16 (as Rogue Hazel)
19 (present day)
Birthday Aug 21
Gender Female
Eye color Yellow
Hair color Purple
Hometown Canalave Town
Region Sinnoh
Trainer class Fairytale Girl, Rogue, Plasma Advisor
Member of Plasma (Reluctantly)
Rank Advisor
Specializes in Counseling, support, sabotage

Hazel (Japanese: あつこ Atsuko) is a runaway psychic who is seldom seen by the general public. She always seems to be involved in trouble from not just the authorities, but criminal organizations as well due to her involvement in thwarting them. Hazel travels alongside the mythical Pokémon Darkrai. She possesses a keen talent for mind reading, and uses it to her advantage when battling or during negotiations.


Hazel, when first met, starts off as innocent and coy. She is like this to avoid confrontation at first. But when that is not an option, Hazel isn't above manipulating and negotiating her way around things. Almost every encounter with Hazel, she treats like a game where she has something to win or lose.

Hazel is especially observant of her enemies; while she is around someone Hazel perceives as a threat, she is very quiet and becomes an active listener. She will still act as subtle as the other person perceives her as to minimize any suspicion that she is listening too intimately, while minimizing any unnecessary mental strain on herself while she is mind reading.


Hazel is seen wearing different outfits each time. Usually the changes in outfits are disguises to fit in with her surroundings. But what is consistent is her signature shoulder-length cloak, and short skirt. Typically, Hazel's outfits are gothic in style, or reminiscent of a storybook adventurer. But Hazel also has outfits that match different organization uniforms as a means to infiltrate their bases, or interact with grunts.


Early Life in Sinnoh

As Hazel grew up near the Canalave Library, Hazel has always obsessed over the stories of people and Pokemon. Always being fond of their relationship and how power manifests from their bonds, or lack thereof. Acutely aware of Sinnoh's history and legends, Hazel soon wished to meet a real legendary or mythical Pokemon with her own two eyes.


The Canalave Library

Hazel was primarily raised by her father, who wished to show her the knowledge of the world and its functions. While her mother wished for her to inherit a legacy. A legacy of devotion to Arceus. which Hazel wanted nothing to do with, as she personally found herself unfit for the job, and would rather not exactly devote her life to particularly anything. She only wished to explore the world and what it had to offer. Thus siding with her father in a family conflict Hazel knew nothing of.

At the height of the disagreement and family feud, Hazel found herself under constant scrutiny by her mother. Which lead to her father wishing to move out to Kalos with Hazel. However, during their attempted escape, their mother caught whim of the escape plans, and challenged her father to a battle. A battle which her father wanted Hazel to be no part of, and told her to run and he would catch up to her later. Hazel did, but upon looking back, found her home ablaze in the distance.

No matter how long Hazel waited, her father would not emerge, and only one Pokemon made it out of those fires to catch up to her. It was a Charcadet that belonged to her mother, and was a little brother of her Armarouge. Hazel was wary of it at first until it expressed heavy distress at the possibility of Hazel being all alone. Hazel allowed the Pokemon to wait with her, but fearing the incoming authorities, Hazel fled further with Charcadet. Until eventually making it out of Canalave City.

It was here where Hazel met a stranded Darkrai, and opted to rescue him from the high tides. The Pokemon was none too happy to be discovered, especially not by a vulnerable human. But Hazel insisted to help him, and Darkrai reluctantly allowed it. After the two shared their circumstances, the pair decided to team up and survive together.

Hazel spent the majority of her life surviving out in the wilderness, as neither her nor Darkrai enjoyed spending rainy nights in the streets of Jubilife City. For the first year of their survival, Hazel and Darkrai lived nomadic lives wandering across the northwestern region of Sinnoh's wilderness, until they settled for living in Eterna Forest. It was during their dwellings here and thanks to Team Galactic's nearby establishment in Eterna City that the pair encountered Team Galactic. None too thrilled about the new obstacles thrown their way, Hazel and Darkrai had no choice but to work their way around them and defeat them, before deciding to cross Mt. Coronet into Hearthome City.


Route 212, where Hazel spent most
of her time training.

It was after Hazel got to Hearthome City and travelled south that Hazel caught her first Pokemon. A feeble Ralts who Hazel offered some of her food to. She offered to take this Ralts with her so it would struggle less to survive, and agreed to come with her. Though since Hazel carried no Pokeballs with her, she had to let it roam free at her side with Darkrai and Charcadet. Who had taken quite a liking to their new companion.

After attending and witnessing a Super Contest in-person, Hazel became more motivated than ever, and told Darkrai she wanted to become a Pokemon Coordinator. She told him she could use that chance to reduce the stigma around the Pokemon, and asked to enroll with him. Darkrai vehemently refused, and reminded her she had other Pokemon who could be more fitting. Dismayed, Hazel left the venue, where she met an abandoned Banette who was left behind by a young contestant around her age. Empathetic of the Pokemon, Hazel picked it up and entered the contest with this Banette instead.

With it, she won a Junior Rank Smart Contest ribbon much to the horror and frustration of Banette's former trainer. It was after it was called the bane of her existence, Hazel told the Pokemon to wear that name with pride, as it was with Hazel that it found victory. Not with her. So the Pokemon agreed to the nickname of "Bane" and made it his goal to continue being an overall nuisance to Hazel's opponents.

After her stay in Hearthome City, Hazel travelled further southeast headed for Pastoria City. The wilderness was at its toughest here, as the rain season only continued. During Hazel's time here, Hazel's Ralts had evolved into a Kirlia. Which Charcadet had taken an increased liking to, and constantly flirted with. However, the feelings were one-sided, and Kirlia was quick to reject Charcadet. Much to Hazel's amusement. It was in Pastoria City where Hazel ran into Team Galactic again, where this time, Saturn and his crew were notified by Commander Mercury that this was the opponent who shut down the Eterna City branch. Hardly believing that a mere child could shut down the satellite station, the claim was almost ignored until Darkrai was mentioned. It was here where Hazel spent much of her time on the run from Team Galactic. But her time fleeing was short lived, as Saturn eventually ambushed her and captured her on Cyrus's orders. But while Hazel narrowly managed to escape with Darkrai, they had a difficult time surviving Sinnoh with Team Galactic constantly after them. Darkrai declared Sinnoh to be no longer safe for the pair, and ordered them to evacuate Sinnoh, which they did.

Exile to Kitakami

Hazel's party found themselves spending long and arduous months in the unknown wilderness. They spent an unknown amount of time living and surviving through uncharted territory before arriving in Kitakami's Timeless Forest.


The Timeless Woods in Kitakami

It was here where Hazel decided to rest from her long journey, and stick around the relatively safer lands. It was here where Hazel met a pair of Pokemon, who would become the newest additions to her party. Hazel stayed in Kitakami for a while longer to train and get stronger, until, feeling guilty that he had taken up so much of Hazel's time and life growing up, Darkrai suggested that Hazel moves back into a more populated region to begin a proper life. Hazel refused, and a rift in their friendship was formed. For a while, Darkrai became more distant from Hazel, and became stricter. Putting more emphasis on Hazel's need to be in a "more human realm" than the wilderness, where Pokemon belonged. Remarking that Hazel didn't have a problem staying in the wilderness, Hazel refused again. Considering herself subhuman, and felt like she fit right in with the Pokemon here. Before she corrected herself and stated that she was lower than even how the worst people thought of Pokemon. Heartbroken by this, Darkrai tried to argue that Hazel wasn't like that, but their turmoil only worsened.

After a long period of silence, and after ending up in Mossui Town as Hazel further travelled south, Hazel began to observe the locals from a distance. She took comfort in the fact that the locals worked together so well with their Pokemon, and aspired to live like that. Wanting to learn more, Hazel approached the locals. But they were wary of the ominous stranger that she appeared as. Discouraged from the comments, Hazel went back into hiding. Where Darkrai reappeared to Hazel, and suggested one last time that she rejoin human society, but in another region. Somewhere where Hazel could start a fresh life. Hazel finally agreed, and the pair departed on another long journey.

Arriving in Unova

After a long period of hitch-hiking to see where she would end up, Hazel found herself in the Unova Region after being dropped off at a train station which would take her there. She arrived at the Gear Station, and was quickly overwhelmed with the bustling city life again. But Hazel was given no time to process anything when she quite literally ran into N. Who explained in an apologetic hurry that he was trying to escape from something, and they had no time before it arrived. Hazel reluctantly followed N as he escaped, but understood the feeling of running away all too well. As twice had she fled from urgent situations. After being lead to the Lostlorn Forest, N explained that Team Plasma was planning on making a resurgence, and was planning on recapturing N. Sympathising with him, Hazel briefly shared her side of the story. But the pair had little time to sympathise with one another until the Shadow Triad caught up to them. They managed to capture N with ease, but struggled with containing the other meddler N found himself with, who told her to flee. Not allowing her to, Hazel found herself on a two-on-one battle with two of the Shadows. Despite her efforts, Hazel was still captured, and the two were apprehended.

After N was brought back, N lamented that Hazel was now roped into Team Plasma's affairs, which Hazel said not to worry about. Reminding him that she had been in a similar situation, and surely there was a way out. N, however, was not so certain. Not from a lack of faith in Hazel's talent, but out of concern from how much more powerful Team Plasma is compared to Team Galactic in his eyes. Before Hazel could disagree, the Shadow Triad returned. Evidently having heard of Hazel from her exploits with Team Galactic, and the trio was ordered to apprehend and keep Hazel, and ensure she would not become a threat to Team Plasma. Shocked by this outcome, but in no position to oppose the three at once, Hazel made no effort to flee, and submitted to her fate.

It was around this time when Darkrai began growing distant again. But not from any turmoil this time, but rather, because of solemn memories that bothered him. Hazel tried to scope answers out of Darkrai, but he wouldn't give any direct answers. He would only mention that he had "regrettable memories" in Unova, and wished things were different. But when questioned again, Darkrai did not specify anything. Not until Hazel found herself at the Marvelous Bridge with her captors, and they encountered the spirit of a little girl. The Shadow Triad did not see anything out of the ordinary, making it apparent that Hazel and Darkrai were the sole witnesses of the ghost. When Darkrai becomes fearful, and Hazel tries to ask what's wrong, the Triad remained oblivious, and rather worried. It was here when Darkrai made a favour to the four to venture somewhere they might not know of. Clueless, Hazel agreed. But the Shadow Triad reminded Hazel that they still needed to attend to their duties in Team Plasma. Still needing to keep an eye on her, however, only one of them accompanied Hazel as she followed Darkrai to where he solemnly lead them to.


The Strange House as shown in
Black2 and White2

Darkrai lead Hazel's party to a strange address where they were initially locked out of. Hazel mentioned the dead end, and offered to turn back, but Darkrai insisted there is something he must investigate there. Hazel asked if he could do it himself, but Darkrai hesitated to answer. Hazel figured that meant they had to continue, and asked the Shadow if he could warp them in. He agreed, and the group ventured into the strange rundown clay house.

The moment they arrived inside the seemingly quiet estate, Darkrai immediately vanished. Leaving Hazel and Shadow to their own devices as they investigated the premises for him. Hazel admitted she had no idea what to look for, and Shadow admitted he was more clueless than she was, so the pair opted to stick together during their investigation. Especially once paranormal activity kicked up around the house. With Hazel being a psychic who very used to ghost types and paranormal activity, Hazel could navigate the place with ease. Shadow, however, continuously got caught off-guard by the sudden, inexplicable movements of things. Hazel figured he'd be fine, as he is a ninja, but he explained that he does not have the talent to sense the paranormal like she can. After a while of navigating blindly, the pair finally encountered the ghost girl again. Afraid and terrified that something was going to happen to her, and all of the house's paranormal activity was a futile attempt to chase Hazel away. As she is the one who brought Darkrai here. It was here where Darkrai explained that this little girl was killed in his nightmares, and that he is here to try and make amends with the restless spirit in hopes that she can peacefully depart from this world. The little girl significantly calms down, and just asks to return the Lunar Wing back to Cresselia. Darkrai refuses to even touch the Lunar Wing, and pawns this task off to Hazel. Who signs and agrees to the task. She apologises to Shadow for the roundabout journey, and asks if he could follow her on that last errand.

After the Lunar Wing is returned, Hazel becomes more withdrawn and reserved as she observes the world around her and the events that come to pass. She loosely focuses on whatever assignments Team Plasma drops on her shoulders, while silently plotting some form of escape. Although she makes no attempt to escape at any time, as she feels as if Shadow is always in on what she's planning somehow. As his job is initially to keep Hazel a non-threat to Team Plasma. Instead, what Hazel does is confronts Ghetsis directly in a duel. Which, much to the Shadow Triad's horror, Hazel comes out triumphant. Having shattered Ghetsis's spirit from that duel alone, she unknowingly halts any of Team Plasma's major activities, much to N's surprise. After the tensions pass, N takes control over Team Plasma back, and enlists Hazel as an official member, which she reluctantly accepts.

Mochi Mayhem

In a roleplay event, Team Plasma finds themselves missing a few members, including some of the higher ranking members one day. It all began when the Shadow Triad decided to make potato mochi for the team and share it. Unbeknownst to them, a mysterious Pokemon had sneaked into the base with the intention to stir up trouble. It had sneaked some purple mochi of its own into the pile, and one by one, the mochi was eaten. Although it was only noticed that members were actually considered missing when Zinzolin failed to report in when summoned that day. It was noted by a few members, however, that the missing members of Plasma were all last seen eating some mochi. None too thrilled by this, and highly doubting that the Shadow Triad of all people would be responsible for their absences, Hazel takes it up on herself.


N and Copper preparing for battle
Sketch by KittyDoesThings

While Hazel dealt with Zinzolin's absence, N and Copper found themselves being attacked by two sibling Plasma Grunts, Aldith and Barret. The pair are behaving strangely at this time, and suddenly attack N and Copper, much to N's horror. N constantly tries to end the battle, as he dislikes the fact that he's battling his comrades already out of nowhere, and he is concerned about the siblings' well being. The pair epeatedly scream out "Mochi" and Plasma puns related to Mochi during battle. Occasionally, the grunts referred to their Pokemon as Mochi instead of by name, much to the Pokemon's annoyance. While Aldith is defeated with ease, Copper is caught off guard by Barret's Bisharp, who N has no choice but to send Zekrom after to protect Copper. Instantly defeating Barret, and ending the battle.

However, instead of ending the incident, after their defeat, Aldith and Barret get back on their feet, and suddenly start performing a strange, hypnotic dance. After their defeat, Aldith and Barret resort to violence, as they tackle N and Copper. After a short struggle, N is forced to incapacitate his two underlings for their safety. But does not do so without feeling guilty of having to fight his own comrades.

While Hazel conducts her investigation, she finds the youngest sibling of the Shadow Triad, and asks if they know anything about the incident. He doesn't verbally respon, but leads Hazel to a separate incident instead. He had found Zinzolin, but he was unresponsive to either of them. The second time Hazel called to the sage, he turned around and began the same aggressive but strange dance that Aldith and Barret did. Much to their horror. Hazel asks Darkrai if this is some kind of prank he pulled, but Darkrai states he had nothing to do with this. The young shadow is amused by the entire situation, but his amusement is short lived, until he's ambushed by another Plasma Grunt. Having no choice but to battle, Hazel teams up with the youngest shadow in a multi battle against Zinzolin and his subordinate.

While this battle concludes, Aldith and Barret get up a third time, and attempt to feed N and Copper the mochi that they had eaten. Apparently they had picked up some spares from the break room, and intended to share with their Pokemon. But after their defeat, the pair seemed strangely fixated on giving these to N and Copper. The former who suggests they run, after clarifying that the Shadow Triad did not in fact, make that kind of purple mochi they held. This leads into a short chase. After the Plasma Grunts almost succeed in capturing Copper, N fights back one last time before helping Copper escape.

N and Copper run into Colress not long after they've escaped. Colress asks N what has gotten him so shaken up, and N explains that they were attacked, and hopes Colress didn't eat any strange coloured mochi. Colress responds by wondering who in their right mind would fall for such a blatant trap. He ponders the situation, before briefly mentioning he can't get a hold of Ghetsis, either. But before they could continue the conversation, Hazel calls N, and explains she had found Zinzolin in this state. Bewildered, Colress suggests that he might be delirious and poisoned, while Hazel suggests he might've been possessed. The disagreement leads to them concluding that a Pokemon is guilty of this incident, and they begin their search again to put a stop to this mayhem once and for all.

Team Plasma and Copper again split up. With Hazel taking the Shadow Triad on an investigation to narrow down and find the culprit, while Colress takes N and Copper to the break room to investigate any remains of the mochi, and potentially find a cure. It is here where they meet up with Ghetsis, who is bewildered by the situation and joins the investigation. Though it isn't long before they are all attacked by Pecharunt, who takes this moment to emerge and throw mochi rings at the group. N and Copper manage to dodge, but Ghetsis is hit, and Colress takes the mochi by mistake while he was still researching the remains he found. Hearing the commotion, Hazel and the Shadow Triad pause their search, but have a lead on Pecharunt already. They rendezvous with the group, only to find Colress and Ghetsis already intoxicated. Shocked by the ordeal, the Shadow Triad are forced to retreat as the two attack. This time, Hazel takes on Ghetsis and Colress alongside Copper, where they easily defeat the two leaders of Plasma by joining forces.

After the defeat, Hazel immediately turns to a now frightened Pecharunt, and goes to capture it. Unfortunately, Pecharunt flees, but not without hitting Hazel in the face with a toxic mochi. While she doesn't eat it, it sends her on enough of a frenzy to command the returning Shadow Triad to go after it. While Pecharunt is fleeing, however, he manages to get a hold of N, and uses him as a shield throughout the chase. Despite getting cornered by the Shadow Triad, they are unable to take down N, and Hazel and Copper again have to step in to battle. The group is triumphant, but only because they have N outnumbered. Finally cornering Pecharunt, Hazel approaches it, and offers it some potato mochi. To which Pecharunt begins to cry, and Hazel asks the released N to talk to it. While this conversation happens, the group is sent away to check on the rest of Team Plasma, and ensure they're all okay.

After ensuring their safety, the leading Shadow points out that N has now been left alone with an enemy, and might be in some trouble. Hazel replies back that this was N's idea, but Shadow admits N might not have the best ideas sometimes. Worried, the group returns, but does not find N where he was. Hazel curses to herself that she had been played at her own game, and the Shadow Triad urges her to calm down. While she does not relax, Hazel does shift tones and asks for their forgiveness, and if they could play along with her cheap tricks for a bit longer. They agree, worried about N's well being, and Hazel one of Pecharunt's own allies to aid in tracking down Pecharunt. After offering Munkidori some potato mochi, she asks the Pokemon how to approach Pecharunt. It replies that they have left a trail, but Hazel deems that to be an obvious trap. So they agree to surprise Pecharunt by luring it back to this corner. In her amusement, Hazel says it'll be a grand reunion, before laughing and walking off. Leaving the Shadow Triad to explain to Copper that their role would be to enforce this ambush.

Unbeknownst to Hazel, Pecharunt had gone back to reunite with its remaining retainers, Okidogi and Fezandipiti to enact revenge on Hazel. For not only ruining its plans, but for apparently having "stolen" one of their friends. In exchange, however, Pecharunt had stolen one of Hazel's own allies, N, and intends to resolve this with a trade, and an apology. Okidogi leads the way by tracking Hazel down. It follows the sound of Hazel's voice, not realizing it is being lead around a trap. Meanwhile, Munkidori uses its psychic powers to toy with the brute as they are lead around. Pecharunt asks if Okidogi is alright, and Okidogi responds with a double thumbs up. Fezandipiti comments on his stubbornness, but the trio persist.

Unable to take Munkidori's attacks anymore, Okidogi collapses from a migraine. Perfectly where the ambush is set to take place. Munkidori reveals himself, and Pecharunt laments that Munkidori is indeed working with the enemy. Munkidori plays coy, and insists he's only playing a game to reunite with the three. Fezandipiti asks why he's working with Hazel, and Munkidori just insists that she was stolen fron the group. After an argument between the Loyal Three, Pecharunt becomes irritated and asks the humans, who it had tricked and are surely tricking it back, to reveal themselves. Munkidori screams, asking why he isn't trusted, but Hazel emerges and reassures Munkidori that he is trusted and loved. He notices N, now wearing a "friendship bracelet" that is, instead, a toxic chain, and asks why he chose to join them. N explains that he sympathised with Pecharunt. That Pecharunt just wanted friends this entire time. Infuriated, but remaining calm, Hazel asks N to clarify his stance. When he does, Hazel declares it is the wrong answer. After poking out the flaws in N's logic, and telling him that he was swindled into sacrificing one family for another, Hazel turns to confront Pecharunt directly. Seeing that she cannot shake Pecharunt's stance, Hazel offers to test their bonds, and begins her ambush. Beginning a fair battle between Pecharunt's group and Hazel's team.

The battle ends in Pecharunt's defeat, and Pecharunt finally lets go of its hold on the King of Team Plasma. It is only just now where it realizes the consequences of its mettling, and realizes N was poisoned too much, and had fallen gravely ill. Pecharunt panics and despairs, but Hazel takes the initiative to continue finding a cure. After freeing N from his suffering, Pecharunt is relieved. Though Hazel remains alert. She thinks about imprisoning Pecharunt and its retainers, under the pretense that they'd all be back together. But Pecharunt, thoroughly afraid of Hazel now, insists on staying with N. But Hazel makes it promise he would not be harmed any longer. After the agreement is made, the incident is over, and the respective teams reunite again.





A mysterious mythical Pokemon that Hazel had encountered very early into her tumultuous adventure.

The Pokemon was discovered off the coast of Canalave City, seeming to have very little memories of his life or how he got here. The Pokemon was wary of Hazel when she approached, but Hazel's patience and kindness towards him had earned his trust. Hazel promised Darkrai that she would find a way to restore his memories, and, come what may, she'd never let him suffer alone. The promise was naive, but the young Hazel didn't find any issues with the statement at the time. After stating Hazel's own circumstances, Darkrai agreed to travel with her and protect her from the threats of her family.

Even after Darkrai's horrific crimes were brought to light, Hazel still kept her promise, and did not judge Darkrai too harshly. Claiming that if he truly was still a wicked Pokemon, then memories or no memories, Darkrai would have done something already. Darkrai agreed, and swore loyalty to his companion as a sign of their friendship.

Darkrai and Hazel later find themselves on the run from Team Galactic, and swear to protect each other and stick together closer than ever now that this happened.




The Cofera Region's Electric Type Gym Leader. A fun trainer that Hazel met in Pasio one day to investigate the case of missing Pokemon attributed to hunters. One of Hazel's first genuine friends. Hazel wishes to get to know him and the Cofera Region better after her business in Pasio is all finished. Hazel runs into Copper more often when she moves to Unova, as the Cofera Region is close to Unova.

After Hazel's official implementation into Team Plasma, Copper seems to find himself dealing with some of Team Plasma's affairs. He does not seem to object, but finds it crazy that he's continuously working alongside them.



N's Battle Sprite

One of the first people that Hazel meets upon arriving to Unova after escaping Sinnoh. Hazel finds N fleeing from Team Plasma's attempts to capture him, and it is here where she is told that Team Plasma is attempting one final last-ditch effort to resume its cruel ways. N laments to Hazel over not being able to control the situation, and asks that he comes with him. However, this results in both of them being captured by the Shadow Triad, albeit with some struggle.

It is here where Hazel is unwillingly roped into Team Plasma's affairs. She hesitantly accepts being a prisoner of sorts to the team, but vows to overthrow the team from within, as some kind of favour to N.

The two of them end up as intermittent rivals, but ultimately end up on good terms when Reshiram appears before Hazel and Darkrai.

The Shadow Triad


Card art of the Shadow Triad

After Hazel and N's defeat and subsequent capture, Ghetsis has ordered the Shadow Triad to keep a close eye on the additional miscreant N had brought with him in his attempt to escape. As a result, Hazel has stayed with them for an unexpectedly long amount of time, with the thinly veiled illusion of freedom that Hazel knew wasn't freedom at all.

In her time serving as Team Plasma's captive, Hazel had to work with the Triad on a number of missions, much to all of their dismay. The three do not seem to work too well with their spontaneous captive, and Hazel does not seem to understand their methods whatsoever. In spite of this, Hazel has a pleasant relationship with the individuals, and can even tell the three of them apart. One of them seems to have taken an interest in her, too.

As the leader of the three is the only one who can scope the ins and outs of Hazel's facades, Hazel is extremely wary of him, and tends to be rather skittish and sometimes submissive or hostile around him despite his calm and seemingly unaware attitude. This annoys Hazel to no end at times, and she has gotten upset towards his nonchalance on multiple occasions. However, she has learned to trust him as time goes on. Even if his familiarity with Hazel makes her feel rather insecure.




A Galactic Commander that works directly with Saturn to track and retrieve Hazel's Darkrai. Using her skilled satellite tracking technology, Mercury has managed to track down Hazel's movements around Sinnoh and Unova as she goes about her life. Mercury does not seem to know why Cyrus is after Darkrai as to put so much importance on tracking and capturing the pair down. However, orders are orders, and Mercury, despite having difficulty at times, continues to do her job, much to Hazel's dismay. Hazel thinks Mercury being in Team Galactic is a waste of her talent and prowess, and she thinks both her and Saturn are better off elsewhere.


First Battle


Fairytale Girl


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Flash Fire

Held item:


Lava Plume


Night Shade


Confuse Ray


Flame Charge









Held item:




Thunder Wave


Disarming Voice










Held item:


Shadow Ball


Confuse Ray


Destiny Bond




Second Battle




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Flash Fire

Held item:


Clear Smog


Bitter Blade


Swords Dance


Shadow Claw









Held item:


Sacred Sword




Leaf Blade


Drain Punch








Held item:




Confuse Ray


Destiny Bond










Held item:


Life Dew




Giga Drain


Dark Pulse









Held item:


Play Rough


Wood Hammer


Double Team


Shadow Sneak


Third Battle


Pokemon Trainer


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Flash Fire

Held item:


Solar Blade


Bitter Blade


Swords Dance


Shadow Claw









Held item:


Play Rough


Wood Hammer


Double Team


Shadow Sneak









Held item:


Sacred Sword




Psycho Cut


Drain Punch








Held item:




Confuse Ray


Destiny Bond










Held item:


Life Dew






Dark Pulse








Held item:




Sunny Day


Solar Beam


Calm Mind


Reserve Pokemon

These Pokemon are Pokemon that Hazel has befriended and occasionally swaps in and out of her team. When these Pokemon are not in use, they will reside in Darkrai's Wish Park while on standby.


Percival (Bisharp)

A shiny Bisharp that started off as a young shiny Pawniard that was rejected from its pack due to its colour and lack of skill. Hazel picked it up and raised it in tandem with Charcadet and Gallade, with Gallade teaching both of these Pokemon how to fight properly. After gaining enough experience, and after difficult training sessions, it finally evolved into a Bisharp.


Sol (Absol)

A juvenile Absol gifted to Hazel after a long time working with the Shadow Triad. This Absol is an excellent scout and hunter, but prefers to perfom in contests alongside Hazel instead of battling.

Sol typically participates in Beauty Contests in Hoenn and Sinnoh.



A legendary Pokemon that has been overseeing Darkrai's journey with Hazel. After receiving his favour, N entrusted the Light Stone to Hazel one day, and it resonated with her instantly. The entrusting was rather sudden to N and Hazel both, until it was revealed he was always watching over Darkrai, and ensuring his path of redemption was true. Upon that confirmation, Reshiram joins their party.


Aegis (Aegislash)

A defensive Pokémon that Cornelius gifted to Hazel upon her returning to Kalos and reuniting with him. Given the loving memory of belonging to her father, caught and raised just for her, Hazel is very fond of Aegis, even if Aegis takes time to warm up to her. Very fond of Rosie, but such feelings are onesided

Borrowed from Darkrai

Back before Hazel had a proper team, and wasn't yet strong enough to battle on her own, Hazel borrowed Pokemon allies that Darkrai had. These Pokemon all have a connection to Darkrai, as they directly served under him at one point. Whether he remembers it or not. Fate has reunited them back together, and Darkrai extends his henchmen to also work to protect Hazel. Darkrai has eleven henchmen, but out of all of them, Hazel has only been seen using a few of them.

Even after she had grown and developed her own team and beyond, Hazel still occasionally calls upon these Pokemon for fieldwork or for battle assistance.



A Pokemon with a long history with Darkrai. It is said to have known him since before his memories recall. It claims to have known him from a time before humans roamed prevalent. Aggron is one of Darkrai's main enforcers, and one of his strongest henchmen.



A Pokemon that has served long ago as one of Darkrai's allies. This cunning Pokemon worked well in tandem with Darkrai's nightmares and status problems back in a time where humans were not a thing but not unheard of in the World of Pokemon.



A coquette Pokemon that has worked with Darkrai not long in the past. This silver-tongued Pokemon operates the Dance Zone in the Wish Park. He's quite fond of Hazel, and enjoys dancing with her. Wishes he could participate in a contest with her to show off his dancing skills.



A cake-loving Pokemon that had worked with Darkrai not too long in the past. This Pokemon operates the Cake Zone in the Wish Park, and quite loves his job. As long as he is admired and beloved, Cofagrigus doesn't mind working with Hazel. Even if he doesn't quite appreciate the nickname "Coffee" she has given him.


  • The Darkrai Hazel works with is the same Darkrai from the Pokemon Spinoff series.
  • Hazel has an entire dollhouse full of PokéDolls within them. They are posed, and Hazel still plays with them. Albeit in secret.
  • Hazel sometimes trains sword techniques with her Pokémon. Though most of this is Swords Dancing with them. She is rarely seen doing this, and prefers to do so in private.
  • In her lowest points, Hazel had resorted to hunting to stay alive. Stating that it's less consequential to hunt for food than to rob stores.
  • Many of the tales Hazel tells are events that happened in the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Series. She will occasionally tell a tale or so which is a snippet of one of the games' plot points. She also likes telling obscure Pokémon facts to others.
  • The Pokémon trivia that Hazel shares in Pasio's Pokémon Center when idle directly references little known animal facts in the real world.