Ashy's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Cannot be resold

Design Terms of Use

Wai-Fi Global Rules
  • You may not resell designs that have been purchased from me at a higher amount than what it was initially.
    • You may only sell higher if it has paid goods that YOU paid for, past paid goods do not add to the current value pricing. Don't mooch off of previous owners' spendings.
      • If a design is traded or gifted, then the resell value is set to $0.
  • You may redesign my designs as long as it resembles the original. Like, they need to be at least recognizable.
    • You may make CS/non-CS AU forms of my designs.
      • All AU forms are automatically linked to each other and must be traded/sold together.
    • Making "twin" or "sibling" designs are fine! However if traded/sold they MUST go together.
    • You may void my CS designs without my permission. Please redesign them first before voiding them according to the species rules though. You may not, however, overhaul them (aka make them unrecognizable from the og).
  • You may take loose inspiration from my designs, however, you are not allowed to create a CS out of them.
    • You may not create characters of personal species.
    • You may color pick from any of my designs to use, I don't care as long as not all the colors are identical.
    • If you wish to create a CS out of one of my designs you own, please contact me! I'd just like to know what you make tbh :>
  • Unless explicitly stated, all my designs come with commercial rights. You may use the design to make profit + merch of the character, but you may NOT use MY artwork to make profit. Contact me for pricing if explicitly needed.
  • If you need to sell/trade/gift a character that was created by me, PLEASE comment on my profile with the character in question. My default is no transfers just because I usually make characters for myself without plans to give them away FDHSNVKBFSVD.