Yoko Ogawa



6 years, 11 months ago


Kanji content
Romaji Yoko Ogawa
Gender Female
Affiliation None
Owner Tenixia

Title Here


Write a 1 -2 paragraph introduction to your character here. Think of it as a small summary of your character & their story. Start off introducting them, give a tad of background to get their vibe & what's going on in their life. Then transition into the main point of their story & some indication of what is gonna happen. Don't give it all away though, there is a summary tab where you can write a full out story summary. Or you know, you can also convert this section into whatever else you want, dont let me boss ya around.


Aka Space Cadet | Ms.Bookworm
DoB March 30th
Age 23
Bloodtype content
Status Active
Ability Eigthy Minutes
Reference Hakase no aishita sushiki
Manga Debut Chapter 2
Anime Debut Episode 2
Seiyuu Takahashi Minami

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit."

  • Miso Soup
  • Traveling
  • Candles
  • Books
  • Alcohol
  • Her Ability
  • Being pressured
  • Vulgar Humor



Postivies : Gentle | Observant | Social | Intelligent | Compassionate | Selfless | Perceptive

Negatives : Noisy | Submissive | Passive | Indecisive | Weak-willed

Neutral : Absentminded | Unaggressive | Casual | Self-conscious | Curious

Yoko can easily be described as forgetful woman. Possessing a very mellow aura, it isn't hard to feel at ease when in her presence. A gentle soul, Yoko is rather homely to those who happened to be in her company; attentive to the needs of other, Yoko does her best to accommodate others which has often drew comparisons of her being a motherly figure from her friends much to her embarrassment. However a downside to this is that she can be rather overbearing though she will stop if told.

Quite social, Yoko is generally responsive to those who happen to speak to her as she is naturally curious and loves getting to know others. While she's not exactly chatty, Yoko is more than happy to listen and will give her opinon earnstly if asked. Thriving off of a desire to know everyone and everything, the female views the world as an unexplored opportunity and can often be found wandering about with no particular destination in mind; it's simply the journey that holds her attention. However with her curiosity comes her bad habit of being noisy. Due to her desire to know everything in case she forgets them, Yoko will often push for information and overstep her boundaries in the process. Once pointed out to her, Yoko will apologize profusely for her rude behavior.

A downside to her gentle nature, Yoko is extremely passive. While she has her own thoughts and convictions Yoko will back down if pressured enough. Not one to argue, Yoko is rather submissive if backed into a corner and it's extremely rare for her to actually put her foot down.


Yoko's ability, Eighty Minutes, allows her to copy the abilities of others for eighty minutes. Once the time is up she forgets how to use said ability and a chunk of her memories. She can't copy that ability for twenty-four hours after she forgotten how to use it. She is limited on what abilities she can actually copy.


  • As she would constantly worry about forgetting those important to her, Yoko tries her hardest not to use her ability, only doing so if push came to shove. It takes a lot to get to this point however.
  • Tends to jot down important notes on her arms and hands.
  • Knows a lot of useless trivia facts and she will excitedly share them if you ask.
  • Flusters very, very easily. It's almost amusing.


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Because of her ability, Yoko only remember bits and pieces of her childhood. An only child, Yoko grew up helping her mother maintain the family owned bookstore that she would later inherit. She doesn't know who her father is. The female tends to recall her childhood with a sense of fondess; labeling it as rather mudane, Yoko states that nothing 'exciting' or 'interesting' happened and that she grew up happily. She does however, regret the parts she is unable to recall, despite the fact that her mother reminisces on them with her. If anything, Yoko feels likes she hearing of the memories of a stranger when this happens.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla ornare interdum massa, dignissim commodo ipsum dapibus et. Nullam venenatis nunc a tortor consequat, sed efficitur risus bibendum. Integer rhoncus cursus interdum. Duis tincidunt urna at elit mattis condimentum. Vivamus nec interdum tortor, eget fermentum diam. Nunc aliquam pulvinar quam vitae ullamcorper. Aliquam eu arcu at justo rutrum accumsan. Nullam eget felis sit amet eros convallis tincidunt dapibus non orci. Duis quis velit venenatis odio malesuada gravida non nec tellus. Nulla eget turpis quis nulla suscipit malesuada.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla ornare interdum massa, dignissim commodo ipsum dapibus et. Nullam venenatis nunc a tortor consequat, sed efficitur risus bibendum. Integer rhoncus cursus interdum. Duis tincidunt urna at elit mattis condimentum. Vivamus nec interdum tortor, eget fermentum diam. Nunc aliquam pulvinar quam vitae ullamcorper. Aliquam eu arcu at justo rutrum accumsan. Nullam eget felis sit amet eros convallis tincidunt dapibus non orci. Duis quis velit venenatis odio malesuada gravida non nec tellus. Nulla eget turpis quis nulla suscipit malesuada.




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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.