


3 years, 1 month ago



Name 雪音 Yukine
Nickname Yuki
D.o.B February 3rd
Pronouns He | Him
Age 22
Languages English | Japanese
Ability Blood Manipulation
CSS Eggy
Owner Sleepily
Designer Sleepily

To be written



Flowers - Higanbana The nothern kingdom Yukine comes from was littered with Higanbana, they were a symbol of the land and quickly became something he treasured. Rarely able to see these spider lilies anymore has been hard on him, but the remnants of his favorite one lies dried in his pocket.

Snow Yukine grew up loathing the snow, it was everywhere. Ironic considering he's named after it, but in a kingdom where it snowed more than it didn't, he rarely got to play outside in fear of illness. His older brother taught him how to appreciate and love it.

Spicy Snacks He's never cared much for sweets, being attracted to spicy foods at a young age and into his adult life. One of his favorite meals consist of spicy noodles.

Dark Magic Ever since he was young, he had a fascination with the one thing he wasn't allowed to be drawn to. How could he resist when his own magic originated from it?


Being Alone Boredom is something Yukine isn't fond of, he's often restless and always on the move to distract himself from how he feels, seeking others out to hide his fear of loneliness and entertain his thoughts.

Heat This probably doesn't come as a surprise, but growing up in a kingdom where it snowed more often than not means Yukine's body is more susceptible to heat. Disliking the act of sweating so much that he'll cool his own blood, thus cooling his body temperature.

Royalty Living in a royal castle his whole life with just the staff as care takers left a sour taste in Yukine's mouth, he tends to drift from any villages that have over ruling Kingdoms.

Bugs Never had to deal with them in a winter kingdom, ew!


Blood Solidification His primary ability allows Yukine to condense his blood into a tangible weapon, his main choice being dual blades. He can charge these blades to make his Blood Slice ability stronger by infusing more blood.


Blood Crystalizing The same power that allows him to condense his blood into objects also allows Yukine to harden blood in a focused area on his body to act as make shift armor. This can only be done for short periods of time in relatively small areas, such as shielding his arm, thigh, etc. If Yuki unsummons his swords, he can convert the blood into a bigger shield.

Blood Slice With one swipe of Yukine's swords, he can release an unrelenting onslaught of blood slashes towards an enemy, effectively piercing them if not dodged or blocked.

Blood Bending Yukine's ace. This can only be used as a final trump card, allowing Yukine to take full control over his opponents body for a short duration of time. Yukine's blood will thin at a rapid pace the longer he's in control of the other person, causing him to lose consciousness.

Higanbana Healing Yukina can use his own blood to forcefully seal wounds on himself or others. This isn't a permanent healing solution, it only stops bleeding enough to aid in fighting or for short periods of time until the wound can be treated properly.


Height 5'2ft | 158cm
Build Petite
Skin Tone Pale
Eyes Pupil is light grey, Iris is slightly darker, sclera is red.
Hair Color White
Extras Freckles on face/shoulders
Extras Sharp/pointed canine teeth


  • Headband DOESN'T have spikes on it.
  • The flower on his right shoulder (your left) is optional when drawing him.
  • Sharp/pointed canine teeth.
  • I'm very flexible when it comes to his outfit aslong as it fits him and is in his appropriate color palette. If you'd like to change his outfit for a commission, just let me know.
  • His wardrobe is entirely red/white/gold/black clothing.


Act I

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec congue semper semper. Morbi facilisis malesuada sollicitudin. Aliquam in mi enim. Ut nisi dolor, elementum eu dolor ac, elementum sodales tortor. Integer quis orci consectetur, placerat erat tempor, scelerisque lorem. Duis porttitor, nulla sit amet pellentesque vulputate, tortor tortor fringilla justo, eget facilisis felis dui id elit. Aliquam luctus ligula nulla, quis hendrerit urna tincidunt ac. Pellentesque pharetra eros ligula, iaculis sodales justo gravida sed. Praesent lobortis tempus turpis, vitae condimentum ex tempor et. Morbi nec faucibus quam, ut finibus ligula. Praesent nec mauris nec libero semper consequat in et odio. Quisque hendrerit, quam sit amet maximus sagittis, dui justo semper elit, efficitur tincidunt odio leo a elit. In libero neque, dignissim vitae ante at, molestie fermentum nulla. Etiam ornare vel velit ut pretium. Etiam at est ac orci semper porttitor pellentesque vel diam.

Sed at dapibus risus. Maecenas vel consectetur turpis. Sed ultricies ante at dui vehicula convallis. In dictum molestie tortor eget finibus. Curabitur a neque ultrices, dapibus ligula vitae, tincidunt urna. Vestibulum consequat ligula nunc, sit amet sollicitudin nunc bibendum sit amet. Proin congue convallis felis vitae consequat. Integer sed auctor sem. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Vivamus vel ornare diam. Praesent cursus arcu hendrerit, fringilla leo in, pharetra ipsum.

Act II

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec congue semper semper. Morbi facilisis malesuada sollicitudin. Aliquam in mi enim. Ut nisi dolor, elementum eu dolor ac, elementum sodales tortor. Integer quis orci consectetur, placerat erat tempor, scelerisque lorem. Duis porttitor, nulla sit amet pellentesque vulputate, tortor tortor fringilla justo, eget facilisis felis dui id elit. Aliquam luctus ligula nulla, quis hendrerit urna tincidunt ac. Pellentesque pharetra eros ligula, iaculis sodales justo gravida sed. Praesent lobortis tempus turpis, vitae condimentum ex tempor et. Morbi nec faucibus quam, ut finibus ligula. Praesent nec mauris nec libero semper consequat in et odio. Quisque hendrerit, quam sit amet maximus sagittis, dui justo semper elit, efficitur tincidunt odio leo a elit. In libero neque, dignissim vitae ante at, molestie fermentum nulla. Etiam ornare vel velit ut pretium. Etiam at est ac orci semper porttitor pellentesque vel diam.

Sed at dapibus risus. Maecenas vel consectetur turpis. Sed ultricies ante at dui vehicula convallis. In dictum molestie tortor eget finibus. Curabitur a neque ultrices, dapibus ligula vitae, tincidunt urna. Vestibulum consequat ligula nunc, sit amet sollicitudin nunc bibendum sit amet. Proin congue convallis felis vitae consequat. Integer sed auctor sem. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Vivamus vel ornare diam. Praesent cursus arcu hendrerit, fringilla leo in, pharetra ipsum.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec congue semper semper. Morbi facilisis malesuada sollicitudin. Aliquam in mi enim. Ut nisi dolor, elementum eu dolor ac, elementum sodales tortor. Integer quis orci consectetur, placerat erat tempor, scelerisque lorem. Duis porttitor, nulla sit amet pellentesque vulputate, tortor tortor fringilla justo, eget facilisis felis dui id elit. Aliquam luctus ligula nulla, quis hendrerit urna tincidunt ac. Pellentesque pharetra eros ligula, iaculis sodales justo gravida sed. Praesent lobortis tempus turpis, vitae condimentum ex tempor et. Morbi nec faucibus quam, ut finibus ligula. Praesent nec mauris nec libero semper consequat in et odio. Quisque hendrerit, quam sit amet maximus sagittis, dui justo semper elit, efficitur tincidunt odio leo a elit. In libero neque, dignissim vitae ante at, molestie fermentum nulla. Etiam ornare vel velit ut pretium. Etiam at est ac orci semper porttitor pellentesque vel diam.

Sed at dapibus risus. Maecenas vel consectetur turpis. Sed ultricies ante at dui vehicula convallis. In dictum molestie tortor eget finibus. Curabitur a neque ultrices, dapibus ligula vitae, tincidunt urna. Vestibulum consequat ligula nunc, sit amet sollicitudin nunc bibendum sit amet. Proin congue convallis felis vitae consequat. Integer sed auctor sem. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Vivamus vel ornare diam. Praesent cursus arcu hendrerit, fringilla leo in, pharetra ipsum.



  • Yuki's ears are both sensitive physically and emotionally to him, rarely letting others near them. They do tend to betray him, such as twitching when he's lying or upset.
  • Yukine's late brother was very fond of him, often referring to him as "polarbear" or "白熊".
  • Living a very traumatic childhood lead Yuki to fear being alone, he constantly hovers and nags others to play off his clingyness.
  • Aside from how loud and rude Yukine comes off, his personality is mostly fabricated. He's very quiet and kind to those who are close to him, which is few since he's been traveling alone.
  • A strong side effect to Yuki's abilities coming from dark magic is the toll it puts on his body. He often struggles with nose bleeds, fatigue and migraines in combat.



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