
  • Monazite-Nd

  • 10178421?1614835849
  • age Third Eldest
  • gender Nonbinary
  • race Gem
  • STATUS Abducted
  • theme

 analytical • serious • smart


Monazite is a more serious type even coming off more so. They however are more capable of displaying a soft kinder side than the other serious one Curite. Monazite is incredibly observant and noticed details, especially in behaviours as it is their specialty. They’re very willing to learn, partially as it was all they could do in their first years as mobility was heavily restricted with their prosthetics not working. They’re a quick learner and are keen to discover answers and reasoning and investigating. They can tell when someone is lying to them. They appear to be patient but upon given their turn they occasionally make snappy remarks hinting otherwise.


 "Perhaps I’ll know now what it means to be alone." 


buildSlim androgynous


s.o. N/A





mbti content

demeanor Serious

tarot content

element $$$


value $$$



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Monazite was discovered and the second to go under care of Mother. Monazite was the third Gem to be "born" but Chernobylite was still in a very unstable state, so it was Trinitite and Mother before Monazite was discovered. They were discovered missing their legs, and no other large pieces of their mineral were found to cover it. They were taken to the Compound and were carved and given the usual accessories (eyes, powder, and cloth to cover up) as Mother attempted to figure out a way to give them legs. Mother and Trinitite went back to the cave and discovered some larger portions of metals that they took back to attempt to shape into legs. With each attempt, the legs refused to stay attached and would fall off. Eventually, legs made of neodymium stuck to Monazite longer than the others; the issue was that they didn't work. Mother explained, mainly to Tirinitite as Monazite was still learning speech, that the ancient species sometimes had members that had these issues where a portion of their bodies wouldn't work, and Mother made a device that helped that ancient species who had this issue to help move around. Monazite was placed in the wheelchair and was taught how to move around in it along with all their other studies.

Wheelchair Bound

Monazite was wheelchair bound for years, the hope that one day those legs would finally be accepted by their body dwindling (by everyone). Monazite was also stuck to the building as outside had a mixture of hardened dirt and sand. They often witnessed others playing with each other, and Monazite was left to watch. This is how they developed their observational skills but also left them lonely. All they could do was watch and learn from Mother. They were eager to, but they would've preferred to not be bound and be able to do what the others did. Around this point, Sky Guardians began their random attacks on the island. They didn't attack very often, but when they did they seemed to be ruthless. Monazite could see it from the Compound, attempting to figure out why the mysterious beings were attacking, but the beings never attacked frequent enough for them to fully understand other than their aim on Gems. Which they alerted the others to as they never went to attack Mother if she went out. The others went out to fend off the beings who would disperse, but no answers would come of their purpose. 

Frustration with their legs grew, but mostly being stuck to the Compound as well, and eventually they set out by themselves when no one was looking to attempt to navigate the conditions by themselves. This attempt is seen in the gallery with the comic, although incomplete. Monazite was attacked by Sky Guardians randomly appearing and had their chair broken by arrows, leaving them stuck on the ground to fight off their attackers. In their desperation, metal began leaking from their eyes and Monazite discovered that the metal had taken to their body more. They discovered they could manipulate it more, and used it to fend off the Sky Guardians before they were completely shattered. It took a while after this before they could gain full control over their legs but they figured it out through being able to manipulate the metal that made it up, rather than it being a limb of theirs. They would never actually be able to feel through them.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas facilisis ex quis enim condimentum, vulputate elementum lacus viverra. Donec non dui id augue pellentesque aliquam et eget felis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla nulla augue, vehicula id volutpat nec, auctor et ipsum. Phasellus pretium non libero eu ultricies. Proin et est vitae metus interdum ullamcorper vel sit amet augue. Integer et diam eu massa faucibus molestie non vitae metus. Donec cursus lectus eros, in vestibulum sapien porta et. Aliquam ac est lorem. Etiam pulvinar laoreet augue, et faucibus ligula ornare quis. Pellentesque sed leo tincidunt, consectetur dui in, tincidunt nunc.



[ Leader/Parental Figure ] Like most of the Gems, Monazite was fond of Mother and learned from her. Monazite was one of the only Gems Mother was awake to have seen get abducted. Mother went dormant shortly after Mona's abduction and it's unsure if the two are coorelated. 


Green Diamond

[ former partner ]  Monazite and Green Diamond were partnered to patrol, Monazite often not buying into Green's ego as much and could relatively handle them. Unfortunately, Monazite was abducted by Sky Guardians partially due to Green's negligence. Green argues that Mona actually wanted to be abducted to infiltrate the Sky Guardian's base to speak with them there. But considering Mona hasn't returned. 



[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.

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