


3 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info


Glory Arden






June 22 (Cancer)


🌹 There must be blood, and this I knew / Surely there can be wonders, too 🌹

  • A warmhearted woman who travels the world with her childhood friend Kain. She has an appetite for literature and knowledge of the world, and  she's a skilled player of the lyre.
  • Ends up helping others with  their (often magical) problems wherever she goes, but she’s not famous by any means. And she doesn’t want to be! She’s perfectly happy just helping people so they won't be sad.
  • Keeps a diary of kind  people she’s met and beautiful things she’s seen; she tries to enjoy the little things in life, so she keeps it to remind herself of them and  also give possible places to go back to if she happens to be in the area.
  • Good at listening! To people, plants, and animals alike. Likewise, when she speaks, things listen to her.

Glory is inspired by The Snow Queen, or Snedronningen by Hans Christian Andersen. It's about a young girl, Gerda, and the adventure she has to go through to find and save her best friend, a young boy called Kay, who was stolen away by the Snow Queen. Glory takes her inspiration from Gerda.


  • Outwardly, Glory is sunny and full of wonder, wearing her heart on her sleeve. Though she's gentle and fairly easygoing, there's nobody with a stronger sense of determination. If she sets her mind to something, she will see it through.
  • She's honest and expressive almost to a fault; she's extremely poor at concealing her emotions, and she tends to cry a lot, from happiness, sadness, anger, and fear alike.
  • She likes to get along with others, but she won't tolerate being treated poorly. She will tell you if she feels you've been doing wrong by her.
  • Though she doesn't have the same mad scientist flair as him, she's just as academically intelligent as her friend Kain. Though both generally competent, their preferences fall in different areas (Glory is more of a humanities person, while Kain is powerfully STEM), but they're both deeply curious people who want to know things on a deeper level.
  • She tends to explore things she wants to know about through reading books and talking to people, as opposed to observation and experimentation. Because of this, she's become quite good at asking questions and communicating, which also partially stems from a habit she has of chatting to herself and thinking out loud. This habit extends to talking to inanimate objects, plants, and animals as if they're capable of responding.
  • On the other hand, she's also a good listener. If you talk to her, she'll take in everything you say and respond in kind. If you don't talk to her, chances are she's listening to people chat around her. She's not trying to eavesdrop, but she's naturally observant and has a good memory.
  • Though she's not especially devout, she does believe in the gods. She also tends to be a little susceptible to superstition. 
  • As a child, Glory was much less confident. Timid and extremely sensitive, the girl preferred to hole herself in her room, the greenhouse, or the garden, hiding from the scary world outside. She hated acknowledging any painful things. She'd rather pretend they didn't exist.
  • She took solace in storybooks about gods and legends, and she took up a hobby of tending to potted plants. Though just as fascinated by how the world worked as her adult self, she preferred to experience it from afar rather than firsthand.
  • Being just as unable to hide her emotions as her adult self, she was also less able to control them, so she would cry even more often and occasionally lash out. Combined with her aforementioned talking habits, she was often viewed as oversensitive and strange by other children, so she had a hard time making friends.
  • She was very lonely, and the loneliness only made her melancholy worse. However, she didn't seek to surround herself with people to relieve the loneliness; she was too scared of being hurt to try. But if she could connect with just one person and reliably have their friendship, she would be happy.
  • Fortunately, she had Kain. Unfortunately, she was more than a bit dependent on Kain and defined herself by her friendship with him. She's worked past that nowadays, but as a kid, it was a huge problem.
  • To some extent, she was afraid of growing up. If she could have had everything stay nice and pleasant and the same and not have to change, she would. But that's not how the world works.
  • Deep down, though she tries to look on the bright side, she's not actually a natural optimist. She never was, and even after gaining confidence in herself, she still isn't. 
  • Though she tries to see the beauty in the world, she's still all too aware of how frightening it can be, but her pessimism and melancholy are things she chooses not to give into. She will believe in goodness and beauty no matter what, and she will see how things are, both the good and the bad.
  • Her two fears, of being hurt and being alone, constantly struggle inside her. Sometimes, one will get the better of the other.
  • Between her and Kain, she's the more selfish one, strangely enough. She sometimes gets so involved in her own feelings that she drowns in them, and if she wants something, she will pursue it. Not to the point of completely disregarding others; she still doesn't like seeing people sad, and she is deeply empathetic. However, if forced to choose, she will prioritize the things she cares about personally. Ultimately, she helps people because she cares about their plight
  • While Kain pursues perfection for himself and others, Glory pursues happiness for herself and others.
  • When she gets upset, she tends to direct it inward. She focuses on her bad feelings and seeks out emotional support rather than focusing on the thing making her feel bad and figuring out a way to fix it.
  • Plants and gardening. She loves their uniqueness and how different their needs are, and they make her happy to look at. She also likes the language of flowers and has most of the meanings memorized, though she sometimes makes up her own meanings based on how each bloom makes her feel.
  • Myths and legends. Stories about gods and magic were always her favorite, especially when they had happy endings, but she also loves digging deeper. Why did this god do that? What does this story mean?
  • Novels in general. Glory loves books! They were her only friends for a while. Except for romance novels, actually. She prefers  adventure books, and she does love love, but she finds most romance  novels unrealistic and sometimes kind of nasty.
  • Playing music. She's a whiz with the lyre, and she's even made some of her own compositions. Music theory fascinates her.
  • Traveling. She loves seeing different places and seeing sights she's never seen.
  • Kain. He's her closest and oldest friend, and she still treasures him.
  • Though she was friendless as a kid, due to her improved social skills and adventures helping others, she has friends in the strangest of places nowadays. When Kain found out that she'd made friends with multiple different families of royalty, she didn't see why he was so shocked.
  • If you ask her to choose a favorite anything, she gets extremely indecisive. She doesn't know! She likes a lot of different things in that category. They're all fun in different ways. The only answer she can say with confidence is her favorite person, and it's Kain.
  • She always has the smell of sunshine on her. She says it's because she's outdoors a lot, but honestly, that's just what she smells like.
  • She's had a few romantic relationships across her journeys. It takes a while for her to be comfortable enough to date someone, but they're always stable relationships once they've gotten going, and she always parts amicably with an ex.
  • Her zodiac signs are Aries sun, Sagittarius moon, and Pisces rising.
  • Her MBTI is INFP.
  • Her enneagram is 9w8.
  • Her (sighs) Homestuck god tier title is Heir of Space, and her dream moon is Prospit.
  • His D&Dverse version would be an aasimar creation bard.

  • Can do all sorts of magic, like all people in her world. Also like all people, there are areas she's better at than others.
  • She kind of conceptualizes magic as an act of creation and synthesis, pulling on the strings of reality and visualizing effects into existence  or manipulating already existing elements into the shape she wants.
  • She's always had a bit of a habit of speaking to plants, animals, and objects, and they will usually respond back to her. Even with people, she's uncommonly good at getting them to be receptive to her.
  • She's also good at controlling plants. She can manifest them from nowhere, make them grow, and manipulate their movements. But she still gardens traditionally because she likes the challenge of it.
  • She often channels magic through song.

MOTIFS (compared to Kain)
  • The Sun (vs the Moon)
  • Life (vs Death)
  • Summer (vs Winter)
  • Flowers (vs Snowflakes)
  • Roses (vs Thorns)
  • Angel (vs Devil)
  • Words (vs Numbers)
  • Hearing (vs Seeing)
  • Art (vs Science)
  • Why (vs How)