Maeve Rousseau



3 years, 3 months ago



  • species Lurantis lvl 100
  • gender Female
  • nature Bold
  • team Thunderstruck
  • position Recruit
  • rank Master
  • strategy Melee + Healing

Daring Flexible Spontaneous

Determined Stubborn

Disorganized Moody Opinionated

'Highly Persistent'


During harsh sunlight, the Speed stat of Pokémon with this Ability is doubled.

PMD: When the Pokémon uses a move during Sunny weather or in Extremely Harsh Sunlight, it uses the move 2 times at once but only consumes PP for 1 use.

GROWTH grass

[ LV 5Status

The user’s body grows all at once, raising the Attack and Sp. Atk stats.

She can match even the tallest member of Thundertrsuck when her stats are maxed, reaching to a height of about 6'6" at the top of her head.


[ IMT ]Status

Floral Healing restores up to ½ of the target's maximum HP. If Grassy Terrain is in effect, Floral Healing will restore up to ⅔ of the target's maximum HP.

Golden glowing tendrils will extend from her fingertips and the flowers that bloom in her hair release the same colored spores to transfer life energy into her target.


[ LV 40Physical (90)

The user handles a sharp leaf like a sword and attacks by cutting its target. Critical hits land more easily.

Her blades sheath in and out from her body and an extension of her biology. Making a fist to squeeze her muscles, the blades protrude and retract from her wrists.


[ EvolutionPhysical (90)

The user stirs up a violent petal blizzard and attacks everything around it.

Using the surrounding Flora or the blooms from her hair, with a wave of her hand she can command the petals to fly through the air with elegant grace or ferocity.

 "New things are scary, but everything is easier with a friend." 

age 27

home Serene Island

d.o.b. Apr 7th

secondary job X

sign Aries

team inventory

height 5'6"

heart chart

pronouns She/Her

orientation Bisexual


status w/ Ivan



  • Sound: Night creatures
  • Smell: Ocean
  • Color: Blue
  • Flower: Blue hawkweed
  • Food: Kiwi smoothie
  • Flavors: Sour, spicy, and bold
  • Texture: Silk
  • Weather: Sunny
  • Time: Just after sundown


  • Tree climbing
  • Yoga
  • Surfing
  • Dancing
  • Reading
  • Nurturing weeds
  • Pressing and collecting flowers


  • Fly in a hot air balloon
  • Surf on lava
  • Climb the biggest tree
  • Find happiness
  • Buy my own house

Personal Inventory

  • A Cherry Blossom Blanket from Arius as a Winter Holiday gift
  • A quilt that her Grandmother made for her when she left home
  • Collection of Pressed Flowers : 3 Orchids, 1 Lupine, 1 Nerine, 1 Hibiscus, 1 Goldenrod, 1 Water Lily +
  • Books : 1 Mystery, 1 Adventure, 3 Thrillers
  • Potted Plants : Lamb's Ears, Clover, Morning Glories, White Goosefoot
  • Hand crafted Necklace from Ivan. Made of glass and contains a petrified seedling.
  • Sleep over stuff for Ivan's house: 1 SS, 1 LS, 1 Robe, 2 Nightgowns, Peach soaps.


I grew up in a tiny house on Serene Isle with my seven sisters, mom, dad, and nana. My older sisters and I grew close having been born in quick succession, and it wasn't until I turned five that my mother began to try to bring a brother for us into the world. I was a little tyrant of a tot, and would frequently break things or climb places I shouldn't like the bookshelf or the ivy trellis outside to the roof. Eventually, I learned how to climb the trees in the forest that surrounded our house, and my spark for adventure and challenge blossomed.

Winters were tough to get through, but with the help of my family's Aromatherapy business and the use of Sunny Day, things weren't so bad. I was prone to cabin fever, but turning to reading and finding new ways to play with snow helped me get through the withering that came with the season. I read plenty of fantasy and romance books in my teenage years, which may have resulted in my rosy blindness to the world and its people around me.

Unfortunately, my family wasn't well perceived on the island, and some people did not like how my mother had paired with someone off the island. That made business solely on our little rock quite difficult, so dad would sometimes go to the marketplace or travel to other islands to sell our products. It made making friends difficult, but at least my sisters and I had each other. We went to a tiny schoolhouse and stuck to ourselves for the most part. When I was older, the only major interactions we had were with those visiting the island for our seasonal celebrations or those who wished to find some inner peace along our beaches.

The freedom of mingling at these fairs with foreigners came to a close because of me, as many rules of the house had come before. I had spent some time healing from some damaging relationships, bonding closely with my littlest sister Sophie and my parents. Taking life day-by-day was the only way to get through my dark times, but eventually I grew to feel mundane, and was ready to spread my wings and work towards falling in love with the world and myself. Not knowing what reason to present for wanting to leave, I went to the Oran Tree in the Tallest of Grassy Plains where I would go to think. There, I encountered Yasha of Team Thunderstruck who helped me in convincing my parents to let me join the GCSF and start a new life.


I have been in two relationships, both of which were not healthy. Both were manipulative in their own ways and they left their own scars that I've had to overcome. The first was with a Roselia named Erin who came to perform at one of our spring festivals. He swept me off my feet, but after some time, I learned he had been cheating on me while working in other places off the island. I took revenge on him by finding another of my own, who became my second lover, Virgil. Our relationship was fairly steady and more magical than I'd imagined it could be, until his long nights working at the lighthouse and anger issues plagued against us when trying to form a family of our own. I was unsuccessful on three accounts in establishing an heir, and to this day, I now bear a tattoo of three orchids on my chest in remembrance.


Night Owl: sleeps late and tends to be sleepy during the daytime.

She can sense the emotions of love. Familial love feels like a gentle warm hug while those of romance and passion are more like waves of heat. Often these feelings are accompanied by a tickling or humming in the frontal lobe of her brain where her green sensory organs are. Strong feelings can make her dizzy.

The name 'Maeve' is of Irish and Gaelic origin meaning "she who intoxicates" or "she who rules". Shares her name with fictional characters Medb and Mab, one being a strong-willed, ambitious, cunning and promiscuous warrior-queen, and the other a fairy queen.

Lurantis are speculated to be based on Orchid Mantis. As a grass type, she has a family flower, similar to a family crest, which is the Orchid, respectfully.

Cyrille Rousseau

[ Father 48 ] Grew up on a neighboring Island from Serene Isle. Came to live with Deirdre, working with her to craft and sell Aromatherapy Oils. He enjoys canning and pickling the foraged foods and berries for trade at the local market. He tends to put is heart into everything he does.

Deirdre Roussaeu

[ Mother 45 ] A Serene Isle native, she grew up part of a small family and always dreamed of having a little boy. She went on to birth 9 girls instead with her love Cyrille while running a small Aromatherapy exchange. She loves to garden and gather. She tends to come off as hard and guarded but she has a deep compassion for her family under her tired and stony shell.

Sorcha Kavanaugh

[ Grandma/Nana 67 ] Serene Island native and mother to Deirdre. She lives with the family and does most of the cooking and baking. Be warned, she frequently pushes guests to try her sauerkraut. She loves to sew and embroider. Having a big happy family and lots of grandkids to spoil is extremely fulfilling for her.

Moira De Felice

[ Sister 28 ] Maeve's eldest sister. She is married to Anthony, lives in Hershey on the Sweetful Isle, and manages an Apothecary where she helps sell her family Aromatherapy Oils. She is strongly independent and brave.

Anthony De Felice

[ Brother in Law 31 ] Anthony is a Linoone from a neighboring island to Serene Isle. He met Moira on a leisure trip to the island, wooing her into being his wife. Together they have one child, and Anthony spends his time keeping their home in tip-top shape. He is a hopeless romantic.

Astrid Rpusseau

[ Sister 27 ] The second oldest sister, she is also the smartest and most creative. Excelling in her basic educaton, when she was of age, she applied to universities outside the Island, and is working on finishing her degree. While studying abroad, she met Alta, her current partner. During celebrations, she is usually the one to decorate the house and the family.

Alta Faure

[ Sister in Spirit 24 ] Alta is a city-mouse Dedenne with a big heart. She often puts trust in others before they deserve to earn it. She was drawn to Astrid's down to earth approach to life and aspiration for being the first grad in her family. 

Didem Shapiro

[ Sister 26 ] Didem, the third eldest, is passionate about self expression. She puts a lot of value into the way she presents herself. She taught Maeve how to braid her hair and encouraged her to try wearing glasses when she left home. She met Rufus, her husband, at the marketplace when his ship needed repair.

Rufus Shapiro

[ Brother in Law 27 ] A Meinshao from Allurian, husband to Didem and father of two. He works with Koma Corp. overseeing the engineering of new transportation and communication inventions. He is a lead developer of the Mala-Mobile.

Eileen Rousseau

[ Sister 20 ] Maeve's first younger sister. Their age gap has caused a slight competitiveness between them. They did grow close over their love of reading, often suggesting different stories for one another growing up. She lives alone on Serene Island.

Naomi Rousseau

[ Sister 18 ] Middle sister syndrome weighs heavily on Naomi. She is content with following in her parents footsteps and aims to take over the family business. She tends to be reserved and is Iris' mellow to her marsh.

Iris Rousseau

[ Sister 14 ] Iris is the only sister named after a flower, and you can bet she hates it. She hates a lot of things, and she tends to be pretty cranky or stuck-up. Maeve gave her a yo-yo which she has begun to learn to use.

Sophie Rousseau

[ Sister 6 ] Loves her big sister Maeve and enjoys her storytelling. She had a big imagination. Around new people she is a little shy, but she is very excitable and easy to befriend.

Evelyn Rousseau

[ Sister 0 ] The most recent addition to the family, born a few weeks too early. Her parents granted her to give her sister a name since she could not bear any of her own. Evelyn means "desired" or "wished for." 

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