Arius Shadewood



3 years, 5 months ago


Arius Shadewood

"I.... don't quite remember... but okay!"



Arius Shadewood





January 3rd


Likes to Relax

6' 5''


Team Blackstar || Wayfarer

Scout / Recon

Grand Perdonnia [Lost Civilization]

Neutral Good
Fighting Style

Ranged Attacks / Status Effects
Relationship Status [Dating]

Character Page


Voice Claim






Old Fashioned







"By floating in the air, the Pokémon receives full immunity to all Ground-type moves."

The ability of levitation naturally allows Arius to more easily levitate off the ground compared to other ghosts. Unlike most other ghosts, he can actually levitate so far off the ground he can be described as 'flying' due to the great altitudes he can reach. He feels no exertion of energy from levitation either, allowing him to float more often than walk. 



Status [   Egg ]

" If this is used by a Ghost-type Pokémon, it makes the enemy cursed but halves your HP."

Arius only uses this move as a last resort, but he will do it if he needs to save his friends, even if it means he will knock himself out. 

Shadow Ball

Power: 80 PP: 15 [TM ]

"The user hurls a shadowy blob at the target. This may also lower the target's Sp. Def stat."

Arius hurls a large black ball full of negative energy at an opponent, the horrors it contains can sometimes make them drop their defenses!

Alternate TMs:

  • Thunderbolt
  • Dazzling Gleam
  • Dark Pulse

Status [TM ]

"The user employs hypnotic suggestion to make the target fall into a deep sleep."

Arius can put the opponent to sleep, using this makes his eyes glow red, and if he uses it too much, his eyes start to get sore. 

Dream Eater

Status [TM ]

"The user eats the dreams of a sleeping target. The user's HP is restored by half the damage taken by the target."

Arius dives into the mental space of those sleeping pokemon and pulls their deepest, darkest fears from the depths of their minds. Consuming those fears slowly while tormenting the target who is trapped in a nightmare. 

* Arius can get carried away while using this move, getting lost in the sweet delicious fears he is eating


Night Vision

Due to being a ghost type, Arius can see perfectly in the dark.

Emotional Energy Consumption

As a reborn ghost, Arius needs to feed off the living energy of other pokemon to sustain himself. The most powerful living energy is that tied to emotion. His emotion of choice is fear, as fear gives him the most power and satisfies him the most.


As previously stated due to his ability, Arius can levitate with ease.


Being a ghost pokemon, Arius can easily phase through doors, walls, floors, and much much more!




  • Death Marks
    • Arius has death marks all over his body as he had a very horrific death

  • Scratches Cheek when he is nervous, anxious, or does not know what to say.
  • Often forgets what he is saying


Words & Phrases

  • "Um-"
  • "Okay well- you...see um- well I meant?" 
Speech Patterns

  • Arius often misquotes common phrases
    • "It's raining cows and dogs outside"



  • Learn to Read and Write
  • Rember more about Vihar
  • Present Gene with A Ring
  • Make Tobias Accept Gene as a Shadewood

  • Napping
  • Exploration
  • Collecting items tied to memories

Ancient Language [Grand Perdonnia]
Common Terminology 
Reborn Ghost 


Quick Learner


  • Warm Blankets
  • Rubber Bath Toys
  • Doing Things with Gene
  • Children's Books [He has a minimal reading level]
  • Eggs
  • Sweet or Sour Foods
  • Exploring

  • Sticky Things
  • Bitter or Spicy Foods
  • Loud Noises
  • 'Pompous Classist Jerks'
  • Bananas



Due to his memory issues, Arius tries to write down events in his life so he can go back and review them later. He also tries to write down lessons, and knowledge he wishes to keep for later.

  • Arius's writing is a mix of pictures, symbols, misspelled words, and characters from the Grand Tarenese language. 
Mysterious Metal

When Arius awoke in the steel wasteland, he found an item that felt familiar to him. It is shaped like a mood and has some Grand Tarenese writing on it, it is so rusted that it is impossible to read. 


Arius has a smoking habit, and while he does not always act on it, he does always carry a pack around. He often smokes when he is alone, as he does not like being scolded about it being a bad habit. 

Leather Choker and Wristband

Arius got these items from Gene as a present. They help cover his death marks and are precious to him. He wears them all the time and even sleeps in them, taking them off only to shower or clean them. 

Past & Present


Of Noble Birth and Bitter Growth 

Content Warning

Vihar was born to a proud lineage of Keldeo, their strength and vast knowledge of the mechanical world made them one of the most influential and important families in the ancient world of the ancient metropolis city of Grand Perdonnia. A city whose mechanical advancements were far ahead of their time, and dominated much of the ancient world. Vihar's childhood was strict, and he often felt the stinging hand of discipline. Vihar grew up to be a hard worker who spent all of his time using the exponentially growing expectations of those around him. During this time, his only real friend was a Meloetta named Naomi.

* Triggered Memory: During a dance lesson he continued to do the wrong move, the back of his heel was whipped by his instructor over and over until he got it right.

* Triggered Memory: A vision of walking beside Naomi, she was dancing in the sun surrounded by flowers. 

Gear and Iron Works 

Vihar got a job working as a lead engineer and mechanical designer at Gear and Iron Works, ran by a Serperior named Chrysanthos. It was considered a huge scandal that he, a proud well-bred Keldeo worked for a 'lesser' pokemon. But, Vihar loved his work, and was given the freedom to do whatever he wished. He secretly started to have a love affair with Chrysanthos, they had to keep their love a secret both because of their classes, and because they were men. Naomi grew apart from Vihar, not understanding he was carrying on a double life, and just felt like he was drowning himself in work. She felt he was destroying himself and so she distanced herself from him.

*Triggered Memory: Vihar was buried in work as per usual, and Naomi came, begging for him to come hang out with her as it had been months since he saw her. He screamed at her to leave and she left crying.

The Orphaned Marshadow

Vihar came across an abandoned Marshadow, admittedly, it looked much more like a demon than anything he had encountered before. But no more than a toddler, not even the iron-hearted Vihar could leave it to die. He took it in and raised it for many years. It even called him father, and he lovingly named it Atlas. However, Atlas wanted more and more and began to act out. Despite Vihar's best attempts to quail the darkness growing in the child. Atlas eventually angered a great pokemon, who cast a curse not only on Atlas, but Vihar as well!

A Sad and Brutal End


Brutal Bodily Harm

Vihar met his end one late night in the Gear and Iron Works factory. While looking over some of the massive gears in the machinery, he was shoved forward. Losing his footing, Vihar fell into the gears, which tore his body apart and killed him. He was unable to even let out a single scream before he was gone.

Time waits for no man. And Vihar was lost to the pages of history, as was his entire civilization over time. Both he and his people are considered 'mostly lost history' as so little evidence of their existence exists anymore.

Arius and the story so far

Awakening and the Shadewoods

Arius awoke, from his long peace abruptly. Like ice was dumped upon him out of nowhere. He awoke to encounter scavengers of the wasteland, however, he could not speak their language and scared them off. He was very alone and floated aimlessly. He found a single piece of old junky metal that he felt connected to and took it. For a while he was alone, he honestly does not even know how long he was alone before he encountered Tobias and the Shadewood clan. They took him in, and he felt loved and cared for. He clung to Tobias, who took special care of him as if he were his own son. Arius began to work with the Shadewoods as undertakers, ditch diggers, sin-eaters, and anything else they may need. It seemed death was the ghost's specialty. 

Joining Team Blackstar

While searching for fallen trees to make coffins, he encountered Hue who had been separated from the team. Arius was drawn in by the litwick’s soft voice and kind nature. Arius helped Hue reunite with Team Blackstar, and was surprised to hear about the GCSF. There was so much of the world he didn’t know about since the ghost pokemon he lived with lead humble but simple lives. He realized that maybe he wasn’t taking advantage of his second chance in life. He ate dinner with team Blackstar, and was deeply interested in their stories of far away dungeons, treasures, and the hopes and dreams of each member. This inspired Arius, the idea of treasures was one that particularly interested him. 

Meeting Gene and Team New Beginnings

During a snowstorm, Hue brought in two interesting pokemon. Gene and Frannie of Team Blackstar. Hue could tell that Gene was a reborn ghost, and mentioned Arius was as well. Gene, desperate for his own answers, went to speak with Arius. The two ghosts connected almost instantly, and some could say it was a fated meeting. Arius told Gene much about the ways of reborn ghosts.

Meeting Gene and Team New Beginnings

During a snowstorm, Hue brought in two interesting pokemon. Gene and Frannie of Team Blackstar. Hue could tell that Gene was a reborn ghost, and mentioned Arius was as well. Gene, desperate for his own answers, went to speak with Arius. The two ghosts connected almost instantly, and some could say it was a fated meeting. Arius told Gene much about the ways of reborn ghosts.

The Order of Shadows and a Coma 

Arius also informed Gene of the Order of Shadows, a cult of ghost pokemon that hunt down reincarnated ghosts. Gene had been careful about exposing his true identity simply for personal reasons before, but now it was imperative for their safety to keep this secret.

Somehow though, despite their efforts, the Order did learn about his status and took Frannie hostage in an effort to capture Gene and Arius. After venturing into the Carnivorous Crypt to get her back Arius fell into a Destiny Bond induced coma.

While Arius was in his coma, he reconnected with Vihar, and saw more of the other's life. This slowly opened the door for him to see who he used to be. And to understand the confusing feelings he had been enduring all this time.

Growing Closer to Gene

A week after their encounter with the Order, Arius woke from his coma. At which point Gene and Arius confessed their feelings for each other. Arius's father figure Tobias was against their relationship, resulting in a rift forming between Arius and his father. After much trial and error, tears and fights, Arius finally made Tobias accept Gene or accept that he would leave the Shadewood clan.

Arius took the dusk stone he planned to evolve with had had part of it carved into a ring, presenting it to Gene. He told Gene they did not have to marry, but that if the other wanted to, he would say yes.