Dorian Mallard



3 years, 3 months ago


Name: Dorian Mallard

Gender: Male

Relationship: Austin Bard (spouse)

Species: Human

Sexuality: Gay

Age: Appears in mid 30s, has been around since the early 1900s

Birthday: January 7th

Entity they serve: The Eye

Personality: Has the perfect snarky, friendly television host personality down to a t. He is super easy to get along with and doesn't have trouble getting people to like him when he wants them to. Tends to talk a lot and with the combination of Dorian's charm and Austin's quiet manipulation, they both together are very hard to talk down. Dorian really likes a lot of fiction and tends to read and write fictional stories outside of what he creates to serve the Eye. Dorian is also kind of old fashioned and tends to speak like a grandpa despite being seemingly in his 30s. Has that kind of voice like an old timey radio show host. Swapped fanon aesthetics with his sister, Divine, for the lols.

Story: Dorian Mallard loved radio as a child and was invested in the growing medium, wanting to get big. He spent a lot of time on air and was soon able to hear things from other people, conversations. Secrets. Rather than being scared, Dorian pushed this new skill until he realized he can listen to people on air. Fascinated, Dorian used this skill immensely and was able to cultivate an extraordinarily accurate celebrity analysis show including politicians and other known figures, enough that everyone was certain he was spying on everyone despite not leaving his office. Austin met the man after Dorian started making it and the two of them decided to collaborate, later unexpectedly falling in love with each other. Dorian had a rough time during the change, gaining a lot of power but losing his connection with his spouse. After the Change, they reunited, and fled their world through Hilltop House, ready to start anew.

Not Quite Somewhere Else: Dorian is first seen in The County Fair Car, where he runs into Oliver Banks as a wine stand. Dorian approaches Oliver and wants to walk the fair with him, but isn't too forthcoming with why he did so. Dorian leaves when his spouse, Austin, shows up, wanting to get home with their new goods.