Vanés Ardell



3 years, 2 months ago


Vanés Ardell (née Blackbriar)
arcane trickster rogue
chaotic neutral


Scholarly • Insouciant • Irreverent • Contrite

Vanés is the son of a storied noble family with ancestral ties to the Wild Hunt. After faking his death to escape his father's mistreatment in his early teens, he sought out money and adventure wherever he could find it--often putting himself at risk in the process. Many years, a case of vampirism, and several life-altering traumas later, he found himself traveling with a disgraced nobleman who would later become his husband.

Now, Vanés is a vampire and a doting father to five adopted children. He's very active in the political spheres of Addersfeld and Wheldrake, advocating for orphaned children and those worst affected by the war. He's also rumored to have close ties with a vampiric cult. He neither confirms nor denies this.


  • bread
  • deciphering spellbooks
  • patricide
  • his husband and children


  • quiet rooms
  • raw red meat
  • the smell of copper
  • rough blankets
"Good thing you found the one honorable thief around here."


Vanes was born to Arannis Blackbriar and Buran Farloft and was the heir to House Blackbriar. His house had a great deal of land, but comparatively little money; as such, Vanes was brought up to be the perfect wife and had an arranged marriage to the youngest child of House Ardell. When he was fourteen, Vanes faked his death and left home following another vicious argument with Buran that came to blows. Shortly after, Vanes met his eventual fiance Vier and became involved with the Order of the Restless, an ancient cult of vampires that took him in and trained him as a vampire hunter.

When Vier was killed, Vanes left the Order and attended a wizards' college. However, after the discovery that his papers were forged, he was expelled and left to his own devices. He spent the next several years working for the Den and scraping by on what little he didn't put toward supporting a local orphanage, but it was a chance meeting with Alaric Ardell--his childhood fiance--that forcibly turned his life around.

Now, Vanes lives with his husband and their flock of adopted children. He's much more content with his life and, despite vampirism making things a bit more difficult than anticipated, he lives a fulfilling and productive life as a nobleman.


• his eyes are blue and have no pupils

• his hair is mottled like autumn leaves

• he uses his leather breastplate as a binder and wears a linen undershirt to sleep

• he has the build and muscle definition of an acrobat

• his hair is kept up to show off his undercut


• he loves bread and pastries

• his hair ruffles when he laughs like it's caught in a breeze

• he has vinelike feymarks up and down his arms

• although he has autumn eladrin coloration, he's half winter eladrin

• he speaks a multitude of languages, but he never learned sylvan

• he's so good at deciphering wizard's notation he can use other people's spellbooks



Alaric Ardell

Vanés' husband, the father of his children, and the first man he ever loved. Alaric was the one who asked to become a vampire with him, both to save Vanés from bloodsickness and to ensure neither of them ever had to be alone again.


Nicodemus Nicotiana

Vanés' uncle on the Blackbriar side. Vanés lived with Nico on and off until his marriage to Alaric, and he sees him as something of a parental figure. As the two most unconventional members of the Blackbriar family, they have a close relationship.


Gale Farloft

Vanés' half-brother, the leader of the Foxes' Den. Gale is ten years his senior and left the household when Vanés was young, but they've been inseparable since they reunited. He and his husband spent nearly all of their free time with the Ardell children.



Vanés' horse, who he stole from an unkind master. Vetiver is endlessly, furiously loyal to Vanés and Vanés alone. There are strong indications he may be something other than a standard horse, but Vanés sees nothing wrong with him. All horses naturally speak Sylvan. This is normal.

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