Vanés Ardell (Planeswalkers)



2 years, 3 months ago


Vanés Blackbriar
lorehold wizard
chaotic good


Eager • Inquisitive • Rebellious • Impulsive

In the Planeswalkers campaign, Vanés is considerably younger and classed as a Lorehold wizard. The campaign begins with him at age twenty, a student at Strixhaven University in the midst of working towards his doctorate. While not particularly experienced as a planeswalker, he still seems to have the most experience out of the group, and his studies on interplanar history have brought him to some of the strangest places known--or unknown--to anyone.

At the moment, he's juggling his studies with a multitude of sidequests that range from catsitting to toppling governments, and he's handling it about as well as you'd expect. Traveling with other planeswalkers brings with it a number of complications, but it's an adventure, and Vanés was never one to resist the lure of a good time.


  • baked goods
  • deciphering spellbooks
  • history books
  • bats


  • nobles in general
  • cheap liquor
  • the smell of copper
  • rough blankets
"That's what it means to be a wizard. You have to make your own miracles."


As in his original setting, Vanés is the son of Lord Arannis Blackbriar and Buran Farloft. His childhood was marred by Buran's impossibe standards and severe punishments for failing to meet them, and Vanés struggled to be the perfect aristocrat Buran wanted him to become. As the Blackbriar family had land and status but comparatively little money, it was decided that Vanés would be married off to the wealthiest and most powerful bidder; the bidder in question ended up being Vier Dawncourt, the only child of the revered but mysterious House Dawncourt. Desperate to escape from Buran, Vanés eagerly agreed and moved into the Dawncourt manor just days after his fifteenth birthday.

Despite being an arranged match, Vanés and Vier got along famously. What began as an engagement of convenience blossomed into a close friendship and, eventually, genuine love. The Dawncourt family had welcomed Vanés with open arms from the start, but their fondness for him only grew with time: Vier was passionate but reclusive, and Vanés' charm and thirst for knowledge was one of very few things that could coax Vier out of their shell. They were, by all accounts, a perfect match.

When Vanés was eighteen, his dreams of an idyllic life were shattered. As a conclave of vampires, the Dawncourts refused to let their only heir's spouse remain mortal, and Vier was told to either turn Vanés or leave him at the mercy of other members of the House. Buckling under the pressure from their parents, Vier bit Vanés against his will, both sustaining serious injuries from Vanés attempting to defend himself. The mind-shattering betrayal was enough to trigger the emergence of Vanés' latent planeshifting abilities, and in an instant, he found himself in the Biblioplex of Strixhaven University.

Before meeting the party, Vanés established himself as a beloved member of the Strixhaven student body and boasts a close relationship with several esteemed professors. While he's not ashamed of his vampirism, it remains a close-kept secret known only by his close friends and a select few faculty members, and he tries to keep his feeding habits as humane as possible.


• his hair is considerably longer in Planeswalkers

• his robes have a yukata-like silhouette

• he doesn't bind his chest

• he's a scrawny bitch (7 STR, baby!)

• his ears have three piercings each

• he has lichtenberg figures down his right arm and across his shoulder

• his feymarks look like thorny vines curling up his arms and back


• he sticks writing quills in his hair

• his mage hand is always doing something

• he carries dozens of notebooks with him to record his findings

• his favorite planes are Strixhaven and Theros

• he speaks sylvan, giant, primordial, and elvish

• he does a lot of his historical research by summoning and talking to ghosts

• his familiar's name is Aganazzar

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