Horatio Sadler



3 years, 1 month ago


Horatio Sadler

Basic Info
Name Horatio Sadler

Gender Trans Masc (He/Him)

Birthday 2 / 15

Age 57

Background Half Elf (Wood Elf)

Height 5'11"

Hair Color Black, salt and pepper

Eye Color Green

Zodiac Sign Aquarius

Class Warlock

Occupation Monster Hunter / Alchemist

Affiliation Dendar, the Night Serpent

Status Still Kickin'

Playlist ♫♩






  • Snakes
  • Tracking
  • The outdoors
  • Caffeine
  • Fishing
  • Long nights
  • Being made to work in a team
  • Waking up before 2 PM
  • Crowded areas
  • Cities
  • Facing sentient monsters
  • Consequences
Class: Great Old One Warlock

Having pledged his soul to the Serpent Mother, Dendar, Horatio's been given a plethora of new abilities to try out, as well as being given a snake familiar to heed to his every whim (sort of). He tries not to use his newfound spells too much, though - relying on a mostly evil snake goddess for power too often seems like a pretty bad idea in the long run.

Notable Spells
  • Eldritch Blast - A bolt of green energy that takes the shape of an open-mouthed snake.
  • Hellish Rebuke - When struck, a plethora of flames spring up under his assailant's feet.
  • Dissonant Whispers - Whispers and wails from every nightmare his target has had envelope their mind, causing physic damage.
  • Pact of the Chain - Horatio's familiar takes after Dendar herself, forming into a black kingsnake. Although he doesn't often ask it to do much, he thinks it's cute and enjoys having it around. He doesn't care if anyone else thinks it's weird..

Horatio is a relaxed, cheerful half-elf who just so happens to be working under a neutral evil dream-eating snake goddess. He tries not to think about that much and won't bring it up (though he won't hide it either), instead always referring to himself first and foremost as a monster hunter. He's dealt with all manners of creatures, big and small, terrorizing estates or villages, and will accept nearly any job - barring those that involve the killing of sentient or humanoid monsters. It's a moral thing. As far as he's concerned, nearly any adventurer would be willing to do that sort of stuff for however much gold anyway, so he's free to take on other sorts of work.

He had a relatively normal upbringing, living in a cabin some miles away from the nearest village with his parents. Though the woods around their home didn't host any particularly bizarre creatures, just sitting outside and trying to look past the treeline was enough to fan his curiosity. He left home at 16 to make his mark on the world as a monster hunter and alchemist, making potions and ointments out of whatever he could from what he killed and selling the rest for a few extra coins. For a while, he was content with this; travelling up and down the sword coast and further on, hunting and mixing and whatever else, but after 20-odd years of it, it started to get boring. He made two decisions in an effort to spice his work up: Look into some forbidden knowledge, and try dealing with a humanoid threat.

One worked out better than the other. Making a pact with Dendar was surprisingly easy once he thought (or dreamed of) the idea, and having an arsenal of spells at his disposal was invigorating for a while. Years later, his first and only run-in with a new threat - a vampire attempting to make his home too close to a city too populated for his liking - ended with him inadvertently freeing the vampire's thrall, the recently turned elven dhampir Osric Coffin. Though Horatio now considers him an ally and maybe even a friend, the experience still turned him off dealing with sentient supernatural beings permanently. Now he's got a snake goddess and half-vampire willing to help out whenever, though, so maybe things have turned out alright.

  • Horatio lost his eye early on in his hunting career.
  • He liked snakes before he joined with Dendar - that probably influenced his decision in making a pact.
  • Although he dislikes talking about his family or himself in general, he thinks his relationship with his parents is fine. They just don't know where he is or if he's still alive.
  • He's a romantic at heart.
  • Though he doesn't like hunting or dealing with humanoid or sentient creatures (beyond the brainless living dead), he thinks hanging around them is fun - so long as they don't try anything.