

3 years, 3 months ago


45 Moons - June '24
Startdate - 3/31/2021
Starting age - 6 moons

Ant is an unnerving cat with an obsession with his god and the “Sickness” of the clans. He despises the clans and how they raise and train cats to fight and kill- fostering blood hungry monsters. Being anywhere near the clans or even the mention of them makes his very skin crawl, a horrible itching sensation.

Ant grew up with an overwhelming fear of pain and death. While this made him cowardly at first, he now turns that fear into strength. He doesn’t run from any fight, confronting his issues head on with unwavering determination. He refuses to live his life by anyone else’s rules, fiercely independent and despising authority figures or those who wish to control others.

He struggles to form meaningful bonds with others, choosing a detached approach to relationships. He tends to see interactions in a way of exchanges. Nobody does anything without expecting anything in return.


  • Life by his rules
  • Control
  • Simple things

  • The Sickness
  • White foxes
  • Violent Brutes
Devoted . Independent . Vocal

My dearest brother I shall never stray from your righteous path.
Ant has incredibly strong beliefs in his god and belief system. Absolutely nothing can stand in his way or change his mind. His devotion also extends to those he considers family- though none have ever been worth of such title.

I will live a life of my own choosing.
Ant is a cat who refuses to let others dictate his path. He lives a life purely by his own rules and will not let others interfere with his independance.

I speak freely so my words may be heard by all.
Ant will never hold his tongue. He speaks freely of whatever is on his mind- be it to other cats or his conversing with his dearest Brother. He often talks though his worries and concerns with this unseen Brother.

Detached . Confrontational

What makes you think I care?
Ant has been hurt by the person he cares most about. He struggles to form close bonds with others, believing that if he never lets anyone in, they can never leave him emotionally wounded. He doesn't believe in unconditional love.

Don't think this ends here, Beetlestar!
If he has a bone to pick with you, Ant will not hesitate. He refuses to let things stew, will never avoid a dispute that needs settling. Ant was once a coward, but running has never proven to work.

Vindictive . Unstable . Incompliant

A Bloodhungry predator? It describes every last one of you.
The clan's constant obsession with their code, fighting, and bloodshed has never sat right with Ant. He despises every cat who epitomises what it means to be a "warrior". Cats like Otterspark, Foxthroat, and Beetlestar are shining examples of everything thats wrong with the clans. Disgusting.

They're all SICK, rotting and spreading their VILE illness with EVERY word they breathe!
The clans are all contaminated with a vile sickness that breeds violence and bloodshed. Ant constantly feels this illness in the air, crawling beneath his fur in a fervant itch that he can never clear. This instability has existed long before these beliefs took root though.

Your ancesters- your leaders- they're nothing but SHACKLES!
Ant despises others having authority over him and forcing their views on him. He believes strongly that clan leaders are horrible influences on the clancats, and that they will lead them all to a bloody ruin. He will not listen to them and despises clan leaders greatly.

Kithood [0-5 Moons]

Sneezekit was born in a small litter, only one other kitten besides himself, though this sibling would not survive for too long, succumbing to illness not long after birth. His parents found his tiny sneezes endearing at first, naming the kit after the fits. Though after time, they began to fret over and coddle him, worried their kit was bound to have poor health like his late sibling. Nevertheless, Sneezekit survived as a bundle of healthy orange fuzz with just a runny nose.

[ Without Fear, we are Beasts]

Between bouts of rowdy kit tumbling and gentle baps exchanged between siblings, Sneezekit would listen to his mom and pop’s hushed tones of what happened outside the nursery. He never was sure what to make of it, medicine cats having strange dreams? Why, he had those all the time! Why would they be so concerned over dreams of walking on clouds and singing beetles?

Later, his parents would mention a cat with a silly name, Agent Buster. Though he guessed he couldn't judge, being Sneezekit after all. Apparently this Buster fellow really hurt a medicine cat though, so that's not super cool. His father scoffed and said that Pinetail had it coming, so maybe it was super cool. Or just average cool.

What really wasn't cool, was the actual real spirits in the valley. That was strange. Sneezekit never did like scary stories, but at least those were always fake, or well.. He assumed they were. But these spirit stories were real. Sneezekit always kept close to his mother during this, worried the spirits would pop out and grab at them at any moment. She did her best to reassure him that they wouldn't hurt such a little kit like him.

Sneezekit’s worries about spirits were quickly forgotten when the swarms appeared. Sneeze’s mother coddled him just like when he was little. She worried the vile insects would be bad for her boy’s health.

He didn't mind the coddling too much, and he honestly didn't want to leave the nursery while those creatures straight from a bad dream were about. Sneezekit worried constantly for his pop when he was gone. The tom always came back exhausted and bedraggled. Seeing his pop and all the other warriors out there, risking everything scared him. After the battle ended, the dust seemed to settle… it wasn't pretty. Both his leader and the leader of Ravenclan had lost all their lives, so many cats got horribly injured, including their new leader’s daughter, who was only an apprentice at the time.

If being a warrior meant he would come home, exhausted and drained like his father… If it meant he could die in such a horrid way like the clan’s leaders did… if it meant he could be ripped to ribbons before he could even actually get his warrior name…

Sneezekit wasn’t really sure he wanted to be a warrior.

Early Apprenticeship [6-9 Moons]

Unfortunately he didn't really have a choice. Just as he started to realize what being a warrior entailed, Sneezekit became Sneezepaw. He wasn't excited. He didn't really care much for being an apprentice at all. His mentor was a cat named Loudbird and while she seemed fun and upbeat, he would quickly learn she was anything but. Loudbird was strict and constantly forced him to go on patrols and train.

Sneezepaw and Loudbird’s relationship crumbled fast. She didn't appreciate an apprentice who constantly slacked on his work, and Sneezepaw didn't appreciate a mentor that forced him to constantly train to be a warrior. He wanted to live a long, fun life and warrior training was NOT part of that plan.

During his time goofing off, Sneezepaw became quite close with another apprentice named Sagepaw. She was much older than him, significantly stronger too! He was in awe of her confidence and passion. Sneezepaw took to following her around, going on outings with her, and just sticking like glue to her side. It was through Sagepaw that he met a nice warrior named Otterspark. She was a fun-loving and goofy warrior who told great stories. With the two of them around, who needed his fuddy-duddy no-fun mentor!

[The Elder Order]

Sneezepaw’s life took a bit of a turn one morning when… everything went a bit strange. His memories of the whole day are hazy at best. He ate the blue cappy shroom, drank from the red berry river, ate from the endless sands, and so much more. The most important thing was he met Brother Archibald! He was an exceptionally long fox with only two front legs and a third eye. Brother Archibald invited sneezepaw to The Ritual of Rebirth where they welcomed The Elder God’s return. While Sneezepaw was rather confused, he drank from the Elder God’s stone and was welcomed by the Elder One.

Sneezepaw woke up later with a constant whispering in his ears. This whispering warned him of unseen dangers, advised him on hard decisions, and kept him safe. Sneezepaw would refer to this voice as Brother Archibald.

After he was welcomed into The Elder Order, Sneezepaw became more disconnected than before. He would constantly pause to listen to his brother in his ears, ignore the world around him, and act rather strangely. Because of this, his relationship with Loudbird worsened. While he still trained occasionally with her before, Sneezepaw would now go missing for periods of time. Loudbird could never flag him down for patrols, and the two rarely ever saw each other.

[ Ravenclan VS Lynxclan war ]

The war began to brew at a gathering. The first and only gathering Sneezepaw would ever attend, was one ruined by bloodshed. Sneezepaw met a strange Snakeclan apprentice by the name of Dovepaw at this gathering. The two talked for some time as they avoided the fight and felt the beginnings of something ominous on the rise.

It was after that gathering, that Sneezepaw became acquainted with Reedsprout. He was a dreary tom, like Dovepaw had mentioned to him, but good company. The two weren’t able to get very well acquainted though before the war broke out.

When Beetlestar mentioned they would wage war against Ravenclan, Sneezepaw already knew his decision. He would avoid battle at all costs. The young apprentice couldn't help but be reminded of the nightmares from his kithood. How everyone was hurt and injured and in pain. Sneezepaw begged Sagestorm to stay home with him, to stay away from the battle… but she was a warrior now. Sagestorm refused to stay home, convinced Beetlestar would kick her out of Lynxclan if she stayed back. Worried for his friend’s safety, Sneezepaw went against his better judgment and followed his friend into battle.

Sneezepaw was terrified. He watched as his best friend fought relentlessly against a Ravenclan warrior. How she looked happy doing it. Sagestorm looked like she was having the time of her life in the heat of the battle. He didn’t understand how someone could look so excited to hurt another cat.

Sneezepaw was forced to face against a Ravenclan warrior that he never learned the name of. He was frozen and terrified and didn't want to fight. The only thing that scared him more than fighting was getting hurt himself. A sensation washed over him and when he blinked open his eyes, he had blood on his claws and his brother’s buzzing voice in his ears.

Sneezepaw avoided fighting for the rest of the battle, he backed off and tried to discourage others from fighting as well. He cried desperately in an attempt to get Beetlestar to back down, to show mercy, to realize the Ravenclan cats had had enough. Beetlestar refused to listen to him. His leader said everything would be fine. That it was his duty to give his life in battle. Sneezepaw watched as Beetlestar was killed in a battle that didn't need to be fought. He was horrified at how little these cats cared about each other's lives. How they would sooner fight to the death than retreat and live.

Before the war even ended, Sneezepaw ran away. He couldn't stand to watch the violence anymore. The apprentice disappeared from camp for more than five days in a feeble attempt to search for answers. He ran far far away from clan territory, following his brother’s voice. He began to question everything he knew.

Sagestorm was his friend but she refused to listen to him. He knew she was rowdy, but had she been this way the whole time? So battle crazed?Beetlestar was their leader but he was ruthless and merciless in battle. He gave up his own life so needlessly when they could’ve just retreated.

He so desperately searched for answers and guidance, but none was given to him. Sneezepaw came back to camp knowing that he would have to find his answers on his own. All he knows now is that Beetlestar is to blame for the warrior’s behavior. He believes it's because of him that they all want to fight and die ‘gloriously’ in battle.

After he arrives home, Sneezepaw seeks out Otterspark. He’s hurt and can’t bring himself to face Sagestorm after realizing her true nature. He and Otterspark talk briefly about the war, and Sneezepaw’s disappearance. The apprentice eventually spills all of his worries and fears onto the warrior.

It doesn't take long for Sneezepaw to learn the truth. He talks with Reedsprout shortly after Otterspark, and he tells Sneezepaw what he had missed. He confronts Otterspark about the death of Embercry, asking her why. Why she felt the need to kill someone, why she felt like she had the right to end another cat’s life? Sneezepaw is shattering at the seams, broken and distraught. Otterspark tells him that killing embercry wasn't a mistake, even if she regrets it. How she did what she thought was right in the moment. He lashes out at her, telling Otterspark that she’s just as bad as her ruthless bone-headed father. That she’ll never be anything more than a killer.

Who am I? [10-12 Moons]

[The Final Straw]

At this point, Sneezepaw is coming apart at the seams. His world is crumbling around him and he just wants to be okay. He wants to hide, he wants to run. He craved one small fraction of normalcy, so he uncharacteristically accepted when Loudbird approached him for a patrol. Things didn’t go to plan, since they never seem to ever go to plan for Sneezepaw.

What was supposed to be a calm patrol, ended up being Sneezepaw’s breaking point. The two cats were faced with a white fox, the most terrifying creature Sneezepaw had ever seen. He wanted so desperately to run to safety but if he ran… If he ran he would be abandoning Loudbird to die. In the end it didn't even matter. The white fox smelled his fear and tore him to shreds, leaving Loudbird unharmed.

Sneezepaw knew he would have died if not for Brother Archibald. As his life slipped away, he heard his brother tell him there was only death in sleep. His breathing eased the slightest amount and Sneezepaw barely clung to his life.

When Sneezepaw recovers, he finds himself terrified and alone. His entire world has shattered around him and he’s being forced to pick up the pieces and make sense of everything around him. Life keeps taking and taking from him and he has nothing left to give. Every time he attempts to help others, it backfires on him like his life is some cosmic joke.

After everything that's happened to him, Sneezepaw breaks. Answers had been around him all along and he had only now pieced them together into something he could see. The whole idea of clans was a corrupted mess. Warriors and apprentices lived and breathed for battle, being raised to fight. The leaders they rallied behind led them into pointless battles for their own egos, teaching them that a death in battle is a valiant sacrifice. Worst of all was the Starclan they worshiped. Watching over them? Guiding them? It was all lies. Starclan didn't care for any of the cats, they just watched and laughed as everyone fought and killed, only bothering to care when it happened on their special day.

Sneezepaw realizes that he just can't do this anymore. He can't be surrounded by these cats that value their lives so little. This system that fosters killers.He knew the truth now and he refused to be complacent. Sneezepaw left lynxclan and would continue to live as a rogue, hating the clans with every fiber of his heart.

[Lynxclan no more]

When Sneezepaw left the clans he was alone and lost, unsure of what to do with himself. He wasn't used to fending for himself, feeding himself, and he didn't get much time with his mentor to learn how. Starving and alone, he runs into an oddly scarred and marred rogue named Purrkins. Purrkins takes some pity on the strange boy, showing him where to find prey and how to hunt for himself.

As Sneezepaw continues to travel, he meets many rogues and other cats across the valley. One of which being Caterpillar. Caterpillar was a simple cat, unburdened by the stressors of clan life. When he was with Caterpillar, things felt easier, simpler. He didn’t feel as burdened or bogged down by the vile ilk and sickness that the clans poisoned his lungs with.

He finds friend and family with Caterpillar, someone that- while he couldn't relate to- felt great comfort in. Caterpillar was his brother. He loved him as family. Though as he spends more time as a rogue, Sneezepaw begins to feel tied down by his name. Sneezepaw- paw- the name of a clancat. He didn't like it at all.

[From achoo to Ant]

While wandering, Sneezepaw came into contact with a ravenclan warrior. At first, he was terrified, meeting a warrior who had been on the battlefield when his life first started to go topsy turvy. Even though he hid, the warrior found him- but showed nothing but concern for the young cat.

Owldusk was surprisingly considerate and gentle, asking Sneezepaw what he was doing so far from Lynxclan. Sneezepaw found himself answering the questions honestly- better that than lies that could make the warrior attack. Though as they talk, Owldusk reveals that he had felt similar at a point.

Owldusk tells him how there was a time when he was completely alone. He hated his family, his former mentor, and he was constantly being pushed around and made to work tirelessly for something he didn’t care for. The story resonated with Sneezepaw, who had felt just as alone and out of place in his former clan.

When he asked Owldusk why he had chosen to stay, the tom smiled. Owldusk found his purpose when he got a new mentor, when he found friends in his clan. He didn't see purpose in fighting for this greater cause, but for protecting his loved ones. With his new friends, he wanted to stay and keep them safe.

Sneezepaw had never been close to his family, coddled and raised during a time of overwhelming fear. He was terrified of the world and everything it had to offer, all the dangers it held. His first friends had only perpetuated that idea, his leader and mentor as well. While Owldusk had found friends and family- Sneezepaw hadn’t. He supposed that's what made them so different.

After their meeting, Sneezepaw is left with much to think about. When he next met Owldusk, the warrior offered him some advice. Owldusk led him to a noisy waterfall by the Lynxclan borders, he almost couldn't think over the sound of the falls. Owldusk simply told him to sit, close his eyes, and focus.

“Once you drown out the distractions of the waterfall, you’ll be able to hear and see so much more with a little focus.”

Sneezepaw struggled to focus, mind clouded by worries, stress and the constant murmurs in his ears. Though as he waited and waited, everything began to clear and his thoughts weren't muddled. Sneezepaw could never see himself being that same warrior as Owldusk, never see himself caring for a group of strangers the way the warrior did- but he could see himself caring for his family. For Caterpillar.

When Owldusk comes back to him, Sneezepaw’s mind is so much clearer. He realizes he had been holding onto so much weight from being a clancat- while he was no longer an apprentice, he hadn't been a true rogue yet either.

“When I was younger, I was always really afraid of getting my warrior name,” he started, looking over to Owldusk, “It’s kinda funny now how I won’t ever get one. But Sneezepaw isn’t really a name I want to hold onto either. I’m not that little apprentice anymore.”
“Oh?” Owldusk mewed, looking curiously at the orange tabby, “Do you have a new name picked out?”
The former apprentice smiled and gave Owldusk a small nod “Yeah but... I think I want someone else to be the first to hear it. He’s helped me a lot and I want him to be the first cat I tell.”

He wanted Caterpillar to be the first cat he told his new name to. His new name that defined who he was going forwards. Ant. He may be small and frail, but he was stronger than he looked. More determined than he seemed.

The Calm [12-15 Moons]


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