


9 months, 25 days ago


95 Moons - June '24
Male - AFAB
Startdate - 1/17/24
Starting age - 90 moons

Onelizard is a cat who has faced immense hardship and abuse through his life, left barely standing at the other end of it all. Despite all the pain he’s been through, it is what has shaped him into the cat he is today. He is a patient and forgiving soul who wants the best for the valley and every cat who lives within her embrace. He believes that every cat is deserving of a second chance, that no one should ever be defined by their worst mistakes.

He cares deeply for the lives of others, hating death and violence despite knowing that it is an unavoidable part of life. Despite the cruelty he’s faced, he never wishes death on others, and will be forever haunted by the one life he has ended.

While his life has shaped the best parts of him, it has also carved out the worst aspects as well. Onelizard has been hurt by many and has grown deeply Cynical, expecting the worst from others and desperately hoping for the best though he knows he may never see it.

Despite his tenacious spirit, its hard for him to be strong after all he’s been through. At the end of the day, he is tired and he has been hurt. He hopes that some peace and quiet, retiring in the place he was born, will give him what he needs to recover.


  • Summer quietness
  • Sun streaming through the trees
  • A time where everything can be still and quiet.

  • Mud and frogs
  • Senseless violence
  • Fire
Good . Tenacious . Organized

What are we without order?
Onelizard in his core is a cat who believes the best. He follows rules that better the clan and the valley as a whole, but is not afraid to step out of line against something he believes is unjust. He has seen how cats without a moral compass, who abandon their fellow feline, can lay waste to everything around them due to growing up under Gorsestar’s rule.

One does not need power to be strong.
He has a warrior’s spirit that can be shaken but never truly shattered. Onelizard has seen hardship after hardship and still perseveres. He won’t give up without a fight, willing to stand and endure for what he believes is right.

No job is too small
Due to growing up in uncertain times, Onelizard was forced to always have his wits about him. He Is able to take stock of situations and organize his clanmates to best suit their skillsets. He makes sure to keep track of what his clan needs at all times.

Rational . Forgiving . Serious

Logic is oftentimes cold
He prides himself on being able to assess situations without letting emotions cloud his judgment. Onelizard has been called cold for his viewpoint in the past, and he cannot fault others for viewing it as such. He has simply lost so much in life that he has grown used to stifling his emotions.

You are not defined by your biggest mistake
A positive trait in many, but not in all. Onelizard believes that everyone deserves a chance at redemption, to prove that they are not defined by their worst mistakes. Unfortunately, his forgiveness most often leads to Onelizard being deeply disappointed by others and their inability to live up to expectations.

This isn't a laughing matter, Spottedpaw!
Making jokes or light of terrible situations has never been Onelizard’s vibe. He rarely if ever cracks jokes, forcing himself to always be the one with his head on straight. He doesn’t play games or waste time. Never having a proper childhood can do that to a man.

Cynical . Harsh . Tired

I'm starting to beleive we may never truly rest..
Having seen the worst of the world, Onelizard has unfortunately come to expect it of everyone. He has learned to expect the worst and hope for the best. He’s been hurt, betrayed, and lied to by the people he trusted, and while he does not let it turn him bitter, it has made him deeply cynical.

Put some backbone into it!
Because Onelizard hopes for the best in others and for the valley, he can be a very harsh critic. He pushes himself to always be on, to do better and be better. This extends beyond himself though, as he has no mercy towards others who don't pull their weight, berating them for their lack of effort.

I'm not sure I can keep going like this...
At the end of the day, Onelizard has really been through a lot both physically and emotionally. He’s lost most everyone he loves, seen his home in ruins and had his body destroyed. Its impossible for all of that not to take a toll on him, leaving him exhausted at the end of the day, taking everything he has in him just to keep surviving.

code by jiko | background by @ user