


3 years, 3 months ago



Name cyril
Height 195cm + 10cm horns
Pronouns he/him
Build top heavy
Race tiefling
Class bard
Age late twenties
Theme song link

an easily flustered young man. His tolerant demeanor is the glue holding together this dysfunctional group. Always a little bit too ready to throw himself into a new adventure or a quest from a total stranger without giving much thought to the practicalities


  • frilly nonsense outfits
  • big dogs
  • billiards
  • bad puns


  • confrontations
  • anything slimy
  • seafood
  • silence


Personality Traits

  • in typical bard fashion he is a little bit dramatic and loves a good story, both the listening and the telling
  • tries his best but really isnt very good at defusing conflicts verbally - something of a problem given how conflict-prone some of his party are
  • surprisingly skilled at abstract strategy and spatial awareness. feels very natural to him to adopt the chief tactician role in any battle situation. In all other situations he is true head-in-the-clouds optimist
  • he is one of Those craft beer dudes. has a little black notebook where he writes down tasting notes at every pub they visit. Everyone else thinks its deeply embarrassing, but hes really earnestly into it

Design Notes

  • whole body can change colours to basically anything with his inherent tiefling powers. Usually settles as a muddy yellow/green
  • blushes very easily, also in any colour. If he is concentrating he can make his body the same colour as the blush to disguise it
  • glowy stripes on the horns and tail
  • the frilly bits on the face/ears can also be glowy
  • draw him in any e xisting outfit or make a new one!! the more frills the better
  • has a very cool violin you should check it out and maybe draw it



yarrow [ party member ]

many a long evening has been spent in the pub together, cyril blubbering over his failure to get a date. He finds yarrow's frank advice and total lack of sympathy somehow refreshing


rue [ party member ]



hemlock [ party member ]

initially bonded over their mutual love of fancy clothing. Cyril is easily baited into foolish arguments and gets very wound up over them (an endless source of amusement for hemlock)

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