


3 years, 2 months ago


     Hydra neither eats nor drinks! The closest she gets to that is refreshing herself and her form by physically interacting with water. Hydra’s vegan, she doesn’t have to worry about her husband Wheaton pestering her to be. Hydra is super supportive of Wheaton being vegan! If she weren’t, I don’t know how their marriage would work!

     Since Wheaton and Hydra are both rather narcissistic, they do have a rivalry going between each other, but it’s a friendly one! If it weren’t friendly, I, again, don’t know how their marriage would work. 

     They like to tease each other and battle with their wits. Neither is super smart, but Hydra is probably a little smarter than Wheaton, plus, she has an advantage of three extra heads arguing on her side.

     Hydra does have one mind, although sometimes different heads are used specifically to best express the different emotions within that one mind. 

     “Hey-hey, this head is more goofy, this head is more annoying, this head is more reasonable, & this head is more stupid!”, or something along those lines. Which head reflects what emotion or portion of thinking fluctuates, but all of the heads are connected to Hydra’s single mind.

     Hydra cares about her son Ned, but, like Wheaton, has a bit of a weird parenting style. Wheaton is more into dieting, while Hydra is more into exercising, so Hydra sure as Shrek loves to encourage Ned to exercise! 

     Ned does enjoy dancing, so Hydra’s glad about that, but she pesters him about doing more, too, when dancing is what he’s already really passionate about. 

Gender: Female 


  • “She/Her/Hers/Herself” 

Species: Personified Water (Shape of a hydra with four heads) 

Sexuality/Romantic Orientation: Biromantic, Asexual

Birthday: April 23rd, 1982 (Born as rain) 

Age: 38 years

Relations: Ned (Offspring), Wheaton (Husband) 

Personality & Similar: Humorous, Protective, Acrobatic, Talkative, Witty, Persuasive, Persistent, Moody, Sometimes Intimidating

Representative Music: ”Haven’t You Noticed (I’m a Star)


  • Hobby/Hobbies: Acrobatics, Exercise video games 

  • Season: Spring  

  • Colour: Baby Blue 

*Last Updated: Tuesday, March 9th, 2021