Yurian Griya



6 years, 11 months ago


the useless lesbean to memoira's useful lesbian
also technically a fugitive because she deserted and took a captive with her


Name:: Yurian Griya (Replace the 45% with 70% if you are removing the top image! This is important!) Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec efficitur dui sit amet auctor bibendum. Donec ac iaculis leo. Phasellus tincidunt lacinia eleifend. Phasellus non rutrum augue. Suspendisse nulla dui, dignissim ut volutpat non, accumsan condimentum nisi. Cras ut ante maximus velit ultrices rutrum ut eu ipsum. Donec imperdiet efficitur nisl, nec congue urna semper sit amet. Proin quis metus a elit pellentesque tempus quis ut enim. Integer viverra pulvinar enim, in blandit est sagittis eu. Aenean vitae tortor in dolor pellentesque sagittis. Vivamus magna ex, egestas vitae ligula ac, laoreet semper nibh. In eu massa at urna efficitur finibus.
Alias:: Yuyu, "dork"
Alignment:: Lawful Cowardice
Age:: mid twenties?
Gender:: Female
Race:: StarShooter
Occupation:: Smuggler/fugitive
Location:: Location
Orientation:: Bi????
Status:: Taken


Height:: 5'4" Eyes:: Pale yellow Hair:: Pink and long, usually tied in a pair of ponytails. Build:: sticks in the shape of a dragon
Species Traits:: Species Traits Features:: Important Features
Description:: Description


Quirks Likes Dislikes
very anxious/high-strung, prone to overthinking things, stress-cleaner, refuses to admit she needs help cute animals, gf floof, girls Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque non varius felis, dignissim tempus velit.

Additional Information



Yurian Griya was born to a very poor family of shooters in the capital, and was from an early age painfully aware of how little they had, despite the efforts of her parents and elder siblings. She started attempting to ease things by doing small jobs as a child, and when she was old enough to be enrolled in military school she jumped at the chance, despite not really knowing what that meant at the time besides giving her family more breathing room with money. She soon regretted this decision; she didn't have the temperament to do well in a military setting, but admitting this would mean that her family would not have the stipend that being military would give her.

Character Template Coded by Seraphim

Worth: 70 USD