


6 years, 10 months ago


adhd dick
highly aggressive/competitive in basically everything she does, no concept of self-preservation, does have a strong protective streak and will lay down her life if needed, very little common sense when riled up
basically she's the one voted most likely to get her dumb ass killed in a shooter raid

desert dasher; while her hooves are still mostly deer-shaped, they're also camel-large which makes getting kicked by her deadly.
had her floating gem polished into a heart shape by sureina; partially act of trust, partially mutually agreeing to advertise sureina's work.
Glasgow smile. sometimes does odd jobs outside of mugging people, mostly decent-enough tattoo work and selling bone/ivory carvings

flower: Echinopsis eyriesii (including the cactus itself because she is Extra)
dating sureina but they haven't exchanged flowers yet to the confusion of everyone who knows them, since they're? basically married??? and have been for years????????
Name ● Leksa
Alias ● Leksa
Gender ● Demiwoman
Age ● ???
Race ● StarDasher
Occupation ● Mugger
Affiliation ●
Alignment ● Chaotic Neutral
Orientation ● gace
Status ● basically married
Song ● Futare ~Parlre feddya~ / Nightquest



spiteful and petty, highly competitive, quick to anger and slow to forgive, very poor memory, nonexistent attention span, very loyal/protective of hers, basically no sense of self-preservation, violent, very little common sense when angered (or at any other time, really), voted "most likely to get her dumb ass killed in shooter raid"

Quirks/Habits Likes Dislikes Attributes
Paces constantly


❤ Appearance ❤

Description ⌈ Height⌋ short (5'1")

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque at faucibus elit, a placerat neque. Sed dictum, urna id scelerisque pellentesque, tortor nunc vehicula massa, in efficitur purus diam pellentesque mauris. Nulla nec ligula nec nunc dignissim euismod. Integer et nunc sed quam imperdiet hendrerit sit amet quis nulla. Maecenas pharetra, magna interdum iaculis porttitor, ligula urna ultricies nisi, a sollicitudin felis ante sit amet velit. Etiam elit sem, mattis non vulputate in, vehicula vitae quam. Suspendisse odio dui, sollicitudin eget risus eget, finibus viverra mi. Fusce vulputate, dui quis posuere pellentesque, nisi arcu varius erat, ut tincidunt arcu augue sed leo. Ut eu ante metus. Quisque dolor lectus, fermentum a enim vitae, euismod faucibus turpis. Sed at leo ut ante euismod auctor in in sapien. Nunc vehicula neque est, quis dapibus sapien vulputate vel.

⌈ Build ⌋ dense
⌈ Skin Tone ⌋ the nineties called, they want their awful color schemes back
⌈ Hair Color ⌋ Turquoise
⌈ Hair Style ⌋ short
⌈ Eyes ⌋ Hot pink
⌈ Features ;⌋ Heart-shaped hovergem, giant hooves, very thin layer of coarse fuzz, horrific facial scars


[childhood/most history really still working on] For a time, things seemed like they would continue like that without end. The town was large enough that none of them would be caught just from people knowing them, and when there was enough heat that they had to lay low, Sureina's good reputation kept most of the heat off of her and Yuseok. Then, one quiet night, a starshooter raid happened. Those that didn't escape were killed or enslaved, and Leksa, Sureina, and Yuseok only survived because Puellan threw away her life to give them the time to run. Even then, Leksa was nearly taken as a slave, and only barely escaped due to what she's convinced was divine intervention.

After, she spent a while trying to find other survivors; Sureina and Yuseok she ran into quickly, but it took until they felt safe enough to go back into the city that they found Puellan's corpse, missing her gems. Leksa took it... poorly.

She at first refused to believe that her best friend was dead. Then, after several days, began to convince herself that Puellan had become a Robber, despite how unlikely it was and despite Yuseok and Sureina trying to get her to accept that Puellan probably wasn't coming back.

❥Important Notes

Survived the attack on the town, but swears up and down that a fiery red shooter with no face helped her escape. Reasonably, no one believes her.




Character Template Coded by Seraphim