cato schwarz



3 years, 2 months ago


Full Name: Cato Mathias Schwarz
Title: The Librarian
Age: 30
Gender: Male (He/They)
Height: 6’2
Witch's Blessings: 

  • Fate 1: Fragment Shift: You can reroll a FATE roll once. You must take the outcome of the second roll.
  • Reasoning 2: Spin the Board: When stuck on something or unsure where to go next, you can ask for a hint or clue to point you in the right direction. You'll get this in the form of two lies and one truth. It'll be up to you to distinguish them.


Assertive, Cato is often the one who acts first, thinking quickly and capably to answer any sort of question that may be on his hands. He's also intuitive, making connections where others can barely see it. His wide range of intellect as well as his eidetic memory means he can draw on many different associations to try and understand a puzzle. 

Cato is quite rational, and favors more logical answers rather than emotional ones, not quite understanding when it comes to sudden outbursts of emotion (though hypocritical in the way that he himself is also quick to passion when it gets to it). He has a tendency to be inwardly drawn, preferring to act solo rather than in the company of others, especially when it comes to letting his plans unfold. He'll investigate by himself, and he'll learn by himself.

He is, in actuality, very stubborn; once he decides on a course of action, he often follows it through to the letter, not letting anyone influence his decisions. His strong sense of justice and morals means he's very judgemental of others should they not meet his standards. He's haughty, possessing a slight sense of a 'better-than-you' attitude that may make others label him as a very standoffish, selfish person, though really he just has no tolerance for those who don't subscribe to his particular sense of what's right and what's wrong.


A librarian for a sleepy coastal town, his library is full of rare and often sought-after books and first editions that are hard to find anywhere else. He’s been given an invitation due to apparent wealth of knowledge he possesses in his head. 

Birthday: October 31
Likes: Boats, cold weather, hard candy
Dislikes: Noisy people or environments, sour food
Hobbies: Mystery solving (rubiks cubes and the like), reading, writing
Fun Facts: 

  • Has a military background, or shows signs of being trained professionally
  • Insomniac and often can’t sleep at night, but dozes off during the day
  • Has eidetic memory and memorized many books in the library
  • Favorite tea is chamomile