
3 years, 2 months ago



Pronounced: Leh-ev

Alias: Ghost (Serial Killer identity)


Also low-key kind of a serial killer

Weapon of choice: Knife

Age: 19 years old

⚠️ General minor blood warning for some of his art





Lev is not the main character of the story. He is portrayed to be the second main character, though he acts as an anti-protagonist (not necessarily the antagonist) and constantly switches sides. Lev is 1 year older than Amira (the main protagonist).

This story is meant to be of a person's (so not a cats) but I can't draw humans as easily which is why he is drawn as a cat. I imagine his story using an actual human though.


Lev is a mysterious and intimidating guy. If looks could kill, his would. He's socially inept and can't make friends easily. He doesn't really mind this, but he does wish he could connect with others. He makes rivals and enemies easily, though he eventually befriends some of his rivals. He also gets embarrassed and defensive easily, letting his emtions get ahead of him. His classmates all think he's weird and creepy and honestly he is. He can be completely insane and laughs in inappropriate situations. They also think he has no emotions and think he's incredibly selfish. Deep down he's soft and has a hard time expressing himself in front of others. He cries easily but doesn't show it. He becomes more open to his classmates through Amira and shows himself as friendly to them. He's sorta mean to Amira though and they constantly argue and tease each other. He also has a giant crush on a scientist who helps build and creates weapons for the assassins (Her name's Naomi). He likes to admire her from a distance and stutters and gets flustered in front of her. Lev has a hard time trusting others, but learns to eventually. He cannot function early in the morning and is extremely grumpy without his coffee.

"He's kind of hot. Too bad he's absolutely insane." 

*Insert clip of Lev laughing in a fire*

- A Classmate



Lev was born under a wealthy and rich family. While only 5 at the time, he witnessed his parents assassination. He watched his parents die and he became an orphan. Instead of going to a orphanage, the assassin who killed his parents took him in and trained him for years. He became the youngest assassin known. Flashforward to college, his classmates tell his story as they learned it. Later on, you learn that Lev was not forced to join the assassin who killed his parents, but rather he wanted to go with him and found killings to be "impressive". He wanted to be an assassin at the age of 5 and that assassin that killed his parents raised him to be just that (note: he was 5 at the time so he probably didn't know what he actually wanted, but became corrupted due to his choices and getting what he wanted at such a young age). Due to his training, his first killing was a 12 year old when Lev was 10. This 12 year old was the serial killer, Ghost at the time. Lev killed him and took his identity on accident. He takes on this role proudly now and carries on his legacy. Due to trauma of his parents dying at gunpoint, Lev cannot use a gun and refuses to use one. He finds knife kills to be much more impressive. He tries to play his fear off and doesn't mind when others use guns. He himself just cannot use a gun. He is listed as the third best in his (secret) assassin class since he doesn't use any type of gun at all and refuses to learn anything about them (you learn later that he's only listed as the 3rd best because of the fact he refuses to use any type of gun. He is actually incredibly skilled with a knife and would be 1st if not for the fact he won't learn to use a gun). 

Rules of an Assassin is a story formatted to appear as a show with 1 season and 12 episodes. If you wish to read more, please check out the summary of it under Lev's library.
