


3 years, 1 month ago




Name Rook
Nicknames N/A
Age 30yrs
Gender Man
Race Ceratopsian
Pronouns he/him
Occupation Record Store Employee
Height/Build 179cm, Toned


  • Actions above Brain
  • Extroverted
  • Unreliable

  • Friendly
  • Kinda dumb
  • Laidback

Thinkin' of how to annoy the tightass neighbours next.


Rook does the thing where he doesn't bother thinkin' through things 'cuz thinking is a lot of work and who can be bothered doin' that tbh, so yeah he doesn't think ahead a lot and doesn't think about the long-term effects his choices might have. He's known for being unreliable but at the end of it all he has a good heart he's just dumb lol. He is an anarchist and following rules especially set by government or other authority figures or basically anyone he doesn't trust/like isn't really his thing, but in saying that he's harmless and mostly just complains and commits minor crime witht he purpose of pissin' people off. He knows and hangs out with a lot of people of varying quality but he is closest with Sydney and Naga who he considers his best friends. They kind of act like the voice of reason to his dumb monkey brain that only functions in the present. He also raised a treant by the name of Trank who he found thrown in the dump by some asshole, he took them under his wing like they were his child despite having no knowledge on treants at all, but I think he did an alright job. His hobbies include drinking, graffiti, watching dumb shit like beavis & butt-head, music, and weed among other things.

Design Notes Mostly Trivia

  • Thinks chess is the dumbest and most boring game ever. This includes any sort of game where you have to use your brain.
  • His design is loosely inspired by styracosaurus and triceratops.
  • Is on the organ donor register but probably has fucked up organs.
  • Is an anarchist.
  • Enjoys creating minor inconveniences toward people he doesn't like.
  • Is transgender.



Sydney & Darwin Best Friend & Roommates

Roommates, Sydney is one of Rook's closest friends, Darwin's kind of a dick though.


Trank Family

Rook raised Trank from when they were just a sapling and now they're taller than he is. He's very protective of them.


Naga Best Friend

Long-time childhood friend who often acts as the voice of reason to his dumbass monkey brain.


Kalvah Friend

Rook think's she's cool as.


Thorne Not Friend

Hates their stuck-up ass, enjoys teasing and gettin' on their nerves.