


3 years, 2 months ago




Name Naga
Nicknames N/A
Age 30yrs
Gender Man
Race Gorgon
Pronouns he/him
Occupation Works in a plant nursery.
Height/Build 160cm, Well Built


  • Calm
  • Quiet
  • Unenthusiastic

  • Passive
  • Reserved
  • Open-Minded

Just wants peace and quiet.


Naga looks a little more intimidating than he actually is and he generally tries not to be but when you're covered in spiky red scales and enjoy wearing black it can be a little hard sometimes. He's genuinely pretty nice, chill and open-minded and I wouldn't describe him as shy but he is quiet and passive, not super excitable but not completely void of emotion either. He's pretty good at looking like he can stay calm under pressure though is often panicking on the inside without people really knowing. He's patient and can be a bit of a pushover at times and also has a tendency to have a long-lasting distrust of someone if he's particularly hurt by something. But in general he's nice and if you're being annoying he's more likely to put up with it than let you know about it. He likes plants, particularly cacti and succulents and works at a plant nursery, its a quiet and peaceful small space so he's content with it. He also works with tarot which is a tradition that runs in his family and also enjoys metal, horror and macabre/spooky themed stuff. He's also a bit superstitious though this isn't exactly unheard of for gorgons.

Design Notes

  • One of his eyebrow spike things is missing due to a bad shed when he was a little noodle.
  • Suffers from a bit of insomnia.
  • If reddit existed in this world his favourite subreddit would be r/mildyinteresting.
  • Has a tattoo on his left shoulder.



Kalvah Partner

They are in love and married and consider each other to be best buds.


Rook Friend

Been friends since childhood.


Trank Family Friend

Naga has always been considered somewhat like an uncle to Trank as he was frequently helping care for them when they were younger.


Thorne Friend

He was Thorne's first real contact and friend in the city.