


3 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info

How to draw

See Ref


Soldier, loves fighting | Not very sociable unless its Aja and Krel



Protecting ✛ Guarding ✛ Fighting
Killing, Protecting the Royals
Royal Bodyguard

Things that she can't kill
Arcadia Oaks, California
Glorious death

Where From


D&D Tales of Arcadia (Homebrew session)

Family & School

Fleeing her home of Cantaloupia with her family Aja, Krel and Vex, they ended up moving into the small and what seemed quiet town of Arcadia Oaks. Trying to fit it, the three (Ceraya, Aja and Krel) went to the local school of Arcadia Oaks High. Quickly, Aja fit well into the lively school and Krel earned quite the reputation of becoming a DJ. However, Ceraya just stayed in the back seat quietly watching the two and was just happy to see them happy. Within their first year of Arcadia Oaks High, Aja seemed to have joined this so called Occult Society Club so Krel and Ceraya tagged along. Who would of thought that Ceraya would meed the diverse group of students who would soon be her friends... And who would of thought she would be vice president of the club!

Into the World of Magic


Always on her phone, it's no surprise that she uses it as her arcane focus. She was trained and taught by her grandpa in order to protect her "cousins" Aja and Krel. Within the time Ceraya has been within Arcadia, her family has spotted strange occurances appear every so often but thought it was normal since they weren't what you could call local to Arcadia Oaks. Except upon some mysterious person appearing within the club room one afternoon, her involvemnt has changed where she has found a part of not only protecting her "cousins" but also her newly made friends.


height: Human 5'4 Akiridion 5'8
eyes: Yellow
hair color: Red/ Yellow Highlights
build: Thin/ Small frame
occupation: Royal Guard
skin color: Pale skin
  • Ceraya has light red hair with yellow highlights at the tips- with a little braid on the left (her right).
  • Her shirt consists of a starry skiy on the panel of her shirt, the right sleeve (her left) has one large stripe and one thin stripe.


Fun Facts

↳ Sometimes they nickname it "Kimmie".

↳ Gravida montes dis odio dapibus elit vulputate turpis egestas suscipit.

↳ Est rutrum nibh nostra massa arcu proin, per convallis hendrerit.


╢Best friend/ childhood friends╟
Brave, capable, and very independent

Ceraya has been with her and her brother since such a young age. The three back home were known as an inseparable trio where if you saw one, the other two aren't far off. Ceraya gets part of her fiery personality from Aja and it really shows during combat. Aja is one of the few who get to see Ceraya's smile and both are happy to call each other sisters although they aren't related.

╢Best friend/ childhood friends╟
Everyday around him makes the days worth living

Like Aja, she has know Krel since they were young. Krel has always been the type to tinker and experiment often. His fasination with technology rubbed off on Ceraya where you can't pry her phone away. Krel will always be there for Ceraya the way she's been there for him and his sister. Although they don't share blood, they're family and Krel is delighted to have another sister besides Aja.

╢class mate/Team mate╟
Veronica is just crazy... I don't know why Aja is friends with her...

The two met when Aja told Ceraya and Krel about the Occult Society Club that Veronica was starting up. Upon first meeting Ceraya thought she was but a child who had too much energy. Eventually, Ceraya got to learn a bit more about Veronica but instead of thinking of her as a child, she became seen as crazy... Which in her defence is normal since it's Veronica we're talking about heh.

╢Guardian / Team mate╟
They are the only one who's responsible besides Byron... Also pretty cool.

Ukiel was the Occult Society Club's supervisor and the two occasionally echanged words every so often. Ukiel undertood the three's situation and picked up on how they didn't want to talk about their home even if they seemed homesick. Ceraya saw Ukiel as the only reliable adult in Arcadia Oaks, since the other would be her grandpa, Vex.

╢class mate/Team mate╟
He's quiet like me... I respect that...

The two are often seen studying together since Ceraya and Byron had quite a few classes together. However, they both don't talk which was strange if you passed by the two as they just pointed and nodded to one another... Like they were communicating through frequencies or something. Besides that, Ceraya did take interest in Byron's mechanical squirrel, Almond.

╢class mate/Team mate╟
Lucas often gets us in trouble... but he also gets us out of it...

Ceraya thought of Lucas as maybe a hazard as he is often seen getting in trouble and she wanted nothing bad to happen to Aja and Krel. However, her first impression were proven wrong as more times than Ceraya would like, Lucas has helped Aja and Krel several times when she could not and will forever be greatful for that, but you won't hear that from her any time soon.

╢class mate/Team mate╟
Nova is like in her own little world... I like her plant though... Bruce Leaf was it?

Ceraya was quite interested in the plants that Nova grew within the club room as most were some she's never seen before. Nature was one of the things Ceraya, Aja and Krel were extremely interested in when they first arrived in Arcadia Oaks. The two red heads don't talk often as Ceraya is a person of little words but is willing to listen to Nova's words.