


3 years, 3 months ago


  • Malachi

  • AmZh11E.png

  • ᴀɢᴇ in his thirties
  • ɢᴇɴᴅᴇʀ male
  • ʀᴀᴄᴇhuman, possibly
  • OCCUPATION producer, serial killer
  • VOICE Low and soft, it has an uncertain tone to it, an anxious pitch. He barely talks, and he mostly whispers. It's hard to hear him.


Armed with store-bought weapons and his collection of masks, Malachi roams the night looking for actors fitting his new, eagerly awaited snuff film.

Malachi is not a man of many words, but he expresses himself through other means, notably filming. He picked up a camera from a young age, but his work never impressed enough; his films often dark, nonsensical and of a deeply personal nature. He found a niche he could work on, that he enjoyed and reported him enough for rent. Eventually, his little shenanigans grew enough notoriety that he could afford opening a blockbuster. Of snuff films. One could say he's a smart, young entrepeneur.

Despite his size and menacing appearance, Malachi is rather shy and keeps to himself most of the time, often not speaking loud enough for others to hear for fear of, precisely, being heard. This makes him come off even creepier than he already looks, but he doesn't seem to mind, as he has a tendency to avoid people and doesn't seem to ever want to partake in any kind of social behavior. He does, however, enjoy the company of others provided he's got enough confidence with them, though this circle of people is extremely limited. Specifically to one. 

Malachi is touchy and surprisingly cuddly, enjoys snuggling a lot and despite what his line of work may suggest, he's not particularly sadistic nor cruel. Outside of kidnapping people, filming and then killing them, of course. It's easy to upset him, and his fits take the form of long, anxious crying episodes that may last for days. He's sensitive behind his tough, menacing facade, but he doesn't let others take advantage of him in any way and can be very assertive and aggressive if pushed enough.

 Extra info: 

♥ He's fond of cute things and animals, and he's got an interest in Sanrio characters and the like.

♥ He met his boyfriend through his "work".

♥ He's not white, nor is he from where he lives. It's unknown where he comes from. He has a standard american accent.

♥ He is afraid of going out by day, and thus, sleeps during the day and only leaves the house at night.

♥ Malachi has issues with having his face being seen, and his masks provide him a source of comfort as well as an obssesive, bad coping mechanism.

♥ He only owns black clothing.

♥ He's very strong, but not particularly fit. He's soft.

♥ He's missing an eye.

♥ Laughs like a hyena.

♥ Malachi is not his real name.





