"Kaz" Kazinsky



3 years, 3 months ago


  • "Kaz" Kazinsky

  • AmZh11E.png

  • ᴀɢᴇ in his thirties
  • ɢᴇɴᴅᴇʀ male
  • ʀᴀᴄᴇhuman
  • OCCUPATION dealer, janitor
  • VOICE Low, raspy, kind of growly at times. He has a disinterested, monotonous tone that might take a mocking undertone, though not intentionally, probably. He speaks clearly, when he does speak.


Be it drugs, weapons, stolen goods or snuff films, Kaz is all about dealing, dealing with the right goods, dealing with the right people. As a side gig, he may also be hired as a janitor.

With a creepy demeanor and in unnerving silence, Kazinsky roams the streets both night and day, running in the very few hours of sleep his chronic insomnia allows him, always busy, always onto something.
Although easy to distract, often prone to spacing out and losing himself in whatever catches his attention at the moment, be it a distant conversation or a flying bug passing by, Kaz shows a rather methodical attitude especially about his work and he's quite a calculating individual, able to concoct elaborate plans that may span in the long run of a few days or even weeks, without making anyone aware of what he's doing, as these plans tend to be of a manipulative nature.

Painfully shy, Kaz keeps to himself and will outright lie if pressured to speak about himself, not even trying to come up with a good story, he'll simply refuse to give in. Despite his cold exterior, he's a hothead, easy to anger and with an underlying tendency for violence that's very, very easily triggered.
He is judgemental of other people and it's one of his favorite pasttimes, he lacks the empathy to understand others and he doesn't care enough to try, anyway. It's very hard for him to emotionally connect with people at all, but when he does, he turns out to be an extremely loyal, caring partner. 

Kaz is able to deal with whatever comes his way except the most basic requirements of life. With a crippling attention deficit, he struggles to care for himself, most notably to keep a good sleep schedule, and the emotional turmoil that comes with his disorder only accentuates his already dysfunctional behaviour. He's extremely terrified of rejection, be it real or percieved, and will go to great lenghts to avoid it. Volatile and unstable, it doesn't matter how much of a good dealer he is, his clients find him incredibly hard to deal with in turn. 

 Extra info: 

♥ He's rather weird, in an eccentric way, but kind of in a bad way too.

♥ Has a superiority complex.

♥ Kazinsky may or may not be his real name.

♥ He bites his fingernails. Very often.

♥ Incidentally, he has a thing for hands and fingers.

♥ Has no fashion sense, he will wear whatever as long as it fits.

♥ He refuses to eat veggies, he's almost exclusively carnivorous.

♥ And he's probably got an eating disorder.

♥ Works as a janitor when he's not commiting crimes.

♥ He's got quite a reputation in the school he works at. He also works as a janitor for criminals and the like. He can clean just about anything.

♥ He's very restless, unable to stay still, always moving around, pacing and generally just moving.

♥ He's mixed asian and slavic, but he doesn't say where from.





