Cody Barrett



3 years, 3 months ago



Name Cody Barrett
Called Cody
Age 34 Year's
Gender He/him
Race Russian
Role Criminal/gunshop owner
Height 1.88 m
Theme Song link

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  • Collecting guns
  • His gunshop
  • His motherland
  • Saturday's
  • Earning money
  • Making deals
  • Fighting
  • Fire !!


  • Little kids
  • The cops
  • Early mornings
  • Fake gun brands
  • Doing nothing
  • Big museums
  • Traitors
  • Oranges


Meet Cody! Cody is the owner of "Cody's gunshop" He is a rather weird guy who has a big opsession with guns and fire, being a possible "Pyromaniac" and has set a house on fire before. He loves his job and respects people who buy from him. He doesn't sell anything to children do, you can only buy something at his store once you can prove that your an adult. Cody is crazy as hell, and has been caught alot of times for selling or buying alot of illegal products such as special guns and knives. His way of dealing eith situations is mostly with violence, mostly making him ending up in springfields prison, dont worry, he would be free in a few day's again, the security sucks. Cody is also a communist, i mean, he is from russia after all.


Cody doesn't know his parents, he grew up at his uncles, who introduced him to the criminal lifestyle, already being arrested for the first time when he was sixteen year's old, cody eventually left his uncle after finding out he was only using cody to make money, without sharing the profit. Eventually Cody moved from from russia to the beloved town of springfield and opened a gunshop here.


Cody has been living out of russia for quite a while, so he does not have such a strong russian accent anymore, sometimes when he gets stressed or angry you can here more of an accent. He does swear ALOT in russian, making people often wonder what he is actually saying.



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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.

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