Whiteface 白臉's Literatures

Explicit Violence

“Black ominous wind is arriving, when silver moonlights shine above the ice, the evil will rise.”

The decision of an ordinary IceClan warrior can affect the future of all clan. Is her destiny doomed or controlled by herself?

*This is my old work, I started writing it from the fifth grade of elementary school, until my second grade in high school. I rewrite it five times, but I don't want to change it anymore. I use Google translation, and my friend help me translation, please don't judge.

Explicit Violence

Chinese ver of Icetalon's destiny 「黑色的不祥之風即將到來,當銀色月光照在冰上,惡靈即甦醒。」 一位普通的冰族戰士的決定竟能影響貓族的未來,她的命運究竟是上天註定,還是由自己掌握?

*這是我的貓戰士OC的故事,森林裡有三個部族,冰族、葉族與黯族。 貓戰士系列屬於艾琳杭特。 這是我的舊作品,我從小五開始寫,直到高二。我重寫了五次,而我已經不想再改了。