


3 years, 3 months ago


Name Serac
Species Ferragon
Age 32
Height 6'4"
Gender Male
Origin Sanctum, Ferros
Worth $100 USD

Serac's wardrobe can be divided into two primary categories: in the lab and out of the lab.

  • In the lab, Serac wears whatever best fits the situation and his own sense of style.
  • Outside of the lab, he is almost always dressed in a manner no less formal than Ferragon business attire.

Though not really into fashion, Serac does enjoy looking sharp.


Most people know Serac as suave, professional, and collected. However, once he gets deep into a project, he can come across as a bit unhinged. He is very independent and is slow to trust others. For Serac it is not so much a matter of if his allies will betray him, but when.

Serac would describe himself more as an engineer than a scientist. In fact, clients will often refer to him as simply “The Engineer” when trying to be subtle. Serac has a reputation: “If you need something built, The Engineer will get it done.”


Serac is the CEO, sole proprietor, and chief engineer of his own private R&D and manufacturing firm. Originally, Serac operated out of Haven, where he thought that it would be easier to pursue his interests without restraint. However, his own ambitions led him to take a risk and move his entire operation to Sanctum, eager to tap into the extra-terrestrial market and knowledge.

Serac generally prefers to work alone, but he acknowledges that not everything can be done himself. He will try to automate as many of his facilities as possible, but for certain projects he might bring on a small staff to assist. Selecting this staff is a tedious effort since Serac has to be completely sure that he can trust (at least temporarily) anyone he privileges with entrance into his facilities. Even then, his staff are given information and access on strict need-to-know basis.

Serac funds his research through no-questions-asked sales and off-the-books contracts


Just because Serac primarily deals in the black market doesn't mean that he enjoys it. However, his thirst for knowledge would inevitably get him into trouble due to all of the restrictions on research, and his work isn't cheap.

Serac has always been drawn to engineering projects of massive scale. His current project of ambition is the construction of a new city-state, not in the bowels of Ferros but in the skies above it.