Julian Cronus



3 years, 3 months ago



Name Julian
Knicknames "Does 'sir' count?"
Age 24
Gender Male (he/him)
Height 6'1
Build Slim and Pale
Race Dhampir
Role Eye Mage
Demeanor Haughty (secretly insecure)
Alignment Lawful Evil
Background Urchin


  • The Moon, his old friend
  • Picking apples from other people's trees
  • Blood Orange Tea
  • Freshly-ironed shirts


  • Those who act piously or high-and-mighty
  • Street performers & Beggars
  • The price of function for fashion
  • Derailed plans




Dhampirs are born of human women bitten by vampires, whereupon almost all women die in childbirth. As a result, Dhampirs more often than not are orphans, unless they are taken in by a human or vampire community. A Dhampir's powers can lie undetected and dormant for years, before swiftly appearing. Dhampirs are subject to many of the benifits of vampirism, with none of the usual drawbacks. Most have quickened movement and more acute hearing, while some additionally obtain more advanced vampiric traits like the ability to charm others or shapeshift. They are not bound by sunlight or harmed by positive energy. A Dhampir residing among humans may go entirely unaware of their vampiric heritage for possible decades before their powers are unleashed unto themselves. A Dhampir among vampires, however, is treated as something of a half-breed. To Vampires, Dhampirs are of a lesser status than themselves, yet at a higher status than humans. The power imbalance of the vampiric caste system allows for Vampires to use Dhampirs as go-betweens or assassins, to carry out acts that the Vampires either wouldn't sully themselves with or are unable to do. Dhampirs are rare creatures still, and their outsider status in both Vampire and Human communities can make them often feel alone and seeking validation or acceptance.

Servant of Evil

In vampiric society, there exists a strict hierarchy and class system. Being that most all vampires that exist in the current day were turned by a handful of ancient ones, the class structure ranks those ancient “bloodlines” to the highest degree. Vampires who have been turned and brought into vampiric society more often than not become servants of the Vampire who turned them. Dhampirs, however, are another matter entirely. Because of their rarity, a Vampire who identifies a Dhampir and brings them into vampiric society will “adopt” them, for lack of a suitable alternative. An adopted Dhampir can have the same tasks as a servant, but they are also rewarded with some Vampire status symbols as well. Julian’s experience went similarly. He is the "son” of Abaddon Cronus. The Cronus lineage is illustrious among Vampires, so most Vampires will avoid speaking ill of Julian to his or his father’s face. However, a Dhampir is still of a lesser rank than a Vampire, no matter the lineage, and Julian is treated with the same respect a typical vampiric servant is. Which is to say, not much respect at all.

The Slums

Julian’s earliest memories are of the orphanage he grew up in. The beds were dirty, the food was sparse and always half-rotten, and the Caregivers weren’t caring in the least. He realized at a young age that if he was to survive in this cruel world, he had to do it himself. So, he routinely snuck out of the dirty orphanage to scavenge and steal what he could from the streets and passers-by. He was quick on his feet and could wrangle himself out of a grip, and he carried on like this for many years, until he attempted to pick the pocket of the wrong man. Julian was twelve years old when he tried to take a few shillings out of the coat pocket of Abaddon Cronus. Abaddon had caught him and Julian feared for his life, until Abaddon instead offered him a place at his estate. From that day forward, Julian became a Cronus. He fashioned himself in proper clothing and lathered himself in all manners of soaps and lotions, going so far as to change his voice to replicate the accent of his adopted father, yet Julian never felt he could truly wash away the years spent in the slums.


Julian is a survivor, first and foremost. It's the one thing he can account for. In terms of his everyday life, Julian attempts to exclude his personality from his objectives. As a servant of the Cronus household and a creature employed in vampiric society with access to daylight passage, Julian is often tasked with more unsavory responsibilities. He doesn't have much time to consider his own feelings on the matter. Generally, as a result of his environment, Julian has adopted a cold and disaffected front. This does not reflect his true nature, but Julian would more than likely scoff at the concept of a "true nature". He prefers to take on the facade of whatever image gives him an advantage in any given situation. Cockroach or chameleon, Julian has managed to survive and keep a place in high society, but at the price of a true sense of self.


Julian's mother was found dead; Julian was found alive. He was ascribed to a wetnurse at a local orphanage, where he spent the next ten years of his life. His dhampiric heritage was unknown or at least uncommented upon until he arrived in the Cronus residence. Under the roof of his new father and master, Abaddon Cronus, Julian's existence as a halfbreed was of utmost importance. Though Julian was directed as a son, he was treated as a servant. Julian's continued treatment eventually led him down a dangerous path: a bargain; a trade. His left eye for the power to harness magick. This act was meant in opposition to Abaddon's wishes, but ended up solidifying him as a Cronus, at great cost. Since that day, Julian's missions have only become more difficult, and each comes with darker requirements and purpose.

The Clan, A Sacrifice

"The Clan" As they are colloquially referred to, represents Abaddon Cronus and all his estate. Unbeknownst to himself, for much of his life, Julian was the defining talent of The Clan. After Julian's adoption into the Cronus estate, he was provided with rigorous and seemingly endless sessions with private tutors, trainers, and advisors. Abaddon was training him in two paths: the high life of regency and high society, and the low life of pain and danger. Julian was subject to emotional abuse daily, always being demeaned and mocked. Eventually, he grew resentful of his treatment as an object, an extension of The Clan. The library contained one tome to never be opened, one spell marked with all manner of warnings and discouragements. It was that spell Julian performed, ready for either death or power. When it resulted in the latter, Julian went to take his anger out on the head of the household, but Abaddon overpowered him. Still, it was the first time Julian had been respected, his power acknowledged. Magick, at the price of his own health. Julian was immediately put into further studies to improve his power, unknowingly being utilized more as a tool than he ever had been before. His spell, his outburst, all preplanned. Before even Julian accepted death to power, Abaddon was willing to wager the life of his "son" for a taste of that same power.



Juniper [ enemy turned ally ]

The first time Julian met Juniper, he thought they were an impish little brat, and he told them as such before exiting to finish carrying out one of the tasks Domina hired him for. The second time Julian met Juniper, she sucsessfully impeded the completion of said task. The third time he met Juniper, he fought her on the high-rise of a crumbling castle. Only days before, his father had threatened to disown him and make him nothing like he was as a child. Julian's life was falling apart and he attacked her with everything he had, and when he lost, she showed him mercy. He resented them until he learned to respect them, and now he fights alongside them.

Tamros [ enemy turned lover ]

From the very beginning, Tamros had been kind to him. Even after he captured him in an attempt to lure Juniper into a trap. Even after he couldn't disobey his father's orders, despite knowing they were wrong. Even after he drew out enough magick to kill himself in an attempt to help Juniper, disregarding any importance in his own life. Tamros was there for Julian when he thought nobody could've been; should have been. He grew to love the Tiefling and learned to let down some of his walls. But, most of all, Tamros saw through every facade and shape Julian took. Telling him at every turn that he was better than what he was being used for, holding out a hand. And when it was Tamros' hand that was grasping, Julian grabbed too-tight and too-tough, but it was the balance that the other needed to carry on.

Abaddon [ adopted father ]

Abaddon is not truly a father. In fact, Julian was only allowed to refer to him as such when told. Otherwise, Julian would respond with a "Sir", or a "Master Cronus". Abaddon managed his entire estate, and with Julian always so occupied with his classes, studies, and training. He saw his Sir sparsely in his first years, save for his reports to the Cronus' head office, where he was met with reprimands and belittlements. Words like "ungrateful" and "lazy" were practically carved into the carpet Julian would stand on, head down and eyes stinging. Still, Julian craved acknowledgment and acceptance from someone he saw as truly accomplished and respected. Julian resolved himself to be someone befitting of the Cronus lineage, hardened his heart, and steeled his vision on winning, at any cost. That was the Cronus way. And he was determined to be the Cronus boy. Not a half-breed, not a servant, not a screwup. No more of the dirty, scrappy thing that clawed his way out of the gutter. Abaddon offered him a chance to enter into a new life, even if it came at the price of washing the blood off of his hands every day.

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