Erika Aiwa



Basic Info

Farm Name [Type]

Aiwa Farms [Four Corners]

Pet [Cat]


Big Coop 1

Tralbert [B], Birdo [W], Breckoze [B], Bobo [W]. Sacke [Duck]

Big Coop 2

Prillard [B], Monello [W], Zanie [B], Wuso [B], Millers [Duck]


Snepa, Wu, Ratabella & Pumiba [ All White ]


OOPZ- While Echo is my main/grind account- I decided to make Erika and Barry as for-fun, straight to the point dating BS.   
Note: This character was 100% made using the game's random generator.

WARNING: This character is made for shipping with Shane and therefore has a dark backstory! Please do not read if easily triggered!

Pre-Farm [TW; Teen/Single mom, death, PTSD, Bad Thoughts]

  • Grandma is/was Native ... Stardew equal of American [Haven't decided on parents yet.]
  • Started working at Joja as a teen after she found out she was pregnant and the father refused to help.
  • Lost her child in a car wreck, stayed with Joja since they seemed to support her.
  • Developing ptsd, Erika started becoming triggered by work.
  • Opened Grandfather's letter after the first time she thought of suicide; Finally deciding to leave Joja.

Stardew Life

  • Likes to skinny dip off of Marnie's dock. lol
  • Shane's 6 Heart Event | It took everything Erika had not to bring up her own past and wish to jump or to confess her feelings, knowing that wouldn't help. Stroked his hair until he requested the hospital.
  • Shane 10 Heart Event | It took Shane a lot of convincing to get Erika to take off since Fall is so busy for farmers, much less being Spirit's Eve! She was glad they got home in time to still celebrate her first Spirit's Eve in Stardew Valley.
  • [ Year 1 | Wednesday 17 ] Poor Shane finding out I needed surgery; Secretly gave blood but told Harvey not to tell? Starts a fight out of worry.
I gave her a cat simply for the fact of "farm cat"; something that's independent and easy to take care of.