


  1. treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humour; flippant.
    "a facetious remark"

Liam [system of purrs alt] is a selfproclaimed laidback guy. He’s pretty chill in general, but can be very passionately outspoken on things he feels are unfair. TeenTrauma holder for the system, so can get emotional.

Has close bondwith Victoria.

you can absolutely have a good laugh with Liam, though it’s important to keep in mind how facetious he is, because his jokes are often downright blunt or inappropriate(in the too soon kind of way rather than nsfw) without really thinking about how it is being perceived. He makes a lot of word puns too, so yeah, gotta love that yaknow.

Liam is a human. His furry form was designed to get him in an artwork with a romantic interest that was a furry. And he just looks cute as hecc with those ears so that made his kemonomimi form. His feral form is non-canonical.