
Ana, Childrole/little of System of Purrs
CU available for double original adopt price 2x$20=$40

Ana is a very enthusiastic kid, that likes to be involved with the cool people. The people she finds cool are not necessarily the people that anyone else thinks are cool, it's just the people that intrigue her. She likes it when people talk to her directly, but only when there's other system members nearby to encourage her.

In spring her main obsession is "Choccy Eggies", and since she doesnt really keep track of what time of year it is, she's caught off guard by the Choccy Eggies going off the shelves after easter each year, which get her down for liek a week.

Her favorite music is gaming lo-fi, She loves cute games like Animal Crossing.

Collects snowy white Bunny Plushies, but she's not particularly picky about the white part, if it's a cute bunny in another color she wont let it slip over it's color. Her favorite mug is the on ewith the unicorns on it, but promarily because of the pretty colors, not particularly for the unicorns.
