Finias Yew



3 years, 6 months ago



Name Finias Yew
Called "Fin" "Captain"
Age 24
Gender Male (he/him)
Height 6'0
Build Muscular
Race Human
Role Fighter/ Pirate
Demeanor Suave and Charming
Alignment Chaotic Good
Background Harborfolk & Pirate


  • Blow-deck celebratory drinking
  • the scent of saltwater
  • Dancing: on tables, on deck, away from his problems
  • food from new lands


  • messing up tying knots
  • hangovers
  • Insubordination
  • extremists or devotees




Practically anywhere that seems halfway habitable, you’ll find humans living or trying to make a living. Humans are quick to judge and quick to act with a natural fervor and ferocity that many other races can find disagreeable. Humans, with their lack of specializations, were natural candidates for the "jack of all trades" philosophy. In this way, humans are able to excel in many different fields. Among the other races, the phrase “you’ll never meet the same human twice” is a common one. Because of their natural diversity, most humans take up all variants of classes and professions.


Life on the high seas in Ioqerim, with its vast plains and ability for ground travel, seems inane unless you've actually lived the merchant life in any small way. Terrain changes and regional differences are so stark that it takes an experienced traveler to successfully transport even the heartiest of produce around the whole of the continent.

The Golden Phoenix

Finias won The Golden Phoenix in a savage and vicious dual for his life from one of the most established men in Baldur's Gate, a trade hub for both the savory and unsavory types. His crew came slowly but surely, beginning with a strange girl he met closely thereafter, after having washed ashore with his newly acquired ship without a crew to help man it. Odd as she was, Firdri, as she called herself, was always knowledgable about the waters and the way the tide was shifting. Naturally, he appointed the ten-year-old his first mate and eternal helmschild. The rest of his ragtag crew found themselves on board one way or another, drawn to Fin's nature and leadership. They're an interesting bunch, but they're his family beyond compare!


Finias is jovial and easygoing, preferring to lead through incentive rather than fear. Within his crew, he's famous for what they've dubbed his "disappointed father stare". Yet, Fin's cool and disaffected demeanor is offset by his competency at sea. What reads as recklessness --and which might be at times-- comes out of a place of confidence in himself and his abilities. Finias has a tendency toward the dramatic, and his confidence can be interpreted as an inflated ego, but he honestly does try to treat his crew with the respect they deserve as crewmates, regardless of the status difference.


Fin was there right at the start of the waterborne transport boom! With his father's trade in fishmongering, Fin had a knack for sailing and a taste for the treasures of the sea. Unfortunately, there's not much money to be made in a fisherman's trade, and Fin, young and seeking adventure, decided to explore a more lucrative --if dangerous-- profession. Finias' father thought he was getting in over his head, that the business of piracy was too much. "We don't need it to get by, I'm making a living doing honest, hard work!" He would try to reason to no avail. It wasn't until Fin finally got caught his first time trying to steal three barrels of rum at once that the weight of his actions began to reflect on himself. Unfortunately, Fin wasn't ready to deal with his actions, and he escaped custody and the small town of his birth, running from his father and prior life and never looking back.

The Crew

Finias Yew's name is infamous across the seas as one of the youngest and most successful pirates since the Dread Pirate Roberts left the business. Yew is known for his notoriously small but deadly crew, composed entirely of orphaned children who have grown up on his ship instead of on the streets. With Firdri, his first mate and youngest crewmember at his helm, Finias runs a tight ship and an ever tighter family.



Rowan [ Boyfriend ]

Oh, he liked Rowan from the start. Someone witty, engaging, and someone who could get a lucky shot on him with one of his very own rapiers? Fin's type down to a T. Of course, despite both of their relatively lackadaisical attitudes, each was hiding a fear they pushed down. Rowan recognized Finias' tendency for escapism, particularly after he attempted to literally sail away from Rowan when he was confronted about his attraction to the other man. Likewise, Finias noticed Rowan's need to be acknowledged and praised, a trait left over from being the brother with everything to prove. And, through each other, both of them managed to live and learn, healing a lifetime of emotional bruises.

Firdri [ First Mate ]

Firdri is the best first mate a ship captain could ask for! Never mind that she's a whole of 10 purported years old, Fin always likes to say "if you can, you should!" However, Finias is also one of the only people entrusted with a very sacred piece of information about Firdri: she's a Selkie. A seal elemental who can shapeshift into human form, Firdri lost her pack when she was young and hasn't stopped trying to find them for years. Fin knows at some point he'll have to relinquish his surrogate sister and World's Best first mate back to the sea at some point to reunite with her family, but he keeps wishing he could convince her that perhaps her true family is all around her every day on the open seas.

Juniper [ Rowan's Sibling ]

When Rowan first invited him to meet his parents, Finias seemed the pinnacle of security. However, internally he was really freaking out. Had Rowan told them he was a criminal? Was he famous enough that even his name could be recognized? Finias never knew what kinds of wild rumors circulated about himself or his crew, and he worried that his reputation would fatally proceed him. Thankfully, Rowan's parents were pleasant and comforting! The real menace of the Greenlee family was Rowan's younger sibling. She was HARSH. Juniper took one look at Finias and seemingly figured out his whole schtick. At one point, Finias' "cool guy" persona slipped and he revealed some unimportant bit of general dorkiness, but he was saved from cringing at himself with the reward of an approving smirk from Juniper herself. Once she saw the authentic Finias, she became much friendlier towards the human, and by the end of the night, Juniper had expressed a vague interest in seeing if The Golden Phoenix really lived up to its namesake.

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