Perster Stoutgrass



3 years, 2 months ago



Name Perster
Called "Pers"
Age 48
Gender Male (he/him)
Height 3'3
Build Small &, well, stout!
Race Strongheart Halfling
Role Cleric
Demeanor Composed and Playful
Alignment True Neutral
Theme Hey, Runner!
Background Charlatan


  • The discovery of words
  • Foraging & general "Roughing It"
  • Clamor and excitment in a crowd
  • Spices


  • The sensation of being on a horse.
  • Enclosed spaces
  • Bees
  • Stereotypes




Halflings very nearly resemble humans, save for their size. Aptly named, Halflings are typically half the size of an average human. Halflings are known for their curiosity and genial attitudes, and their short stature gives them swift reflexes and dexterity. Halflings are inquisitive, but their curiosity often gets the better of them.

Pick a God, any God!

Perster's tenure as a Cleric was unorthodox, to say the least. For the majority of his life, Perster considered himself an agnostic sort. "If a God wants to make 'emself known, sure, I'll believe it then." Perhaps his statements egged fate on, or perhaps random chance won out yet again, but meet a God he did. While traveling through the forests of Tethyr's mountainous region, Perster encountered an older dwarf, with a well-kempt and long white beard. In a place as uninhabited as it was, their encounter with each other proved unexpected for them both! Deciding to take a break and talk together, they made camp together and shared bits of knowledge and exploration. The next morning, that man --who had called himself Dugmaren-- was gone, leaving only a strange cube with various carved lines. Perster carried it with him on his journey, fiddling it around every now and then, before one day realizing it was a puzzle! Cracking it open, he saw a flash of light and realized just who he had talked with that night. Now, a Halfling whose life is in worship to a Dwarven God sounds unusual, but Perster's never been one to fit inside a box.

Haven't been Everywhere, But it's On my List

Perster's home is where his hearth is, which, in this case, is anywhere he can set up a campfire and a cot. From a young age, Perster was prone to exploration and the search for knowledge, setting off from an average life to pursue "A Career In Worldliness" as he frequently referred to it as. Perster has always been the sort to jump headfirst into the new and unknown, hoping to categorize every single thing he's seen on his journey for his magnum opus: Perster's Tome Of The World! Of course, a tome of the world isn't complete if it doesn't contain as much as possible about everywhere, so Perster definitely has his work cut out for him, but he's not complaining.


For his status as a Cleric, Perster seems unnaturally talkative. He has a jovial aura about him, always ready and eager to listen (or talk) in an effort to learn and teach. Despite this, he still remains a figure of calm in his party. Perhaps moreso due to the chaotic nature of the rest of his friends than his inherent nature. Regardless, Perster is willing to step up and take the lead as the group's straight man. He's been many people in his lifetime, all to learn as much as he could about the world around him. That's not to say he's a stickler, however! Perster is more than willing and always ready to puzzle his friends with a riddle or a joke. His lively and animated nature shines through most when he can talk about one of his interests, which, considering his life's work, his nature shines through every time he opens his mouth.


Surprising in retrospect, Perster wasn't originally part of the party. He joined on sheer chance, meeting Rowan, Erisna, and Sylvi as they trekked aimlessly through the plains of Tethyr. His curiosity got the better of him, as it often did, and as he wandered over to the three of them he observed their map. He didn't know too much about the area they were in, but the first thing he noticed was that the map was not being held in the right direction. After fixing their mistake, he took a chance and told the group he knew the area very well indeed, and that they should let him join in! After a bit of pestering and swearing that he truly didn't care about whatever treasure they were searching for, honest he just wants to be able to catalog it, they let him (and by extension, Sundew) aboard their team. And the rest is history! Literal history, the kind that'll be taught in some schools, or read in Perster's book!

The Circus

Perster spent a lot of time just wandering around Tethyr. But, with his fear of horses, he spent that time wandering on foot. That was, until one day when he came across a traveling circus. They had some of the most intriguing and novel things in their establishment: mechanical oxen pulling the carts, magic or machinery (Perster couldn't tell) moving them forward. A universe the size of a young pine stored safely behind four glass walls. A Pixie who could turn dirt into gold. All this and more! Or, so the flyer showed. The flyer, true to its word, presented Perster with some of the most interesting and confounding sights Perster had seen. The ringleader, a creature whose appearance shifted as he walked, looked Perster up and down once before shaking his outstretched hand with lightning-fast reflexes. Perster Stoutgrass was now to be the newest addition to the Sideshow, a part of the traveling circus going coast-to-coast. It seemed like a great deal, or so he thought.



Erisna [ Friend / Party Member ]

Originally, Perster and Erisna weren't on the best of terms. She was always wary of new people, protective of her map and journey. However, Perster's guidance was useful, and his presence helped keep them safe. His breadth of knowledge intrigued her, particularly his knowledge about elven culture, and she soon warmed up to the halfling. In the beginning, she seemed to observe Perster more as an intriguing bauble than a person, but as they traveled together they both gained a solid sense of respect for the other.

Sundew [ Close Friend ]

He and Sundew met in the circus. Their acquaintance was Perster's first indication that this circus he'd signed himself up to wasn't all that it appeared. The story is really more of Sundew's to tell, but the long and short of it was that the Ringleader had been using magic to manipulate the attractions and participants. Sundew had long been under the power of a magic dampener and siphon, which made her weak as it made the Ringleader strong. At this revelation, Perster had planned an escape, and Sundew, a trickster at heart, had attempted to trick their way out of their cage and magical imprisonment. Perster didn't fall for the trick of the fae, but he let Sundew out anyway and, unbeknownst to him, solidified a pact between them with Sundew owing him a favor. Pixies have strange laws, and this concept of a favor? Well, Perster didn't understand it at first, and then perhaps he slightly used that favor, but now he and Sundew are cool! Friends, even if they won't admit it.

Rowan [ Friend / Party Member ]

Rowan has this incredible charm that just kept the group together! Perster really likes the guy, and the two of them get along great! Perster likes to feel knowledgable, and Rowan would often ask him obscure questions just to know if Perster had an answer for them. Which, of course, he always did. Obviously.

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