
Geovanna Braus



NameGeovanna Braus
GenderBigender (She/her and He/him)
Voice ClaimErin/worsegirlfriend

This bio is a WIP!


Connie Springer, Sasha Braus and Niccolo Vargas, child of Niccolo and Sasha


Misha (younger half-sibling), Elijah (younger half-sibling), Eugene (adoptive younger brother), Julia (adoptive younger sister)

Other Family Members

Connie (additional father). Connie's side; Mr. and Mrs. Springer (grandparents), Martin (uncle), Sunny (aunt). Sasha's side; Artur (grandfather), Lisa (grandmother), Kaya (adoptive aunt), Louise (in-law, wife of Kaya), unnamed foster kids (aunts and uncle). Niccolo's side; N/A. 






The Lord is Gracious


Geo, Gigi, Van, Vanny, Vanna






September 8th


Exploring, singing bar songs while drunk, giving money to charity, performing, hunting


Civilian, Writer, Actor, Philanthropist


+Ambitious +confident +idealistic -egocentric -a bit superficial -selfish -secretly very self-conscious


The eldest of the Springer-Braus-Vargas brood, Geovanna is a very complicated individual with a lot of issues she has yet to sort out. While a very friendly and seemingly confident person on the outside, she struggles internally from intense self-image issues and is desperately trying to make the world see her as more than a kid from the sticks. Thanks to bullying regarding her local accent and rural ways as a child, Geo has done away with those aspects and molded herself into a 'more respectable person'; carving herself a path into fame by throwing herself head-first into things she would be respected for pursuing. While Geovanna lives a fairly lavish lifestyle and is considered a celebrity in her town, everything she is is built upon the shame she felt as a child for being who is she. Whether she really likes acting or not is up for debate, but she knows it puts her on a pedestal for those who used to pick on her, so she continues to do it in the hopes that it'll keep them liking her. Deep down she still holds those 'less-desirable' aspects of herself close, and will often sneak away to do some old-fashioned hunting even if she has perfectly good catering where she is.


As the trio's first child Geo was of course adored and spoiled a lot; Sasha taught Geovanna how to hunt and use a bow and arrow (and passed on her local dialect), Niccolo taught her how to cook, and Connie taught her how to have fun. Geo loved his parents a lot and still does, but their relationship is fairly strained now; especially his relationship with Sasha. When she was younger she was proud of her heritage and Sasha's rural background, but after teasing from her peers as a child she hid those parts of herself away. Sasha has tried to make Geo see that there's nothing wrong with who she is (having dealt with similar teasing in her youth), but she didn't budge and things just escalated from there. When Geo looks at his mom he just feels ashamed (he often avoids inviting his family to events if he knows rich nobles will be there) and he aspires to be more like the refined, culinary genius Niccolo than the 'bumpkins' Connie and Sasha. In all, Geovanna has a much better relationship with her fathers than her mother, but despite her uncaring front she feels awful about all she's put them through. Sometimes when they sneak into a play she's in, she feels all warm and fuzzy when she sees their proud, smiling faces in the crowd, even if part of her feels embarrassed about it.

His relationship with Kaya, who is technically his aunt but is much more like a sister, is fairly decent for what it's worth. Kaya seems to see right through her disguise and recognize the hurt she's been put through as a child, and encourages her to come clean to her family. Geo isn't quite ready for that just yet, but he's comfortable talking about his problems with Kaya, and the two have a good relationship. She also really enjoys Louise's company, and is glad Kaya has found someone she can spend the rest of her life with.

Geovanna isn't necessarily the best big sibling, but she isn't the worst either. When Misha was born she was very excited to have another sibling, and the two were fairly close in their youth, but after Geo decided to rid herself of her rural aspects she and Misha have had a strained relationship. Her frustration towards herself and her situation led to her picking on Misha, which planted the seeds for Misha's shaky self-confidence in themself. Their relationship is still uncomfortable, as Geo has yet to apologize for all he's put them through, but the two still care about one another. While Misha doesn't exactly like being in the same room as Geo, they understand that he might be dealing with some deep-rooted issues, and trusts that he'll come about them when the time is right. And Geo is truly proud of how successful Misha is, and she even genuinely believes Misha's work to be more impressive than what she does. Geovanna's relationship with Elijah, Eugene and Julia is a bit better; when Geo, Misha and Eli are together things are generally a bit more relaxed, namely because they don't want to make things awkward for their brother. Because Eugene and Julia are still young and live with their parents, Geo only ever really sees them when she visits. Eugene doesn't really seem to like her (although he doesn't seem to like a lot of people) but they have their moments, and Julia is somewhat intimidated by her but is very grateful when she lets her explain her newest experiment. Geo often likes to bring them gifts when she visits, and she might've been the one to gift Eugene his trusty slingshot.

Julianna is her closest friend, and the one person she can truly open up to save for Kaya. They met as adults at a party and have been glued to one another's hips ever since; bonding over similar personalities and issues. Geovanna was embarrassed of her rural family, while Juli wanted to distinguish herself from her more stoic father, and they feel like they can be their true selves around one another. While they employ bitchy personas, they're both genuinely good people at heart and just enjoy the thrill that comes with being that way. While both have dated around a lot and had varying partners, they're pretty much girlfriends even if they don't refer to each other as such.


● I named her after Geovanna Antoinette, or Geo, from Just Kidding News/Films/Party.
● He has ADHD.
● She dyes her hair blonde.

profile html by Hukiolukio