
Misha Braus



NameMisha Braus
GenderNonbinary (They/them)
OrientationDemisexual Pan
Voice ClaimAlex Newell


Connie Springer, Sasha Braus and Niccolo Vargas, child of Connie and Sasha


Geovanna (older half-sister), Elijah (younger half-sibling), Eugene (adoptive younger brother), Julia (adoptive younger sister)

Other Family Members

Niccolo (additional father). Connie's side; Mr. and Mrs. Springer (grandparents), Martin (uncle), Sunny (aunt). Sasha's side; Artur (grandfather), Lisa (grandmother), Kaya (adoptive aunt), Louise (in-law, wife of Kaya), unnamed foster kids (aunts and uncle). Niccolo's side; N/A. 






Who is like the lord; bear cub


Mimi, Mickey, Mic, "Baby Bear"/"Bear Cub" (by their parents), "Mx. Bow and Arrows"






January 12th


Archery, cooking, having a good time, taking care of children


Survey Corps Soldier, Hunter, Archery Teacher


+Humorous +selfless +always in tune with other people's emotions -pessimistic at times -immature -distracted by anyone who pays attention to them -can sometimes get carried away showing off


Misha followed in their parent's footsteps by acting as the comedic relief for the members of their class. Since Misha loves to make others laugh, they were usually the class clown as their parents once were (and still are). They love making people laugh, whether it be with them or at them, so they've occasionally gotten in trouble at times. Despite that, they're a great friend to those in their circle and will spoil you endlessly with gifts and baked goods if you let them. Thanks to training with Sasha and Kaya, Misha has learned how to be quick with a bow and loves impressing their friends (and strangers) with their skills. When they aren't showing off or helping their parents cook, you can find Misha teaching archery classes.


Misha is adored by all three of their parents, especially Niccolo. From having Sasha's hunting skills to Connie's sense of humor to Niccolo's cooking skills, Misha is practically a mix of all of their parents. Although they don't live at home anymore, they often visit to spend time with their parents as well as to take over caring for their younger siblings when they need a break. Misha got their love of food and cooking from their parents, and Niccolo was very excited to teach them everything they needed to know to be as good as a chef as he is. Thanks to their training, Misha has won many cooking competitions, and the trio are so incredibly proud of their Baby Bear.

Misha is very fond of Kaya, the girl the Braus family adopted long ago. When their relationship with Geovanna soured, Misha turned to Kaya as an older-sister figure instead (which didn't affect Geo at all). Misha thinks Kaya gives some of the best hugs.

Misha has a confusing relationship with their older sister. Geovanna, while a decent big sister, often teased and picked on their younger sibling. While she insisted it was out of love, Geo accidentally caused some of Misha's earliest instances of feeling self-conscious of themselves. She often joked too hard, and because of this their relationship has a bit of a strain on it. Geo loves their baby sibling, but she wishes that Misha would understand that her teasing comes from a good place. Misha is iffy when it comes to whether or not that's true. They don't hang out often, and when they do it's usually very awkward. On the other hand, they have a close relationship with their younger sibling Elijah.

Long after their older children left home, their parents decided to foster two 14 year olds; Eugene and Julia. Misha had known that their parents adopted, but they didn't meet their new adoptive siblings until they visited again after work. Eugene was a snarky little ass who was the main troublemaker in the house, and Julia was a quirky and enthusiastic young girl who almost blew the back of the house out once due to experiments with chemicals. Misha was a bit taken aback at first, but after spending time with the two they've come to adore them. Eugene, while an ass, is very overprotective of Misha and Julia loves showing big sibling Misha her new studies.

Considering how close their parents are, it only made sense for Misha and Jasper to be nudged together. While Misha was very excited to make a new friend, Jasper was very reluctant and not as keen on befriending them--good thing they're very persistent! Misha was the only one really putting in work into the relationship and actually being invested in it, whereas Jasper begrudgingly hung around, if just to please his dads. Jas was way more enthusiastic around his family, especially his older brother Abel, so when Abel ran away from home Misha, their siblings and their parents came over to comfort Jean and Marco (and of course Jas). Misha offered to give them a hug, which Jas actually accepted (to their surprise), and their relationship became a little more comfortable for the time being. While Jasper was even more distant now and their vibe definitely changed, they seemed to be more open to Misha's presence, so they tried to be there for them regardless. Another close friend of theirs, Alrick, also 'befriended' Jasper around this time, so they formed an awkward sort of trio where Alrick and Misha were the extroverts who adopted Jasper's introverted ass. Curiously, while Jasper sounded annoyed at their attempts to bond, sometimes they'd notice the corner of their lip quirk up as if they were fighting off a smile, or them not moving away when they or Alrick move into their space. Misha knew that while Jas put up a harsh front, deep down he liked their company. The only thing that concerned Misha was Jasper sometimes hanging around Devona, Calum and Acacia, a ragtag gang of disgruntled bullies that often liked to pick on the trio (although they didn't do it as much when Jasper was around). It all came to a head when one day Devona went a little too far with Alrick, and when Misha tried to step in Devona punched them square in the face. Jasper was on him in a second, beating him with reckless abandon until Calum and Acacia dragged him away. Once the dust cleared, Jasper surprisingly offered them a hand and asked if they were both ok. In the heat of the moment Misha dragged Jas into a crushing bear (hah) hug, followed by Alrick from the side, and to their delight he wrapped his arms around both of them. From that point onward Jas wasn't as visibly annoyed by their presence as he used to be, and he even began gracing them with smiles and laughs. Misha is very happy Jas is in their life.

The daughter of Eld and Gunther, Brooke is someone Misha met through a cooking competition. Misha was confident in their abilities (Papa Niccolo did teach them everything they knew after all, and he was one of the best chefs in the entire world!) but ended up losing to Brooke. Confused (and a bit humiliated), Misha eventually tracked her down and while she was terrified at first (she honestly thought Misha was coming to seek revenge for losing), she calmed down after Misha only insisted she show them how she won. As she took them through the process they started chatting and getting along, and at the end Brooke casually threw out that the place was hiring; I mean, they did come in 2nd Place after all, they'd be great there! Misha accepted and after a few months of working there they started to date. Their relationship didn't last, but they're still good friends.


● They were bullied at a young age for being a bit overweight as well as their accent (like Sasha they had a bit of a local accent).

● They can't really handle overly savory or bitter foods.

● Niccolo and Sasha both taught Misha how to cook (Connie helped too but he was mainly sneak-tasting everything). Niccolo takes them fishing often and because of this, Misha knows how to fish as well as how to prepare seafood.

● Originally Misha didn't have the huge head of hair they have now and instead kinda had a shaved head like Connie. I've always liked the headcanon that Connie actually has textured hair (but you wouldn't be able to tell with his hair always shaved), which is why Misha has it too.

● I somewhat based Misha on myself; not only do they share my birthday, chubbiness and love of food, but we share the fact that we were supposed to be older siblings to a child that never came.

● They have ADHD.

profile html by Hukiolukio