


3 years, 2 months ago




 NAME   Faramund Schwarzwald, referred to as "Saint Rafflesia" by angels 

 PRONOUNS   They/them 

 AGE   16 

 RACE/SPECIES   Human (German), half angel 

 GENDER   Nonbinary 



A young person given the "blessing" of becoming a saint, whether they want to or not.


  • Being alone
  • Autumn weather
  • Forest animals
  • Birdwatching


  • Eye contact
  • Angels
  • Being seen as not knowing what's best for themselves
  • Places with many people


  • Because of the Rafflesia flowers growing on them they inherit the smell of this plant. For now it's not as strong as full grown ones in nature, but it's enough to be noticeable to others nearby. They don't really mind, though, because it keeps others away. Everyone just assumes the stench is from where they live and lack of personal hygeine (though they take great care of themselves).
  • Faramund has a german accent.
  • Their birthday is February 14.


  • Their angel features are not very apparent upon first glance because they purposely hide them.
  • They're almost never seen without their usual clothes. They are very insecure about their legs especially, and refuses to wear anything that shows them at all. They like to wear clothes made with corduroy fabric, and this is what their default outfit is made from.
  • The bandages on their body cover spots where feathers are starting to grow. They only remove these when alone occassionally to preen feathers.
  • Their tail feathers are tucked in their pants to hide them.
  • The rafflesia petals around their neck are real, but often mistaken for a strange scarf.


Faramund has always been a very kind and selfless person. Though they prefer to be alone away from other people, they aren't mean at all. Even if they might look angry this is just how they normally look. They enjoy being around animals and plants a lot more than people. They like to go for walks in the forest near the cemetery, sit by the pond or under trees, and watch nature. Though they often deal with death in their life because of their parent's job and where they live. Most people would stop being phased by it, they often still get very emotional on the job. Their parents considered them weak for this, but they know it's a strength to care so much. They are not very good at making friends with humans and since they're alone most of the time anyways they don't really bother trying anymore, especially since their body started to change...Since the transformation began they've been even more nervous around people. Instead of attempting to communicate like before, they now don't talk at all, and may even run away or hide to avoid being seen or talked to.


Rank and role

For as long as humans have existed, certain human have been chosen whether by a high ranking angel, or even God themself, to become a saint. The reasons can vary but the ones who are chosen for this are usually people who have performed outstandingly kind, selfless actions. Even then not every extremely generous person is chosen, and it seems arbitrary as to who exactly gets this blessing. However, once someone is chosen, there is no stopping what will happen to them. Over a timespan of from long as a year to as short as a few days the human will change in extreme ways not only physically but also in the construct of their soul. When the transformation is complete their human selves will die, and they will be "reborn" as a special, very high ranking type of angel: a saint. There are only 3 new saints chosen every 10 years, if any, so this is very rare to witness.

Personal history

Faramund Schwarzwald's family owned a cematary for as long as they have been alive. They always liked to keep to themselves, preferring the company of plants and animals over people, but they still cared greatly for people. They were never a religious person, considering the idea of an all powerful being ruling over the world silently to be quite scary. It made Faramund feel like if this were true, they were always being watched, controlled, influenced. They were more scared of God than anything else. When Faramund was 10, their parents both died in an accident, and the now orphaned Faramund was left the home next to the cematary and their parent's entire savings and inheritance. This event made Faramund even more isolated than before. They were taken care of up until age 13 by a family friend, at which point it was assumed Faramund could "fend for themself". After this, they had a mostly decent life, aside from the loneliness.

Through a series of events involving a fatally wounded cockatoo they helped regain enough strength to heal that turned out to be an angel, Faramund was "blessed" with sainthood. When they were told what would happen to them, they begged and pleaded sobbing desperately to the angel to not do this to them. The angel, disregarding their fear as an irrational human response, did not listen to Faramund's request, and left them alone with their fate. This encounter and the knowledge of what would be happening to them devastated Faramund. They despised this "blessing" given to them against their will. They wanted to keep living, to be human, to not be under control, having to follow orders and exist to serve. Instead of giving up though, Faramund decided they would delay the transformation process as long as they could. They were "blessed" with sainthood at 13, and at age 16, are still fighting at full strength to keep their humanity. They aren't sure how much longer they have until it takes over, but they're sure not going to give up any time soon, no matter how much their body changes.


Remington  Close friend, support 

Remington has been visiting and hanging out at the graveyard Faramund's parents owned for a long time. He never really took notice of Faramund and they never cared of his presence, until the young orphan one day suddenly had a very faint angelic aura. Normal humans have absolutely none and Remington had never seen a human with even a slight angelic aura, but Faramund had one and it seemed to be growing stronger as time passed.

One day Remington couldn't ignore it anymore and calmly confronted them. He asked Faramund if they had encountered anything possibly divine, and Faramund broke down crying. They thought for a while that they were going to have to deal with this alone because nobody would truly understand, but Remington's calm and polite question told Faramund everything they needed to know about him. They have been very close friends ever since, Remington often checking up on Faramund and supporting them as much as he can. They care for eachother greatly and Faramund actually finds a lot of comfort in knowing Remington is a grim reaper.

After an encounter with a particularly powerful demon one day Helian was injured fatally and could not reach Heaven again to recover. They took a small, weaker less energy consuming form of an average cockatoo and laid in the grass under a tree, clinging to life. Thankfully, or not, a young Faramund came across the wounded angel. Always one to help animals, Faramund took the small cockatoo home and tried to help it. Faramund put in so much positive energy and thought into praying the cockatoo would recover that it was enough to heal Helian, and they were extremely thankful to this young human. Seraph Helianthus vowed to immortalize Faramund among the angels for their kind act by making them a saint. Even though Faramund profusely declined, Helian "knows what's best", and left Faramund to their fate. Helian hopes Faramund will come to heaven soon, and is a bit confused why it's taking so long...