Else Brennadottir (Thor)


Basic Info

Work in progress and subject to change!


Else, like most other Asgardians, was in attendance at Thor’s coronation. She made eye contact with Loki, who she’d met and painted a few weeks prior, and who had come to see her several times since. She offered him a smile, which he briefly returned. However, Frost Giants interrupted the ceremony, and Else was quick to flee. If anyone found out that she herself was half Frost Giant, she’d surely be imprisoned, or perhaps simply killed on the spot.

She was at home painting when Einherjar showed up at her door. Loki had sought out Else out on a whim, feeling betrayed by practically everyone he knew. He figured she had not known him long enough for her to possibly have any desire to betray him. The Einherjar informed Else that the king requested her presence. Else, afraid she’d been found out, resigned herself to her fate. She was naturally surprised to see that the king was none other than Loki. He wished for her to be his “royal advisor,” and she ultimately accepted, giddy  with excitement, and yet fearful and nervous of being found out to be a “monster.”

She was surprisingly well-suited for her job as a royal advisor, and though she didn’t have nearly as much time for her artistic pursuits, it was worth it to be able to spend time with Loki.

During Loki’s short stint as king, the two grew closer, and Else became acquainted with Frigga. Frigga could discern that Else was using an illusion to hide her true appearance and asked to see her in private. She complimented her on her skill and encouraged Else that she didn’t need to hide from Frigga. With a good bit of persuading, Else relented and revealed her true form to Frigga. She’d expected to be thrown from the palace straight away, but instead, Frigga told her she was beautiful. She promised to teach Else more magic if she so chose, then told her to go find Loki, insisting that he needed her. 

Else found Loki in the throne room and went to stand by his side. Before she could ask him what he’d have her do, The Warriors Three and Sif came marching in asking Loki to unbanish Thor. Else remained silent through the whole ordeal. After they had left, Loki turned to Else as if challenging her to say something against him too. She didn’t. 

Later, Loki asked Else to go to them balcony with him. He told her that he’d just found out that his entire life had been a lie, and asked that she, at least, be honest with him. She told him that she was afraid he would hate her, but he assured her that he could never. At last persuaded, she removed the illusion, unable to meet his eye. He said nothing at first, and she feared the worst. But then he’d placed a hand on her cheek, which caused her to flinch. She didn’t want to burn him. But she didn’t. He told her she was beautiful with and without the illusion, and that her they had quite a lot in common. Then, rather ominously, he professed that she needn’t worry about the Frost Giants any longer. Else noticed that Loki’s fingers on her cheek were suddenly blue and started connecting the dots in her mind. She was growing increasingly worried for Loki, and for anyone he felt had wronged him. He, too, promised to teach her magic, and Else told him how much he reminded her of his mother. However, the moment was cut short before Else could attempt to diffuse Loki’s vengeance by the Bifrost opening and Loki abruptly rushing off. 

If Else had known what Loki had in store for Thor and for Jotunheim, she would have advised him do to reconsider. But Loki never told her his full plans.

Else had been practicing duplication casting with Frigga, who was practically glued to Odin’s bedside, when suddenly frost began to creep up the door. Frigga was quick to take up a sword, ready to defend Odin and Else, but she was soon incapacitated as Else watched on helplessly. Desperate to defend Odin and especially Frigga, Else made a dagger of ice around her arm, attempting to stab one of them, but she too was smacked aside. Her saving grace came in the form of Loki, who showed up just in time to kill Laufey. Frigga hugged Loki, then Else did too, teary-eyed from the intensity of it all. Before their moment could last any longer, however, Thor came in, barely sparing Else more than a glance, and chaos ensued. 

Else had attempted to chase after Loki, but he’d ordered her to stay inside and wait for him to return. He never returned. Else heard the news of Loki’s death from Frigga, and they‘d hugged each other and cried. Frigga implored Odin to allow Else to stay, and he eventually relented, so long as she was solely Frigga’s responsibility. They grew closer still in Loki’s absence, and Frigga continued to teach Else. She grew closer to Thor in this time too, and loved listening to stories about the brothers’ childhood. She got confirmation of the truth of Loki’s parentage from Frigga. She never stopped grieving Loki.