


3 years, 1 month ago


― η ελπίδα αιμορραγεί από το στόμα μου;

15 (37)
5'6" | 168 cm


ink filled notebooks frozen bubbles stained glass marble ruins candle memory brother's keeper sugar spun lies thoughts and prayers framed butterflies


There’s a hole in Diantha’s stomach and all she can think about is her brother.

He must be asleep by now. It’s a school night, after all, and he knows he’s in for a scolding if she finds out that he tried to stay up to wait for her again.

She wonders if he’s dreaming. She hopes it’s about better things than this.

Someone was saying something, a low, angry drone in the background, but she was too distracted by the marble her cheek was pressed against to care.

It used to be cold. Is the floor getting warmer? Or is she getting colder? Ah, she hopes her brother isn’t cold. Recently, he’s been getting too big for his blanket, so she was planning on buying a bigger one for him with the earnings from this heist.

There were so many things she wanted to buy: new clothes, a working lock, that book her brother has checked out from the library five times now — and cake! They haven’t had sweets in so long.

She wants to go home. Oh, she wants to go home so badly, wants to kiss her brother good morning and ask what he wants for breakfast.

But it’s getting harder to keep her eyes open.

Forgive me, Julian.

extra info;

η ελπίδα αιμορραγεί αργά από το στόμα μου — hope bleeds slowly from my mouth

Little Ghost Girl
For 22 years, Diantha has stayed with her brother as a ghost, and every year is filled with increasing regret. If only she hadn't died. If only she hadn't lied. Hey, God, tell her: if she had been a better sister, would her brother be living a happier life?

Age Old Dreams
When she was a child, Diantha wanted to be an author. It was fun, dreaming about all the worlds she read about and all the ones that she wanted to create. She hasn't dreamed for a long time now.

Forgotten Past
Her family used to be well off. Not rich — but comfortable, enough to keep a large roof over their head and fund years of gymnastics practice. Then debts rose to the surface and her parents fled, away from the debt collectors and their children. Well, at least her athletic ability would help her as a thief.

Haunted by Iron
After spending more time dead than she had been alive, Diantha is well adjusted to the life (ha) of being her brother's shadow. But one thing she can never quite get used to is the sharp stench of blood. Every time she smells it, she's pulled back to lying on a marble floor, a pool blood growing beneath her, and she wants to throw up despite her lack of a stomach. Still, she watches.



The first person she saw was her brother.

...is what Diantha would have liked, but unfortunately, when she opened her eyes as a new ghost, it was to the sight of her body being carried away, dripping still warm blood onto the floor.

The second thing she saw was a girl crouching on the landing of the stairs, peering almost somberly through the railing at the floor below.

Her eyes were the same sharp yellow as the man who killed her.

She visits her sometimes, when Julian is asleep or kept busy by the church. At first, it was because she was curious: what kind of a life did she live to not even blink at the sight of a dead body? (Spoiler: not a very pleasant one.) But as time passed, it changed into something less morbidly curious and more fond.

Maybe, in a different life, they would have crossed paths earlier and she wouldn’t have died on that cold marble floor. Or maybe they would have never met, and Chidan would have slept through the night, unaware of the small candle extinguished by her father’s heavy hand.

Maybe, in a different life, they could have been friends.

But in this life, they are a ghost and the young head of the Feng family, and she prays that Julian and Chidan will never cross paths.


“Hello there!”

It wasn’t a voice that Diantha recognized. Was it a new orphan? Or a child that had finally grown old enough to be taken to church? Either way, they weren’t talking to her.

“Hey, mister! Wait, are you a mister? Um, um...Dr. Tuxedo, what do you think I should call them?”

...what the hell was going on? Diantha spun around in midair, half annoyed and half curious, only to have a one-eyed cat shoved into her face.

“Mrrp,” went the cat.

“Oh, I see,” the girl said as she placed the cat down. “It’s nice to meet you, Miss Ghost! My name is Ethy!”

At that, Diantha blinked. “You can see me?”

The girl — Ethy — beamed in response, and Diantha's heart filled with hope, before being mercilessly shattered.

“I have no idea what you're saying!”


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras diam nulla, scelerisque vel ultricies nec, porta et elit. Donec iaculis nisl quis rutrum sollicitudin. Sed vel ligula erat. Donec ac sem nisl. Pellentesque eu libero id libero maximus accumsan. Nunc placerat eget urna nec consectetur. Cras sit amet urna a lacus tincidunt varius ac vitae libero. Maecenas ac egestas dolor, mattis ultrices turpis. Integer et blandit massa. Curabitur felis magna, suscipit a libero quis, interdum ultrices felis. Etiam aliquet felis ut mauris cursus pretium. Nam pharetra est dui, et convallis justo finibus sit amet. Sed nec vestibulum ipsum. Integer sit amet ultricies tellus. Praesent sit amet ante ex.

Maecenas laoreet sed libero a faucibus. Aliquam vel ornare lectus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Duis eget nisl consectetur, condimentum mauris sit amet, placerat augue. Vivamus lobortis augue vel neque suscipit sollicitudin. Nullam mattis est sit amet tortor eleifend, id commodo augue feugiat. Nunc non est sit amet urna egestas vestibulum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In ac turpis urna. Nulla facilisi.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras diam nulla, scelerisque vel ultricies nec, porta et elit. Donec iaculis nisl quis rutrum sollicitudin. Sed vel ligula erat. Donec ac sem nisl. Pellentesque eu libero id libero maximus accumsan. Nunc placerat eget urna nec consectetur. Cras sit amet urna a lacus tincidunt varius ac vitae libero. Maecenas ac egestas dolor, mattis ultrices turpis. Integer et blandit massa. Curabitur felis magna, suscipit a libero quis, interdum ultrices felis. Etiam aliquet felis ut mauris cursus pretium. Nam pharetra est dui, et convallis justo finibus sit amet. Sed nec vestibulum ipsum. Integer sit amet ultricies tellus. Praesent sit amet ante ex.

Maecenas laoreet sed libero a faucibus. Aliquam vel ornare lectus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Duis eget nisl consectetur, condimentum mauris sit amet, placerat augue. Vivamus lobortis augue vel neque suscipit sollicitudin. Nullam mattis est sit amet tortor eleifend, id commodo augue feugiat. Nunc non est sit amet urna egestas vestibulum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In ac turpis urna. Nulla facilisi.