


3 years, 1 month ago



Name Tidefall
Age 15 Moons
Gender Male
Breed Munchkin mix
Parents Cherry Snow & Pumpkin Patch
Siblings Russet Blossom, Lynx Light, Newt
Mate None
Kits None
Current Residence WindClan
Former Residence Tribe of Whispering Cinders
Mentor Ochre Fang
Apprentices None
Orientation Pansexual
Voice N/A
Alignment Lawful Good
Theme X X

Tidefall is what you’d consider a lawful-good type of cat. He’s very altruistic when the need arises and will always do his best to help others. Though this eagerness can lead to him being in the way at times. In general, he’s outgoing. He enjoys socializing with others and thrives on it. When alone he tends to be downtrodden. This leads to Tidefall often going out of his way to openly approach and try to get to know other cats. He can be loud and this sometimes annoys others.


  • Family
  • Collecting things
  • Grape (his 'worm')
  • Dandelions


  • Violence
  • Thunderstorms
  • Conflict
  • Snow


Tide was born to Cherry Snow and Pumpkin Patch in the Tribe of Whispering Cinders. His youth was generally happy, despite the troubles the clan faced with its neighbors. The tom got along best with his sister Russet, even though the two picked at each other frequently. As he got older he’d spend a lot of time with his mother who taught him the art of stealth and stealing two-leg trinkets.

When he came of age to be a Spark he was given to a she-cat named Ochre Fang to mentor. Ochre Fang was a kind cat, but unlike his mother, would not cater to his disadvantages. He was treated like any other cat of normal stature. It was a tough lesson, but one that would help him grow. As a spark Tide did find it difficult to master hunting due to his disadvantages. Keeping up with prey and the other sparks was a challenge, but something he overcame with practice.

His time as a Spark was eventful, however. During this period there was a war among the tribes. Both Cherry Snow and Pumpkin Patch would vanish. Pumpkin Patch was jumped by two enemy cats and knocked unconscious. He suffered amnesia for a short period and was lost, being cared for by another tribe. His mother had been threatened and ran away to try and keep her kits safe. During this time she would do her best to find her mate, who she was told died. It was a ploy from a rival group to weaken the tribe. They had spread a web of lies that traveled over the tribe and created chaos. In the end, both of his parents would return alive. The ordeal shook up the tom, as it would any cat who had their parents ripped away from them suddenly.

Once he was old enough he was given the full name of Tide Fall. The battles and war were over, but Tide Fall was scarred from the trauma. He did not feel at home in his tribe any longer. The time when his parents were gone left him distant from his tribe-mates. He yearned for something more. The young cat wanted to see the world and learn about everything he could. Despite loving his family he would tell them farewell as he set off to find somewhere new where he felt he belonged. He was a year old at this point.

Tide Fall would travel quite a distance, never lingering in a place long. Eventually, he would stumble upon the territories of the clan’s. It so happened that WindClan was the first he approached and would find himself compelled to stay. Here he would do his best to follow clan customs and instead would go by Tidefall. He is still learning about life within the clan, though is surprised to find it is not much different than what it was like with his tribe.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.


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