Venz Weise



3 years, 2 months ago


Name: Venz Weise

Job: Sniper, Venz is a man with deadly shot. His judgment and aim is spetacular. He performs well in target shooting. Also thanks to beging a sniper Venz can tense his body up so much that he can move without a single sound eminating from him. He can lie in waiting for the perfect shot for days if he needs to. He claims to have never missed a target. Without a gun Venz's aim is still ledgendary. Even when upside down!

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual

Nationality: German

Birthday: January 28th

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 123lbs

Personality: Despite what talent may tell, Venz is a very cheerful person. He adores socialising and being around others, to the point where he is considered clingy. He is considered a rather eccentric fellow, doing and claiming to do odd things, Such as, enjoying to be upside-down for long periods of time. He seems to be a man who is very close to nature, enjoying to be in heavily wooded areas. But despite his often need for alone time he always has enjoyed people! Claiming that all his friends are family. He is a happy person all around and enjoys lots of different activities, when it comes to a talent he hardly likes to talk about it. Often seeing it a great chore to demonstrate it. He hates it when others brag about their talents or even like to show it....and in that regards can be rather pessimistic. He has a serious sharp side to him for time to time, this only seems to be when he is on a serious mission or his friends are threatened.

Likes: Acupuncture, Forests, The winter time

Dislikes: Deserts, Birds, Horror Movies
