Chichi Abei



4 years, 9 months ago


Name: Chichi Abei

Gender: Nonbinary

Age: 20

Sexuality: Pansexual

Species: Human

Occupation: Radition Scienctist 

Height: 6’1

Weight: 120lbs

Personality: Chichi is quite a odd ball but tries to fit in best they can, however if they make friends they trust them with all their heart. At most times they are quite quiet and sometimes fumble over their words when nervous, but they are very clever. They often don't realise if they are doing something wrong. But otherwise they are pretty chill. They are a very bright eyed and happy person, morally they always try to do the right thing! Chichi loves everyone they meet. They are a very good person.

Background: TBA

Likes: Microwaves, Flowers, Cats

Dislikes: Fire, Loud noises