Guardians (๐ŸŒ—. Nyx)



Name: Nyx

Pronouns: they/it/she

Species: Aether guardian

Personality: a quiet and peaceful being. They can range from caring to neglect when it comes to their angels. They often times ignore their angels and merely collects the souls from them.

general info:

- they can create little portals to pocket dimensions. These are the only place Nyx can control 100% to her liking. The way they claim more land is by expanding the portals.

- they get to fuck with light and darkness. It is a little hard to explain but itโ€™s best explained by the infinite expanse of dark space vs the blinding pin point light of celestial bodies. So basically their powers are space.

- their domain is basically a large portal that opens to an infinite expanse of darkness. Itโ€™d be daunting to a human if they could exist there. It grows as Nyx gets more territory. Inside the darkness are these aforementioned pocket dimensions. They look like starts but rlly they are just the presence of light leaving the portals. Any light looks bright compared to no light at all.