Thomas Holt



3 years, 2 months ago


Mr. Roboto

Callous . Discreet . Judgemental . Reclusive

"I'm just a burning candle..."

Name Thomas Alexander Holt
Called Tam, Tommy, Tamales
Age 39
DoB June 4th, 1981
Gender Transman
Height 6'0
Race White German
Role Scientist (derogatory)
Demeanor Cold
HTML Pinky
Spider Lillies


Thomas Holt is a secretive man; he keeps to himself, and should others try prying into his life, he shuts them down before they can get far. A self proclaimed "Man of Science", he rarely spends time outside of work, choosing to find new ways to improve himself and others close to him. Though he wasn't always like this; if you were to ask somebody who knew him five years ago, they'd tell you that he was adventurous, maybe even outgoing. Instead, he's now a recluse of a man, pouring himself into his research. Simply put, Thomas Holt isn't one to concern himself with new people, and if you end up in his way, you'll wish you hadn't.

However, he has his moments of being rather human. Thomas cares deeply for his friend, Andrew, along with his family (except for his sister, Delilah). He dotes on his niece, Audrey, and cares for Ophelia; an a.i. that he more or less adopted as his daughter. And though his morals may be skewed, he still believes there is a right to follow and a wrong to fix. That's what he was aiming for with the project he and Andrew were working on years ago, and he still believes that what he's doing, he's doing in order to improve mankind. One can only hope that it doesn't make him stray too far from what he meant to do.




A smart man, but also running on the same three braincells.

Has a deep fear of large bodies of water.

Enjoys writing, and can be seen writing poetry at times that he calms down enough to relax.

Ophelia, your dad is gnc as fuck

Asexual and Demiromantic, has a bit of a childhood crush on his dear friend Andrew; convinced that his feelings would never be reciprocated, so he usually buries those feelings.



Andrew Brauer

Childhood best friend/crush

Thomas and Andrew practically grew up together, from being schoolyard friends to college dorm mates. Thomas supported everything Andrew did, and even was his best man when he married Thomas' sister, Delilah. Even despite his own feelings he had towards him.. He was devastated when Andrew died to a lab explosion; he did everything in his power to find someone who could bring him back. And it worked - and now Thomas only had to decide if he was prepared to express his feelings or not.



Robotic "Daughter"

Ophelia, or rather, "project.INQUIRY", was the robot that Thomas and Andrew's team were working on together before the "incident"; she was meant to test if they could mimic how humans grow and develop emotions, and what kind of things make one develop certain characteristics. At least, that's what she was supposed to be programmed with. When the lab exploded, Thomas lost her for three years; it wasn't until he found out that his sister had her that he was able to be reunited with the robot. She's needed repairs since then, so her growth has stagnated..


Josephine Hidwin

Secret Holders

Josephine is Andrew's younger sister, and naturally Thomas told her what had happened that day the incident happened. Along with what he did with Andrew's body.. She promised not to tell a soul about it; if something could bring back her brother, she was on board. She has a secret that he keeps as well; so, the two keep a mutual agreement that neither would say a thing about it to Andrew, or anybody at all. She's one of the few people that Thomas trusts unconditionally.